Novel Study: Quarter #2 The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

You are required to complete all parts I-III for each chapter.

I. CHAPTER #(Begin a new page in comp. book)

What could be a title for this chapter? Why?


Complete the following on the pages of your novel.

  1. Develop one question for every two pages (can use sticky notes or write on the pages)
  2. Highlight and label examples of the “focusliterary element” for the chapter: teacher willassign per chapter as needed. Not every page needs highlighting.

III. GUIDED READING QUESTIONS(Answer in complete sentences!)

Chapter 1

  1. What is life like in the Seam?
  2. Why are people not allowed to have weapons?

Chapter 2

  1. Is there any personal freedom in Panem?
  2. What does the dandelion symbolize for Katniss?
  3. How does the author’s use of imagery set the mood for the Seam?

Chapter 4

  1. What is symbolic of the pack of cookies bursting open in the patch of dandelions?
  2. To where did Katniss’s mother disappear?
  3. What is interesting about Effie Trinket’s last name? What could it say about her?
  4. What did Peeta and Katniss do to get Haymitch’s attention?
  5. Why do you think Haymitch is a drunk?
  6. Is Katniss a trusting person? Why?
  7. Compare and contrast the Capitol to District 12.

Chapter 5

  1. Describe the Capitol and its citizens.
  2. With what does Katniss compare her prep team? Why?
  3. How is Cinna different from the rest of the Capitol’s citizens?
  4. Why is it important to make an impression for the opening ceremony?
  5. What does Katniss think of Peeta’s kindness? What insight does this give the reader about Katniss?

Chapter 6

  1. “Well, if you put enough pressure on coal, it turns it to pearls.” Is an example of ______?
  2. What kind of reflection does the above comment make for District 12?
  3. On page 75 Katniss says that she is starving. Is that an accurate statement?
  4. How does Peeta save Katniss at the dinner?
  5. “Always worried about safety.” Is an ironic statement. Why?
  6. “But they had everything here (Capitol). No cause to rebel.” (Page 83) Did they really have everything there? Why would someone want to rebel?

Chapter 7

  1. Why should Peeta and Katniss wait until the private session to show their strengths and talents?
  2. Why is Katniss so frustrated when she has her private session with the Gamemakers?
  3. What is so ironic about Katniss thanking the Gamemakers for their consideration?

Chapter 8

  1. What does “artificial candy capitol” mean? Which type of figurative language is being used?
  2. Why would Peeta want to be coached separately?

Chapter 9

  1. What does “trust will only be weakness” mean?
  2. What is a “puppet of the capitol”?
  3. “I am as radiant as the sun.” is an example of what?
  4. What does Katniss mean when she says that Haymitch is destructive?
  5. What are signs of success in District 12?
  6. What did Peeta reveal at the interview?
  7. How did Katniss make it through the interview?

Chapter 10

  1. Why would the hearts of the citizens of Panem be with Peeta?
  2. Why is Katniss so angry about Peeta’s revelation?
  3. Why is it crucial to find a water source?
  4. What does Peeta mean “die as himself”. Who else could he be?
  5. Peeta and Katniss are having very different thoughts the night before the Games are to start. What do these thoughts tell the reader about their character?
  6. What is ironic about the Capitol audience not liking cannibalism?
  7. Why wouldn’t the Gamemakers want a lunatic to win the games? What would that say about the Games?

Chapter 11

  1. Why does Katniss feel rejuvenated in the woods?
  2. Why would Katniss feel upset about the thought of Peeta being dead?
  3. Why are “stupid people” dangerous to Katniss? (pg 159)
  4. Why is Katniss shocked that Peeta is with the pack of Career Tributes?

Chapter 12

  1. “…the Capitol’s lapdogs.” Is an example of what?

Chapter 13

47. “She’s melted into her tree.” means what? It’s an example of what?

Chapter 15

  1. What do you think about Peeta? Are his feelings sincere?
  2. How is the alliance formed between Rue and Katniss different from the alliance formed between Peeta and the Career Tributes?
  3. How did Katniss’s attitude change once she finally got her bow and arrows?

Chapter 16

  1. How is it an advantage that Rue and Katniss know how to be hungry? How do you know how to be hungry?
  2. “Destroying things is much easier than making them.” could also apply to Panem. How?

Chapter 17

  1. What happens to Rue?
  2. How does this affect Katniss?

Chapter 18

  1. Who killed the boy from District 1?
  2. How does Katniss think of Rue?
  3. How does Rue’s demise affect Katniss?
  4. What is the significance of the mockingjay singing Rue’s melody?
  5. What is the full value of the gift from District 11?
  6. List the wounds physically and emotionally that Katniss has suffered thus far.
  7. Why do you think that the Gamemakers have changed the rules so that if the remaining two tributes from the same district may be declared the winners?

Chapter 19

  1. Do you think that Peeta is sincere about his feelings for Katniss?
  2. How did Peeta let Katniss know it was he without coming out and saying it?
  3. Why is it so ironic that Katniss is so squeamish?

Chapter 20

  1. Which instinct sent Katniss to find Peeta?
  2. How did the butcher help Katniss buy the goat?
  3. How does Katniss betray Peeta?

Chapter 21

  1. Why is Katniss so lonely?
  2. What did Katniss mean about Thresh not like owing anything? What did he owe Katniss?

Chapter 22

  1. “The first gift is always the hardest to pay back.” What does that mean?

Chapter 23

  1. What does Katniss mean that Foxface is Peeta’s kill?

Chapter 24

  1. Why would Peeta be good at building a fire?
  2. What does Katniss mean that she kissed Peeta not for the audience, but for herself?

Chapter 25

  1. What is the Gamemakers’s idea of entertainment?

Chapter 26

  1. Why wouldn’t Katniss trust “anything so clean and pretty”?
  2. Why is Katniss made perfect?
  3. How are Katniss’s 3 public outfits (the chariot, interview and award ceremony) symbolic of what is to come?
  4. What did Haymitch mean when he said that Peeta was already there?
  5. How was Katniss able to defeat the Capitol?
  6. What is the most dangerous part of the Games for Katnis?

Chapter 27

  1. Why does Katniss feel so uneasy about seeing Gale?
  2. What are Katniss’s feelings for Gale?