May 2009

Spring 2009 President’s Letter

Dear Hartford CFA Society Member:

The Hartford CFA Society’sAnnual Meeting is scheduled for June 4th, 4:30pm at The Hartford Club (46 Prospect Street, Hartford, CT). Regular Members of the Society will find the proxy materials enclosed (Affiliate members Members are not entitled to vote.). All members Members are invited to attend the Annual Meeting. The slate of Officer Nominations for 2009-2010 is as follows:


/ role / e-mail
Amanda Abdella, CFA / President /
Edward (Ned) Steiger, CFA / Vice President &
Education Chair /
Timothy Walsh / Vice President & Secretary /
James Rice, CFA / Treasurer /
Hai-San (Sam) Chang, CFA / Program Chair /

The June 4th Annual Meetingwill be slightly different from previous years, in that it will be held prior to an evening event rather than a luncheon. The meeting will be both a networking opportunity and a program: “You Must Have a Networking Strategy” with Melanie Szlucha. Beginning at 5:00pm with a buffet style dinner (cash bar), Ms. Szlucha will discuss job searching basic (and not so basic) tips, including resume and interview changes and skills, body language and non-verbal signals, and many other facets of the networking and job search process.

Fiscal Year in Review

A primary goal of mine for this year has been to raise the level of service provided by the Hartford CFA SOCIETY to all of its members. Through the dedication of Board members, Committee Chairs, and all volunteers, I believe that we’ve achieved success in this area.

The 2009 Forecast Dinner exceeded even my best hopes in terms of quality and attendance. We had close to 400 attendees! Dr. Joseph Tracy, from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York did a fine job as our opening speaker, and Jeremy Grantham was outstanding as the main attraction. We all owe Jamie Rice, CFA a huge thank you for doing a fantastic job in his first year as Chair of the Forecast Dinner. We are fortunate that he has generously agreed to repeat this role next year. Mark your calendars now for Thursday, January 14, 2010.

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Spring 2009 President’s Letter
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The Program Committee had another good year. A total of thirteen programs were scheduled (including those not yet held) throughout our fiscal year. Ned Steiger, CFA did an impressive job as Chair, with assistance from Committee members Kim DiPietro, CFA, Sam Chang, CFA, and Jim Liddy, CFA. Sam Chang, CFA will assume the role of Program Chair in the new fiscal year. Having assisted Ned this year, Sam also served as VP/Secretary & Membership Chair, and launched the inaugural Hartford CFASociety’s Investment Conference,which was well-received back in September 2008. Watch our website for information on this annual conference in the early fall.

We welcome Tim Walsh, CFA to the Hartford CFA Society’s Board as VP/Secretary Membership Chair. Tim has volunteered with the Society for the last three years, most recently as chairing our Social Committee. Tim arranged our recent Spring Social at the Pond House in Elizabeth Park, which drew well in excess of one hundred members!

As you may be tired of hearing me say by now,;the Hartford CFA Society has a terrific group of volunteers. In addition to those I’ve already mentioned, returning in 2009-2010 to Committee Chair positions are Kim DiPietro, CFA(Technology) and Karyn Cavanaugh, CFA(Career Advancement/Development). It is Karyn who has been the driving force behind our upcoming June 4thAnnual Meeting evening event. New volunteer Chris Glaser will take over as chair for the Social Committee, and Bill DeRosa, CFA not only continues in his roleas Scholarship Chair, but also will continue to work with Past-President Jim Hammel, CFA on University Outreach. As always, anyone interested in volunteering should feel free to contact Jim or myself.

Concluding Remarks

Tom Keene, CFA, 2006-2007Past President, will rotate off the Board of Directors at the conclusion of this fiscal year. Tom was instrumental in getting both Jim Hammel and meI to volunteer with the Society; even more so in making sure we stayed around to serve a term each as President (Jim and I jokingly refer to this as Tom’s “exit-strategy”). Tom also presided over the successful “Name Change” project which helped better align the Hartford CFA Society with the goals and branding of the CFA Institute. Please join me in thanking Tom for his many contributions to our organization.

Also leaving us this year is Dorothy Meggie, CFA. Dorothy has been a volunteer for about six years and made countless contributions in a variety of Board and Committee roles. Most recently she organized and presided over November’s Charter Award Ceremony. Thank you, Dorothy, for all your contributions to our Board and the Society in general.

Before I close, II want to conclude by wishing next year’s President, Amanda Abdella, CFA, all the best. Amanda will be taking over at a time when the Society is enjoying both an increase in participation by members and non-members alike, and an increase in awareness by the entire community as well. I know that Amanda is up to the task and will help carry that momentum forward.

It has been a pleasure to serve as your President for this past year. I want to thank the entire membership for the opportunity and support you have shown me during my tenure. On behalf of the Board, Officers, and all volunteers of the Hartford CFA Society, have a wonderful summer.

All the best,

Jack Cockerill, CFA

2008-2009 Hartford CFA Society President



Proxy Materials (Regular Members only)