Minutes of May 12, 2010

  1. Open Meeting –All board members were present plus parents Bonny Martin, Wendy Herbine, Char-Lynn Corscadden, Judy Turner, Donna Hoffman, and Claire Murphy (student).
  1. Principal's Report–No administrators were present due to the Mr. H-Hcontest taking place at the same time. A calendar of events for the remainder of the school year was made available. Lisa will email principal Dennis Williams about the curriculum fair date (we would like it to be earlier) and any other concerns that arise during this meeting.
  1. Treasurer's Report-Pat Higgins – balance as of 05/11/10 is $7700.04. On June 10, we will award $4000.00 in HSA scholarship money to 6 graduating seniors. Possible $2000.00 available to the senior class next year for either the prom or post prom. We are also looking for ways to contribute – a possible HSA welcome to students in the fall or a recognition event for improved students (this idea was brought up by principal Williams last year). Lisa will check with Mr. Williams about this.
  2. Secretary's Report-Kathy Mellett – minutes from March 16, 2010 were distributed.
  1. Old Business
  2. Vendor fundraiser discussion – Bonny Martin is chairing this. Proposed date is Sunday, November 7th1-5pm at the high school. (Bonny will check that this date is ok.) It will be advertised as a “shopping extravaganza” for the holidays. Bonny will try to get 25-30 vendors to sign on. The vendors will have products on hand so people will buy and take with them – no orders, no services. Vendors will pay $50 per table and give a product donation to the raffle basket.
  • The HSA will provide snacks for sale. Student volunteers will man a gift wrap table. We will advertise at all schools in the district, on channel 28, posters, newspaper etc. Parent volunteers will be solicited in the beginning of the school year 2010 and a committee will be formed.
  • Post Prom – Four parents attended Upper Dublin’s post prom at High Pointe on Saturday. Char-Lynn Corscadden described the event and the various activities for students. Security and administrators are at the door to check kids and bags as they arrive (many kids go home to change first.) One entrance/exit only. There are 80-120 parent volunteers. High Pointe charges $4000 for rental and they provide 14 staff and various activities. Decorations – balloons and posters from the student’s spirit week, Christmas lights, fairly minimal. Large prize room – every senior goes home with something. Food and water on all floors, including Rita’s waterice and breakfast items at the end. Post Prom runs approx 12pm-6am. Activities – laser tag, pool, casino room, dodge ball, mechanical bull, obstacle course, wrecking ball, other inflatable’s, fortune tellers, tattoo artists, disco room, movie/quiet room plus more. Student’s prom pics are taken to Kinko’s and blown up in black and white and displayed around High Pointe. Students can take them home at the end of the night. Students are not charged for the post prom and it is open to all seniors, even those who do not attend the prom. Parents are asked to make a $35 donation. Corporate sponsors are secured. Budget is $22,000-26,000. School board pays the $4000 High Pointe rental.

Junior Claire Murphy attended. She is running for class president next year and would like to see the post prom up and running for next year. She felt that other students would prefer the post prom be “off campus” and not at the school. She would like to see student council get involved and also stated that a “visual” would be helpful for students to have a better understanding of what goes on at a post prom.

Other suggestions: form a prom committee, ask for parent volunteers at all grade levels, get seniors involved by planning senior projects that will support the post prom effort, possibly use money raised at vendor night to fund the post prom. We need to find out the senior prom date and place for 2011. Lisa asked Char-Lynn Corscadden and Wendy Herbine to head up the committee and contact parents who are interested in helping out (email list provided).

  • Pat Higgins, Treasurer is leaving. Pat did a fabulous job this year and we thank her for all her help!
  • Scholarship Update – We had 21 applications for the re-vamped HSA scholarship this year. Six winners were selected anonymously and will be given awards on June 10th. There will be two $1000 awards, two $750 awards and two $250 awards.
  • Rosanne provided her notes from the school musical snack sales. These should be helpful for next year.
  1. New Business
  • Red and Black discussion – Lisa emailed a list of questions to Jen Tooley, the Red andBlack teacher coordinator. She responded and said some of these questions have been asked every year since Red and Black started. Discussion followed. Most parents feel that the student grievance process does not work and that all seniors should be permitted to participate in at least one event if they desire. Some parents would like to see additional events – a battle of the bands, skateboarding, etc. Follow-up with Mr. Williams.
  • Senior Awards – June 10, 2010 –Lisa, Kathy and Pat will attend and help distribute awards.
  • Treasurer position for 2010-2011 – we are still looking to fill this position for next year.
  1. Open Forum - none

See you in September!