EDCT 463
Methods of Teaching Business
Spring 2008
Wednesdays 4:00-6:45
Instructor: Jeanne Joyce
Phone: 775-753-3949
Class Location: McMullen Hall 219
Email: (This is the best way to contact me)
Required Books/Materials
· Rader, Martha H., Editor (2003). Effective Methods of Teaching Business Education in the 21st Century Reston, VA: National Business Education Association
· 3-Ring Binder with dividers
· Nevada Business Education Standards. Available at the following site: http://www.doe.nv.gov/standards_docs/businessstandards.doc
· Nevada Information Technology Standards. Available at the following site:
Course Description
Designed for students who intend to pursue a career in teaching business subjects at the high school level. The major purpose of the course is to familiarize the student with the curriculum materials and teaching strategies which are unique to teaching business subjects. Business education is explored through the development of curricular materials and instruction procedures, including assessment and evaluation procedures. Students will be required to include Nevada Business Education and/or Information Technology Standards. Other requirements will include summarizing articles from business education journals, classroom observations, classroom discussion, and making presentations to the class.
Corequisite: EDSC 315
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program
Course Calendar
Week Date / Topic / Assigned Readings / AssignmentWeek 1
January 23 / Introduction/Overview
Community Building
Higher Order Thinking
Student Interest Survey / Nevada Business Education and Information Technology Standards
Week 2
January 30 / Business Education Perspectives
Foundations of Business
Delivery Systems for
Business Education
Current Trends in Business
Education / Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 / Quiz 1
Week 3
February 6 / Instructional Concepts for Business Education
Planning for Instruction
Providing for Students’
Learning Styles and
Differences / Chapter 4
Chapter 5 / Quiz 2
Week 4
February 13 / Instructional Concepts for Business Education
Managing the Classroom
And Technology Lab
Evaluating and Assessing
Student Performance / Chapter 6
Chapter 7 / Quiz 3
Week 5
February 20 / Business Education
Curriculum-Methods and Resources
Input Technologies / Chapter 8 / Quiz 4
Week 6 February 27 / Business Education
Curriculum-Methods and Resources
Information Technology / Chapter 9 / Quiz 5
Journal Article Response due
Week 7
March 5 / Business Education
Curriculum-Methods and Resources
Accounting and Business
Economics and Personal
Finance / Chapter 11
Chapter 13 / Quiz 6
1st Lesson Plan
Week 8
March 12 / Business Education
Curriculum-Methods and Resources
Business Foundations and
Management / Chapter 10
Chapter 12 / Quiz 7
Week 9
March 19 / Organizational and Professional Responsibilities
Sponsoring Student
Organizations / Chapter 19 / Quiz 8
Assessment of State FBLA Home Site Tests/Reports
Week 10
Week 11
April 2 / Organizational and Professional Responsibilities
Lifelong Professional
Development / Chapter 20 / Quiz 9
Assessment of State FBLA Home Site Tests/Reports
Week 12
April 9 / Business Education
Curriculum-Methods and Resources
Business Law
Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce / Chapter 14
Chapter 15 / Quiz 10
Week 13
April 16 / Business Education
Curriculum-Methods and Resources
International Business
Marketing / Chapter 16
Chapter 17 / Quiz 11
Second Lesson Plan
Due w/ Assessment and Rubric
Week 14
April 23 / Business Education
Curriculum-Methods and Resources
Cooperative Education and
Work-Experience Programs / Chapter 18 / Quiz 12
Week 15
April 30 / Journal Articles / Journal Article Responses
Week 16
May 7 / Presentations / Final Capstone Project
Week 17
May 14 / FINAL
Presentations / Final Capstone Project
Ø All written assignments completed out-of-class must be typed in Times New Roman and doubled-spaced, using 12 point font.
Ø Lesson Plans/Presentation – 250 pts. (100 pts. for first lesson and 150 for second)
Ø Classroom Observation – 100 pts.
Ø Attendance & Participation/Classroom Journal – 150 pts. (10 pts. per day)
Ø Weekly Quizzes – Total 120 pts.
Ø Final - Capstone Unit Plan/Presentation – 200 pts.
**Any changes to assignments and/or syllabus will be communicated to students in class and via Web.**
You should plan to attend every class for the entire semester. If you anticipate that you will not be able to attend all class sessions, then you should enroll in the course during a semester that you will be able to devote your full attention to it. If you do have a personal or family emergency please contact me ASAP. I will assign a maximum of 10 points for attendance and quality participation at each class session. In order to earn full attendance/participation points for each class session, you must meet the following criteria:
a) Attend entire class from beginning to end.
b) Actively, positively, and constructively participate in the scheduled class activities during the entire session. By active, positive, and constructive participation, you should be able to answer yes to the following questions: Do you come to class having read all required readings? Are you well prepared to assume an active and thoughtful role in the class activities? Do you respond to class journal in a serious and reflective manner? Do you assume responsibility for the commitments you make to others in the class? Do you work effectively with others to solve potential and/or actual problems/issues/concerns in a positive and productive manner? Is your general demeanor professional, positive, and helpful to others? Do you treat other people with dignity and respect?
Course Goals
· Discuss the foundation and development of Business Education.
· Design and illustrate course, unit, and individual lesson planning.
· Plan and practice the delivery of lessons.
· Develop classroom management skills.
· Examine subjects and content areas available in the area of Business Education
· Identify and implement state standards into lessons.
· Examine the variety of methods for evaluating and assessing student performance.
· Explain the importance of sponsoring student organizations and lifelong professional development as a business educator.
Accommodations: Any student with a disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak with me, or the counselor at the Career Center, Berg Hall, as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations.
Plagiarism Statement: “Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s word, ideas, or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references; and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the students will acknowledge the sources whenever:
v Another person’s actual words are quoted
v Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words
v Facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge.
______'s Class Journal
EDRL 489 Date______
Lesson Topic______
What I learned today:______
How it relates to what I already knew:______
What I would change:______
I didn't understand this or wish I knew more about it:______
How I would use today's book, article, Web page, lesson plan, etc.:
Adapted from Joan Taylor
Nevada Content Standards and Indicators: Include the content standard, indicator, and number. Available at the following website: http://www.doe.nv.gov/standards.html
Objectives: What outcome(s) should students be able to demonstrate upon completion of the lesson? Use an action verb in a description of a measurable outcome.
Rationale: (Brief justification- Why do you feel the students need to learn this topic? How could this lesson be integrated, or connected with other instructional areas or with real world activities?)
Content: What will be taught?
Background Knowledge: (What has already been taught? What do they already know how to do? What will be review rather than new information?)
Materials: What will you need to implement the lesson?
Evaluation Procedures: How will you measure outcomes to determine if the material has been learned? Describe how you will assess which students have reached your objectives.
Formative Checks: These occur prior to or during the learning.
Summative Checks: These occur after the learning.
Guided Reading Instructional Procedures:
* Focusing event--What will you use to get the students’ attention? With what prior knowledge will you try to connect? How will you introduce key vocabulary?
* Teaching procedures--What method(s) will you use?
o Teacher Modeling
§ The teacher explains the strategy or learning objective.
§ The teacher models how to effectively use the strategy to understand the text or the teacher models the desired learning behavior.
§ The teacher thinks aloud to show thinking.
o Guided Practice
§ The teacher purposefully guides a large/small-group conversation that engages students in a focused discussion that follows a line of thinking.
§ The teacher and students practice the targeted learning behavior together.
§ The teacher scaffolds the students’ attempts and supports their thinking, giving specific feedback and making sure students understand the task.
o Collaborative Practice
§ Students share their thinking processes with each other using
· Think-Pair-Share
· Cooperative Groups
· Partners
o Independent Practice
§ The students practice the targeted learning behavior on their own.
§ The students receive regular feedback from the teacher and other students.
o Application of the Targeted Learning Behavior
§ Students use the targeted learning behavior in literacy situations
§ Students use the targeted learning behavior in a variety of contexts
o Closure-- How will you end the lesson?
Word Study Instructional Procedures:
* Focusing event--What will you use to get the students’ attention? With what prior knowledge will you try to connect?
* Teaching procedures--What method(s) will you use?
o Teacher Modeling
§ The teacher explains the strategy or learning objective.
§ The teacher models how to effectively use the strategy to understand the text or the teacher models the desired learning behavior.
§ The teacher thinks aloud to show thinking.
o Guided Practice
§ The teacher purposefully guides a large/small-group conversation that engages students in a focused discussion that follows a line of thinking.
§ The teacher and students practice the targeted learning behavior together.
§ The teacher scaffolds the students’ attempts and supports their thinking, giving specific feedback and making sure students understand the task.
o Collaborative Practice
§ Students share their thinking processes with each other using
· Think-Pair-Share
· Cooperative Groups
· Partners
o Independent Practice
§ The students practice the targeted learning behavior on their own.
§ The students receive regular feedback from the teacher and other students.
o Application of the Targeted Learning Behavior
§ Students use the targeted learning behavior in literacy situations
§ Students use the targeted learning behavior in a variety of contexts
o Closure-- How will you end the lesson?
Accommodation for Individual Student Needs
* Learning Styles--What plans do you have for students exhibiting similarities and differences in the ways they approach learning?
* Differentiation--What plans do you have to accommodate students who would have difficulty meeting your primary instructional goals or who can already perform or know what this lesson teaches? How can you accommodate special needs students: e.g., learning support, physically challenged, socially/emotionally challenged, etc.?
* Cultural--How can this lesson build upon cultural variation? How can you accommodate students who may be experiencing difficulties with the lesson because of cultural factors?
* Gender--How can you be certain your students experience gender equity in your classroom?
* List at least three other activities that may become an extension of this lesson or that can be used to accommodate students who may quickly master this lesson. Think of engaging center activities.
Appendix B –Lesson Plan Rubric
Exceeds Expectations / Meets Expectations / Does Not Meet ExpectationsTarget Grade/Nevada Content Standards
Identify the target grade(s) and subject level. / The target grade level(s) and subject are provided and content area standards are included, in addition any English, math, and/or science standards that are met.
(3+ pts) / The target grade level(s) are provided and the appropriate standards are listed.
(1-2 pts) / The target grade level(s) are provided and the appropriate standards are missing.
(0 pts)
Objective(s) & Content & Rationale
Describe the content justification and behavior outcomes that the students will perform, the conditions under which they will be performed, and the criteria for assessing mastery. / Behavior, criteria, and conditions are clearly and concisely written (no unnecessary words). The content and grade and ability levels are identified and the appropriateness of the lesson (for this group) is well documented. Connections are made to other instructional areas and real world activities.
(10+ pts) / Behavior, criteria, and conditions are included. The content and grade and ability levels are identified and the appropriateness of the lesson (for this group) is given. Connections are made to other content areas.
(5-9 pts) / Behavior, criteria, and conditions are unclear or poorly written. The content and grade and ability levels are missing and/or, the appropriateness of the lesson (for this group) is not convincing.
(1-4 pts)
Include all materials (and explanations if necessary) that are needed for lesson. / All required materials are provided for and explained in an organized and concise manner with resources to obtain them if necessary.
(10+ pts) / All materials are included in an organized manner.
(5-9 pts) / All materials are not included but some are unclear or are disorganized.
(1-4 pts)
Instructional Procedures
Is the lesson/activity intrinsically motivating? Describe and demonstrate how the lesson works so that another teacher could understand it and adapt/implement it without your presence. / Procedures are clear and easy to follow. Follows the gradual release of responsibility framework. All items are included and are accurate. Activity is interesting and engaging for the target population. It is fun, even interesting/entertaining enough to motivate students to do whatever it takes to accomplish it and want to do it again.
(25+ pts) / Activity is reasonably different from students’ normal classroom activities. Somewhat follows the gradual release of responsibility framework. Students are motivated to try the activity.
(13-24 pts) / The activity is dry and boring. Does not follow the gradual release of responsibility framework. Technology cannot make a bad activity good or a boring activity exciting. The activity itself must be imaginative, thoughtful, and creative.
(1-12 pts)
Provide accommodations for special needs students. / Appropriate accommodations for all special populations are included.
(7+ pts) / Appropriate accommodations for some special populations are included.
(3-6 pts) / Appropriate accommodations for all special populations are not included.
(1-3 pts)
Evaluation Procedure
Describe assessment measure for determining whether the lesson’s objective(s) were met. / The behavior assessed exactly matches the behavior described in the objective and description of the lesson.
(20+ pts) / The behavior assessed closely resembles the behavior described in the objective and description of the lesson.
(10-19 pts) / The behavior is assessed, but is inconsistent with the behavior described in the objective and description of the lesson.
(1-10 pts)
Explain extensions beyond this learning. / Several well-thought out extensions are suggested.
(10+ pts) / Extensions are included, but may be disconnected.
(5-9 pts) / Few/no extensions are offered with little correlation evident.
(1-5 pts)
Oral Presentation / Articulate, well-organized, and engaging
(15+ pts) / Information delivered on the lesson.
(7-14 pts) / Minimal information presented on the lesson.
(1-7 pts)