Barbers Hill Elementary South News
November 2017
New Main Office at Elementary South
Beginning Monday, November 27th, the Barbers Hill Elementary South office located on the 2nd/3rd grade side of our campus will become the main office for the entire campus. This consolidation will help to increase efficiency, reduce confusion, and strengthen our campus safety plan.
All visitors will enter and exit the campus through the 2nd/3rd grade main office between the hours of 8:20—3:45. Student drop-off and pick-up procedures will continue to operate as usual with 2nd and 3rd grade car riders entering and exiting on the 2/3 side and 4th and 5th grade car riders entering and exiting on the 4/5 side. All other activities, including lunch visi-tors, item drop-off, and special events will require entry through the 2/3 office.
Thank you for your continued support of our campus.
Mrs. Filer
Attendance Matters
Our attendance rate for October was 97.16%
Why is attendance important?
Attendance directly impacts academic achievement.
State law requires students to attend 90% of all school days for promotion.
If your child is absent...
Send a note stating the date and reason for the absence within 3 days of his/her re-turn.
Medical documentation must be provided if a child misses more than 4 consecutive days.
Students must be in the classroom by 8:20 when the bell rings, or they will be counted as tardy.
Students will serve lunch detention for their 3rd, 4th, and 5th tardy within a six weeks.
For 5 or more tardies in one six weeks period, a student will serve an After School
Detention, a Saturday School, or time out of a school activity for each subsequent tardy.
Incentives for Perfect Attendance
Weekly perfect attendance incentives each Friday
Six weeks perfect attendance drawings
End of the year perfect attendance award
Veteran’s Day Programs
November 10th
9:00 a.m. 2nd & 3rd Grade
1:30 a.m. 4th & 5th Grade
Each student may invite a veteran who is a family member to join them for the program at BHES. We will recognize all veterans that are present during the program. Please see the Veteran’s Day handout for participation details.
Thanksgiving HolidayThanksgiving break will be Monday, November 20th through Friday, November 24th. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Mrs. Meador’s Message
The character trait of the month is SELF-CONTROL, and we will be discussing what using self-control looks like throughout the month of November. If you need anything, please contact me at 281.567.2221 ext.1502.
Visitor Reminders
All visitors must check in at the office with a driver’s license. You will receive a visitor’s badge that must be worn at all times while you are on campus.
Planning to volunteer and/or attend a field trip? You must complete a criminal background check at least two weeks prior to the event. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Carney at ext. 1518.
Thank you to our community, parents, teachers, and coordinators – Gabriel Martinez and Rosa Pfitzner for making Fall Fest a HUGE success! We appreciate Missy Malachek and the WCCCC for their help and support!
United Way Day of Caring Food Drive
Student Council will be accepting can good items from November 1st - November 10th.
-SHORTS, SKIRTS & DRESSES - all must be fingertip length or longer
-LEGGINGS/JEGGINGS - may only be worn with a top that is fingertip length
or longer; this includes yoga-style pants
-JEANS/PANTS - cannot be torn, ripped, or frayed
-SLEEVELESS SHIRTS - straps must measure 2” or more; cannot be worn by boys
-BOYS’ HAIR - cannot extend below the eyebrows, earlobes, or top of the collar
-HAIR COLOR - unnatural color or color variations is not permitted
-CHEER UNIFORMS - must adhere to all dress code requirements
Please refer to the student handbook for the full listing of dress code requirements.
College Day
We encourage all students to wear their favorite COLLEGE shirt on Thursday, November 16th. We can’t wait to see which school will be most represented!
October Eagles of the Month
2nd Grade
Hurleigh Sammon
Jackson Benefield
Bryleah Collins
Rebeca Juarez
Adam Gonzalez
Ethan Schiro
Carter Hazelwood
Reese Reddy
Maci Johnson
Rachael Reyes
Clennon Kinney
3rd Grade
Layla Macken
Lexi Davis
Josiah Sanchez
Preslee Rife
Carson Schaeffer
Brynlee Ickes
Ashton Wardlow
Garret Trathen
Brandon Carter
Pedro Lopez
Kaylie Garcia
Elizabeth Staley
4th Grade
Luke Kinder
Wesley Wake
David Perez
Aiden Banda
Harper Wells
Jaxon Bench
Dayleen Garza
Malorie Danley
Brianna Chavez
Brynlee Lenderman
Aiden Kubik
Alonso Olvera
5th Grade
Sydney McFarland
Jadyn Mabry
Abby Winzer
Elyssa De La Garza
Kolby Barrington
Garrett Gilbert
Jason Soto
Landon Davis
J.T. Mathison
Ingrid Barragan
Will Schaeffer
Upcoming Events
November 1-10 United Way Day of Caring
November 1-2 Terra Nova Testing 2nd & 5th grade
November 3 End of the 2nd Six Weeks
November 4 Veteran’s Day RSVP Due
November 5 Daylight Savings Time
November 10 Veteran’s Day Programs 2/3 @ 9:00 & 4/5 @ 1:30
Report Cards Go Home
November 16 College Day
4th Grade Field Trip Museum of Science