WaterfieldPrimary School
Religious Education Policy2015
WaterfieldPrimary School RE policy
Religious Education provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self, issues of right and wrong, and what it means to be human. It offers opportunity for personal reflection and spiritual development. It enhances the children’s understanding of different gender, class, ability, religion and cultural background. It is essential that children share their own beliefs and viewpoints, without prejudice or ridicule.
To ensure that the RE curriculum is broad and balanced, children must also have opportunities to consider faiths such as Jehova Witnesses, the Baha’I faith, Jainism and Zoroastrianism and secular philosophies such as humanism. Pupils should be taught how religions relate to each other, discussing similarities and differences.
Aims/objectives for religious education
The school follows the aims and objectives set out in the West Sussex Agreed Syllabus.
There are now three main aims for RE. These are identified below:
- To know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews, so that they can:
-describe, explain and analyse beliefs and practises, recognising diversity which exists within and between communities and amongst individuals
-Identify. Investigate and respond to questions posed, and responses offered by some of the sources of wisdom found in religions and worldviews
-appreciate and appraise the nature, significance and impact of different ways of life and ways of expressing meaning.
- To express ideas and insights about the nature significance and impact of religions and worldviews so they can:
-explain their ideas about how beliefs, practises and forms of expression influence individuals and communities
-express their personal reflections and critical responses to questions and teachings about identity, diversity, meaning and value, including ethical issues
-appreciate and appraise varied dimensions of religion or a worldview
- Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage purposefully with religions and worldviews so they can;
-ask purposeful questions
-explain their opinions about religions worldwide
More information can be found in the West Sussex Draft Policy.
Curriculum time
The syllabus needs 5% of curriculum time for Reception to Year 11 in order for it to be taught effectively. It needs to show progression and continuity. It is anticipated that the actual amount of time given each week will vary but this is equivalent to an hour a week. Religious education should be easily identifiable. When calculating the amount of curriculum time given to Re in the week, collective worship is not counted.
Curriculum organisation and Collective Worship
Religious Education is taught through a combination of classroom work and assemblies. Monday assemblies will be mainly Christian based, but will also celebrate and recognise other religions. This can be done through Music, hymns, songs, folk songs, readings from the Bible/other, prayers-silent or spoken, silence, mediation, dance, drama, story telling, ritual, a talk. There is nothing that suggests any specific form of content in assemblies. PSHE is closely linked to Religious Education, but they are treated as subjects in their own right.
Waterfield will use an array of resources to help develop the children’s knowledge in RE. These may include artefacts, DVD’s, video clips, books and peoples own experiences. Resources boxes can be found in the container, clearly labelled. A list of what resources can be found in the boxes can be found on the staff room wall.
The structure of RE at Waterfield /aims
- RE shall be provided for all pupils
- Parents have the right to withdraw their child from religious education lessons although at Waterfield we encourage all children to take part
- RE should be taught according to an agreed syllabus
- It must be non-denominational
- The agreed syllabus must reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practise of other principal religions represented.
- The religious education syllabus is distinct from collective worship
Foundation Stage
All registered pupils in schools must be taught religious education. For the purpose of religious education pupils are considered to be registered when they join the reception class. Children in Nursery class are not subject to the requirements of the agreed syllabus but they will cover various elements through PSED and Understanding of the world.
During KS1 pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through the following:
B)At least one other principal religion
And where appropriate:
C) A religious community with a significant local presence
D) A secular world view
Experiences and opportunities for this:
-visiting places of worship
-listening and responding to visitors from local faith communities
-using their senses and having time for quiet reflection
-using art, music, drama and dance to develop their talents and imagination
-to share their own beliefs
-to begin to use ICT to explore religions and beliefs as practised in the local and wider environment. DB Primary allows this opportunity.
During KS2 pupils should be taught the knowledge, skills and understanding through the following:
D)At least two other principal religions
And where appropriate:
c) A religions community with a significant local presence
d) a secular world view
Experiences and opportunities for this:
-encountering religion through visitors and visits to places of worship, and focusing on the impact of reality and religion on the local and global community.
-discussing religion and philosophical questions, giving reasons to their own beliefs and those of others
-considering a range of human experiences and feelings
-reflecting on their own and others’ insights in to life and its origin, purpose and meaning
-expressing and communicating their own and other’s insights through art and design, music, dance, drama and ICT
-developing the use of ICT, enhancing pupils awareness of religions and beliefs globally
Equal Opportunities and Inclusion
The school equal opportunities policy is used throughout the curriculum and must be adhered to at all times. In addition to this it is important in religious education to ensure the work being covered is appropriate to pupils’ who come from any religious background/no religious background. Planning in Religious Education at Waterfield will ensure it meets the needs of individuals and groups. It will respond to pupils diverse learning needs.
The day to day support for Religious Education is provided by the co-ordinator who is responsible to the Headteacher for:
-Designing and maintaining the scheme of work
-Supporting teachers with their planning and teaching
-Developing and maintaining RE
-Managing the resources for RE
-Producing a development plan for RE
-Conduction an annual review of RE
When parents request their child to be withdrawn from Religious Education they are to speak to the class teacher or Headteacher in order to clarify the beliefs and practises they wish their child to be excluded from. However, they are not obliged to state their reasons. All teachers strongly recommend that children join in with RE sessions to enable them to gain an understanding of religion, and to gain an acceptance of other religions and cultures. All teachers will inform the next teacher for transition purposes.
RE work will be recorded in topic books. The RE co-ordinator will monitor these books to ensure the work is appropriate and progressive.
Learning Environment
Religious Education will be celebrated throughout the school. Each year group will have ownership of a board in the hall to change once a term. This will be linked to the RE they have been teaching that term. It could also be linked to the PSED, or it could be seasonal. (For example; Christmas around the World/Harvest/Eid/ Diwali.)