Sacajawea Elementary PTA General and Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 – 6:00pm – Media Center

Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm by Katie Jeffries.

Secretary: Stephanie Seley presented the April meeting minutes. Minutes were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Karie Rinker and Teddy Raines reported. Sealed April statement is available for opening, reviewing, signing and dating by a non-signing board member. Umpqua Bank Balance as of March 31, 2016 was $28,897.91. Umpqua CD Balance as of March 31, 2016 was $16,170.63. $2.62 deposit on March 3, 2016 for EScrip. Donation on December 22, 2015 for Skyhawk News in the amount of $2,000. Donation on January 1, 2016 for 5th grade iPad accessories in the amount of $500.00. Donation on April 15, 2016 for BizTown in the amount of $750.00.

Changes to the budget to reflect numbers this year. The amounts reported total $1,950.00 to be moved to unallocated funds that can be used for unbudgeted funds requests. Accounting: +$225, Art to Remember +$400, Fall Fundraiser +$700, Back to School +$75, Giving Tree -$50, Art Department +$200, Donations -$300, Spring Fundraiser +$1,000, Curriculum Night +$50, Reflections +$50.

There are two unbudgeted funds requests. First is from the 1st grade team for t-shirts for the zoo field trip in the amount of $274.23. Karie Rinker motioned to approve the t-shirt funds, Cristi Wikstrom seconded. Motion unanimously approved. The second unbudgeted funds request is from the Citizens’ Committee for Good Schools Bond Campaign in the amount of $100. This is something we have supported in the past. This is for campaign support for the bond in February. Angela Arnett motioned to approve the request, Wendi Stone seconded. Motion was unanimously approved.

Principal/Teacher Report: Travis Bond reported for both he and Jodi Church (who was also in attendance). A big thank you for the wonderful Staff Appreciation week.

Active Committee Reports:

Awards: Katie Jeffries reported that we have many WSPTA Nomination forms for Golden Acorn (Volunteer), Outstanding Advocate and Outstanding Educator Awards. Awards will be presented to the winners in June.

Bike to School Week: Heather Lindberg reported. 63 bikes, 10 kids decorated their bikes for the contest, 3 got big prizes and the rest got other prizes. Helmet donations fell through but there were enough from previous years.

Earth Day: Cristi Wikstrom reported. Mrs. Baybado and a group of kids got the garden cleaned up, the flower beds were weeded, trash was picked up and there will be another clean up at 10 on Sunday.

Carnival: Angela Arnett reported. Reminder going home Friday about games, last minute items, and final buy-a-bid. Need more volunteers. Sending out another plea for volunteers, selling tickets tomorrow after school. May have a card reader at one of the ticket booths on the day of. Baskets have been coming in, all of them are listed on the buy-a-bid list. Hopefully we will meet our $3,000-$4,000 fundraising goals. Green Team water bottles will be for sale at the snack shack.

Staff Appreciation: Katie Jeffries reported that the staff had a lunch on May 3rd courtesy of the Social Committee and PTA for Staff Appreciation Day.

Ongoing Committee Reports:

5th Grade Committee: Katie Jeffries reported. Any snack shack donations would be great. Individually wrapped items are great. Terri Brashear is doing inflatables, Jenny Cochell and Lindsay Kolar are helping with Dilly Bars, Matt and Katie Jeffries are doing the snack shack. Snack donations welcome, but no peanuts, please.

Membership: Wendi Stone reported that we have 124 members and found 2 membership forms in the box.

Newsletter: Brianna Welburn reported that she will be putting together the newsletter soon. Brianna won an Outstanding Newsletter Award for the Skyhawk Scoop which will be presented at the Washington State PTA Conference.

Rewards: Cristi Wikstrom reported. Received a Boxtops check for $664.90. Spring contest is April 15th to May 18th.

Website/Facebook: Stephanie Seley reported. The website is getting nearly 150 visitors and 390 page views a week. Stephanie also won an Outstanding Website Award to be presented at the Washington State PTA Conference.

New Business: A new meeting time of 3:15 on the second Tuesday of every month will be voted on at the June meeting.

Announcements: June 8th, 5-6 pm (prior to the PTA meeting) we will have our 2016-2017 calendar meeting. Hopefully about two weeks later we’ll have the budget meeting.

Washington State PTA Convention will be May 20-22nd. Council has given Brianna a $250 grant to go. Stephanie Seley, Teddy Raines, and Karie Rinker may also attend.

The Foundation Luncheon is coming soon. You can register to sit at the Council PTA table.

Meeting adjourned at 6:32 pm by Katie Jeffries.