Winchester District Local Plan Part 2 – Development Management and Allocations
Call for sites
A key element of Local Plan Part 2 is the identification of land which is required to be developed or redeveloped to meet the objectively assessed development needs of the District, up to 2031. Local Plan Part 2 must be in accordance with the strategy set out in Local Plan Part 1 and the National Planning Policy Framework.
In order to identify suitable sites that may be available to deliver the development strategy, the Council would like to hear from landowners, developers, public authorities, or individuals from within the wider community, if they know of any parcels of land (even those with an existing building on it) which could be better used for an alternative activity.
This request also extends to service & infrastructure providers and community groups who may have a future requirement for new buildings or land and have a location identified.
Local Plan Part 2 will only cover that part of the District the lies outside the South DownsNational Park. The National Park Authority has commenced preparation of its own local plan with a view to adoption by 2016. Therefore, please only submit sites in the non National Park part of the District.
Submitting a site does not guarantee its subsequent allocation, and existing statutory policies including existing settlement boundaries defined in the 2006 Local Plan will continue to apply for the time being. All sites will be tested and assessed against the spatial strategy and other key sustainability matters (for example the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment). Therefore your proposed site may not meet all the requirements needed to become an allocated site.
Anyone wishing to propose a site should complete this form and return it with a map of the site to:
Head of Strategic Planning
Winchester City Council
City Offices
Colebrook Street
SO23 9LJ
Or to
By 12pm on Friday 22 February 2013
Winchester District Local Plan Part 2 – Development Management and Allocations
Call for sites form – please complete as fully as possible and return by the date indicated.
1.Contact Details
Your name and contact details/clients details
Full Name:Address:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Agents Details (if applicable)
Organisation:Full Name:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
2. Details of Suggested Site
Site Address or location: (please provide full postal address)Grid Reference:
Please provide the following information (if it is known)
What is the size of the site? (in hectares or square metres)What is the site currently being used for? / Agriculture
Open space/recreation
If other, please state use:
If the site is vacant, has it been previously developed for uses other than agriculture?
If yes, please provide the details of previous use and when this ceased.
Is the site subject to any unimplemented planning consents?
If yes, please provide details.
Current number of people employed on the site (if any)
What is the nature of your interest in the site (e.g. are you the owner, lessee, prospective purchaser, etc)
3. Constraints
Are there any known constraints that may restrict the development of the site? e.g. highway access, flooding etc4. Future of the Site
What type of development do you think the site would be suitable for? Please indicate your preferred use and then what other alternatives you may consider.
Uses / Preferred / AlternativeResidential
Gypsy and traveller
Open space
Other (please specify)
5. Availability of the site for development
Please indicate when the site couldbe available – this plan will be adopted in 2015 and therefore sites will not be allocated prior to then.
Availability of Site for Development / YearOther supporting information:
Please return this form with a location map of the suggested site, to the address at the top of this form. Please ensure the map is to a legible scale with the suggested site outlined in red. The site location plan should indicate clearly the names of adjoining roads and the numbers of any properties adjacent to the site.