Sept. 30, 2016

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe we have completed the first month of FDK. The new students have learned many routines and they appear quite comfortable and more confident in their new environment. The children need a good night sleep after a full, busy day of activities and learning.

We have covered letters, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘k’, ‘m’, and ‘t’ and the words ‘a’, ‘am’, ‘an’ and ‘at’. Please continue to review letters, sounds and gestures and read the sight word poems. In addition, look for the sight words in the books you read together.

In literacy, we have read some of Audrey Penn’s books and have made text to self and text to text connections. We have also practiced retell by discussiing the stories in proper sequence.

In math, the students have worked on attributes and sorting. We have begun to explore patterns and the children have learned that patterns “repeat”. They have made patterns with manipulatives and we have performed different beats and action patterns.

In addition, we are working on small quantities of number and we have been exploring a 2-D shape, the circle.

This is “Safety Week” in the Durham District Board of Education. On Monday, the students met with a bus driver at the front of the school and learned about bus safety. There will be another bus safety presentation in Novemeber. Last week, Mrs. Watson, our crossing guard, came in for a visit to talk about crossing the street safely. Wealso got to practice crossing the street in the crosswalk with her assistance. Our class has practiced the procedures for ‘Lockdown’ and ‘Fire’ and we have been involved in school-wide drills for bothprocedures.

This week we met our Reading Buddies from Mr. Brown’s Grade 4/5 class. The students spent a period reading and getting to know eachother. We will meet once a week to read and work on math skills, art projects etc. This afternoon, our class participated in the “Terry Fox Walk/Run” with their Reading Buddies.

On October 31st, we will celebrate Hallowe’en. The children can wear a costume to school if it does not get in the way of the activities and learning in the morning. Otherwise, they can change into their costume after lunch. The classroom helpers will be on hand to assist those who need help. The students of Claremont Public School usually go on a parade through the town to show off their costumes. We will have a little party with treats in the afternoon. A treat schedule will be sent home later this month. Please remember, no nuts.

Thank you for your support!


D. Wright and L. Prentice

P.S. The FDK and Grades 1-2 are in the process of booking a trip in October to Narure’s Bounty. Forms will be sent home as soon as it has been arranged.


______would like to supervise on the walk to the


Claremont Library. ______

(phone number)

Last Friday most of the children got down and dirty and made nests using materials we observed in real nests. They realized that in order for the nest to hold an egg they had to form it like a bowl. Now that the mud has dried we will test out the nests to see if they can hold stones (we are pretending the stones are eggs).

On October 9th, we will be taking our first trip, along with the other FDK class, to the Claremont Library in town to see a puppet play. We will leave the school around 9:20 a.m. and walk to the library. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. If you would like to supervise on this walk please fill out the form below and return it to school in the “Important Bag”.