Conceptual Physics Applied Syllabus
Mr. GiorgiTchubabria
Welcome to Conceptual Physics Applied at Lakeland Regional High School!!! This introductory course gives a general overview of the study of physical world, Covering the units of study : Measurement and Motion, Forces, Energy, Matter, and Systems, Vibrations, waves, Sound and Light. The course will attempt to give you a deeper understanding of the science processes that go on around you. This class will include oral work, written work, group projects, outside assignments, laboratory experiences and tests. This class will give you reading strategies to help you become a more effective reader and learner.
Physics Class Requirements
- Textbooks must be covered at all times.
- Bring a 3 ring binder and paper, your text, a pencil and pen to class every day.
- Buy a calculator for use in this class. This is critical for your success and ability to complete the homework and perform well on examinations. The minimum calculator is a TI-34II which should cost between $15.00 and $20.00. Look for a key with EE or EXP on it.
- Each student must maintain a bound Laboratory Notebook, where all pre-lab questions, data, post lab questions, graphs, calculations and analysis are recorded. This will be graded once each marking period.
- Show respect for everyone in the class (listen, be positive, be prepared, be on time). Be in your seat and ready to start when the late bell rings. You are to stay in your seat at the end of class until the bell rings.
- Cheating is unacceptable. You are encouraged to share ideas during discussion periods, confer with your partner during labs, work on gathering information with your classmates, but your answers must be in your own words. Anyone caught cheating will be given a zero for the assignment (homework, lab, quiz or test). Anyone permitting cheating will also receive a zero for the assignment. Your parents will be informed of the incident.
- If you are absent:
- Get the class notes from someone as soon as possible.
- If you missed a quiz or test, be prepared to make up the examination after school or during your study hall on the day you return to class. Tests will be announced approximately one week in advance, so no excuses will be accepted as to why you cannot make up the exam upon your return. If you have been absent for an extended period of time, extra time will be given to make up a test.
- It is your responsibility to find out what you missed. See me before or after class to discuss this. My grade book is open to you. If you think you missed an assignment, check the grade book. I will put a notice on the assignment board when the grade book is updated.
- If you turn work in late because of an absence, please note this on the assignment, so it does not get marked late.
- You have three days to make arrangements to make-up a laboratory or you will forfeit the right to make up the laboratory.
- If you are making up a lab that you missed, you are responsible for showing me your completed Pre-Lab work, if you wish to get credit for that work.
- All work for a chapter must be made up by the time the chapter test is taken, or you will receive no credit for this work
- All problems will be graded based on a four point scale that includes showing complete work, the answer, units and significant figures. Failure to show any item will result in the corresponding points not being earned for that assignment. The answer you want graded must be circled.
- You are required to have a 3 ring binder. Your notebook is an extremely important tool to use in preparing for quizzes and tests. Neatness and organization are important. Good note taking skills are important both in high school and in college.
- An electronic version of your textbook and much valuable information is available at I will provide you a username and password at the beginning of the semester. This information will also be available on my web site at the beginning of the semester.
- All work is due on the assigned date:
- Work is to be turned in at the beginning of class and placed on my desk in neat piles. If it is be completed during class and then turned in, it will be marked late. The only exception to this policy is if you have specific questions on an assignment, at the start of class.
- Any work which must be printed must be done outside of class or before the bell rings at the start of class. If you are out of ink or have other printer problems, you need to solve this problem. Work turned in late because, “my printer won’t work, or my printer is out of ink will be marked late. I would suggest keeping an extra ink cartridge around the house.
- Labs are due within a few days after completion of the lab.
- Any late assignment will be charged 50% of the grade for first two days, and no credit will be given after that.
- Safety:
- Fire Exit – See the procedures outlined above or near the door.
- Note the locations of the eyewash, fire extinguisher and fire blanket.
- Note locations of electric and gas shutoffs.
- Goggles and aprons must be worn during labs. No open toed shoes.
- Food and drink are not allowed in class. This includes gum, water bottles, etc.
- Report any injuries to me immediately.
- If you are having difficulty with the class, come see me. Physics is a course that builds throughout the year. You cannot learn material for the test and then forget it. It will be needed as the course goes along. Do not wait to come for help.
- Grading Policy:
- Grades are determined based on student performance on class activities including; worksheets, quizzes, tests, and lab work.
- The level of effort required for that activity will determine the numerical value of an activity.
- Each activity will have a total point value. Your grade will be determined by the points earned divided by total points available. For example, if you earn 17 points on a 20 point quiz, your grade would be 17/20 = 85%, or a B.
- Your grade for the marking period will be determined by taking the total points earned divided by the total points available.
- You will be able to do one Extra Credit Project per marking period. This will be worth a maximum of 100 points. This is true Extra Credit – points added to your points earned, with no points added to the Total Possible Points.
- Extra Help – I am available for extra help Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday after school, or during Blocks 2 and 4 daily. My schedule of availability will change. Please make an appointment with me before you come in.
Grading will be divided
15% Homework
15% Quizzes
15% Class Project
20% Lab work
35% Tests
I have read and understood the expectations of me during our year in chemistry.
Student (print)