

For loan closings in St. Louis City, St.Louis County,Cityof Florissant, unincorporated St.CharlesCounty, O’Fallon,theCityof St.Charles,and Jefferson County




The staff of BeyondHousing’s Neighbor Works®HomeownershipCenter is excited to workwith you as apartof The Homebuyer’sTeam. The Homebuyer’steam workstogether to make the dreamof homeownership areality for low- to moderate-income householdsin St. Louis and the surrounding region.We also work to make homeownership an asset-building and wealth-creating experience.

As a team, we collectively strive to help each Homebuyer complete the home purchasing process in a timely manner and as stress-free aspossible.

This informationis intendedto assisteligible homebuyers in obtaining fundsfor closinganddownpayment costs.

Thestep bystep process:

1.Complete8hours ofeducationclass. (Yourcertificateis good for two years)

2.Completea one-on-onecounselingsession and achieve “Homeownership ReadyStatus”. Duringyour counseling sessionlet yourcounselor knowyouareinterestedinoneofthe down-paymentassistance programs. Pleasenotecounselorsdo not approveyou fordown-paymentassistance.

3.Obtaina RealtorandLender

4.Haveyour LenderandRealtorsendallinformationrequestedfrom File checklist toLendingDepartment Attn: Stacey Preston314-533-0600 ext.26,x314-665-3041

5.Workwith theLendingDepartmentforloanapprovaltocomplete your fileand closeonyournewhome.

Beyond Housing’s Lending Department issuesacommitment letterfordown-payment and closingcost funds afterverifying required documents. Do not assumeyou arequalified until you have received an approval letter.

Beyond Housing

NeighborWorks Homeownership Center

Catch theDream – Keep theDream


Training Schedule

January 23, 2016:St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd

February 20, 2016:CU Excel Center - Pagedale

March 19, 2016:St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd

April 16, 2016:CU Excel Center - Pagedale

May 21, 2016:St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd June 25, 2016: CU Excel Center - Pagedale

July 23, 2016:St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd

August 20, 2016:To Be Determined

September 17, 2016:St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd October 15, 2016: To Be Determined

November 12, 2016:St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd

December 6, 2016:To Be Determined

DatesLocationsSubject toChange – Please CallAhead toConfirm

ClassTuition -$95.00(Includesmaterialsandlunch)

Online ClassTuition - $125.00




This overview isfor informationalpurposes only and nottobeusedfor underwriting.

Theseguidelines areestablished byHUD and are subject to change annually. Beyond Housing’s Lending Department issuesacommitment letterfordown-payment and closingcost funds afterverifying required documents. Do not assumeyou arequalified until you have received an approval letter.

1stHome Program:Catchthe Dream - Keep theDream

Fundsarereleasedannually. Fundsarelimited and areon afirstcomefirstserved basis. Fundsarereserveduponreceiptofafullyexecutedsalescontract.Pleaseforward sales contractto . Please visit under the program tab >Homeownership Center>DownPayment Assistancefor the latestinformationon the availability offunds.

The1stHomeProgramoffersalimited numberof loanstohomebuyerswithin StLouisCounty,Cityof Florissant,JeffersonCounty,City ofStCharlesandSt CharlesCounty*.St Charles CountyincludesCottleville,DardennePrairie,LakeSt.Louis,St Peters,WeldonSpring, Wentzvilleand allof unincorporated StCharlesCounty.Fundscanbeusedfordownpayment andclosing costs.

Overviewand requirements:

• Must beafirst timehomebuyer- afirsttimehomebuyer, havingnot owneda homein

thepastthreeyears or havinglostahomeduetodivorceandhave custodyofchildrenfromthe divorce.(Unincorporated St.Charles Countydoes NOThavethis restriction).

• Homebuyers mustcompletehomebuyer education and one-on-one counseling.

Toregister for the Homebuyer Education Class pleasevisitthewebsite and look under the Program tab forHomeownership Center/EducationandCounseling.

• ForgivableLoaninformation:0%interest5year forgivable:$3,500.00for the Cityof Florissant, $3,500.00 in theCity of St Louis and$5,000.00 for Jefferson County.This loanrequires NO monthlypaymentsandis forgivenafterfiveyears. Ifatanytimeduringthefive year term,theHomebuyer decides to move or sell theproperty,thetotal loan amountwill haveto bepaidback tothe jurisdiction.

• Deferred Loaninformation:0%interestdeferred loan$3,000.00for St

LouisCounty, $5,000.00for*St CharlesCounty, $5,000.00for theCityof St

Charlesand$5,000.00for theCity ofO’Fallon.*StCharlesCountyincludesCottleville,

DardennePrairie,LakeSt.Louis,StPeters,WeldonSpring,WentzvilleandallofunincorporatedSt Charles


This loan requires NOmonthlypayments anduponsale,transfer oftitleor

refinance,thetotal loanamountwill haveto bepaidbacktothe jurisdiction.

•Boththehomebuyer andthehouseitselfmustqualifytobeeligiblefor down payment

andclosingcost assistance.

•Property must not have been tenant occupied within the last 90 days.

•Must have atleast$1,000.00ofyour ownfunds withinthetransaction.Funds mustbe


•Gross Household(before taxes) incomefrom all sources (including wages, SSI, disability, retirement, pension, etc.) mustnot exceed80%of HUD medianincome.

*For incomeguidelinepurposes,ahouseholdincludesallpeopleresidinginthe home.

•Debt to Income (DTI) can not exceed 36% of housing payment and 42% including all other

debts listed on credit report

• TheHomebuyer mustqualifyfor afixed-rateFHA, VA,MHDC,FannieMaeor FreddieMac

loanor anapproved portfolioproduct.Itshouldbefixed-rate, ofA or A- quality. Total CLTVcannotexceed105%.

•Contactyour Lender andRealtor toforwardFileitemsneeded(seepage8).

•Fundsfrom BeyondHousingCANNOT beusedtopaythe agents commission, repairs, or


•Thehomebeingpurchasedwiththefundsmust passoccupancyinspection for the

applicablejurisdictionas well as other requiredinspections listed in theFile items needed (see page 8)

•TheHomebuyer will signaseparateset ofloandocuments andalienwill be placed

againstthepropertyforthedown paymentandclosingcostassistance.

•BeyondHousingdoesnotallowa‘brokerfee’,“brokeragecommission’ etc.

•The exactamount offunds receivedwill reflectonthefinal settlement statementminus titleservice chargesandrecordingfees.Two-HundredandTwentyFive dollars ($225) isthe maximumamountallowed.

•Approved Title Agents (seepage19)

Totalhousehold*incomeof Homebuyermust be 80%orbelowthe St.LouisArea Median Income(AMI)asestablished bytheDepartment of Housing and Urban Development

FY2015IncomeLimitsfor80%ofHUDAreaMedian GrossIncome

1 person -$39,400 / 5 persons -$60,750
2 persons -$45,000 / 6 persons -$65,250
3 persons -$50,650 / 7 persons -$69,750
4 persons -$56,250 / 8 persons -$74,250


TheNeighborhoodStabilizationProgram isofferingalimitednumber ofloansforcertifiedNSP homes. Youcanfindalistof theStLouis Countyor CityofFlorissantNSP homesat theSt. Louis County website:


Overviewand requirements:

•Must bepurchasinganNSPCertified Home.

•Homebuyers mustcompletehomebuyer education and one-on-one counseling.

Toregister for Homebuyer Education class, pleasevisitthe Beyond Housing website and look under the Program tab forHomeownership Center, then EducationandCounseling.

•Loaninformation:0% interest 5year forgivableloan. If over $14,999.00theloan is a 0%

interest10year forgivableloan.Thisloanrequires NOmonthly paymentsandisforgivenafterfiveyears or tenyears. If atanytimeduringthe term oftheloan,theHomebuyer decides tomove or sell theproperty,thetotal loanamountwill haveto bepaidbacktothe jurisdiction.

•Must have atleast$1,000.00ofyour ownfunds withinthetransaction. Funds mustbe


•Household income mustnot exceed120%HUD area median gross income.Chart is

providedbelow. *For incomeguidelinepurposes,ahouseholdincludesallpeopleresidinginthe home.

•TheHomebuyer mustqualifyfor afixed-rateFHA, VA,MHDC,FannieMaeor FreddieMac

loanor anapproved portfolioproduct.Itshouldbefixed-rate, ofA or A- quality. Total CLTVcannotexceed105%.

•Thehomebeingpurchasedwiththefundsmust passoccupancyinspection for the

applicablejurisdictionas well as other requiredinspections listed in theFile checklist onpage9.

•Contactyour Lender andRealtor toforwardFileitemsneeded(seepage8).

•Fundsfrom BeyondHousingCANNOT beusedtopaythe agents commissionortopay

down debtneededtoqualifyfortheloan.

•Anapprovalletterissued fromBeyond Housing’sLendingDepartment will be

furnishedtotheLender andRealtor upon approval oftheloan.This booklet is for informationpurposes onlyandshouldnotbe considered asunderwriting guidelinesforLenders or Realtors.

•TheHomebuyer will signaseparateset ofloandocuments andalienwill be placed

againstthepropertyforthedown paymentandclosingcostassistance.

•BeyondHousingdoesnotallowa‘brokerfee’,“brokeragecommission’ etc.

•The exactamount offunds receivedwill reflectonthefinal settlement statementminus titleservice charges andrecordingfees.TwoHundredandTwenty-Five($225) dollars isthe maximumamountallowed.

•The house being purchased cannot be located in a 100-year flood plain.

•St Louis County NSP can be combined with the 1st HOME $3,000 down-payment

assistance program.

FY 2015IncomeLimits for 120%of

HUD AreaMedian Income

1 person -$59,050 / 5 persons -$91,100
2 persons -$67,500 / 6 persons -$97,850
3 persons -$75,900 / 7 persons -$104,600
4 persons -$84,350 / 8 persons -$111,350

Wework withthebuyer’s real estate agentandloanofficer togatherrequired documents for scheduled closings. Thisrequires cooperationfromtheagents,their assistants,theloan officers andtheir processors.Thank youin advance!

PleaseforwardallitemslistedbelowandforwardChecklist toyourLenderandRealtor


ItemsRequiredforDownPaymentand Closing Cost Assistance

These highlighted itemsare needed priortoBeyond Housing
qualifying a clientand issuing an approval letter for downpaymentaand
and closing costassistancefunds.

Budget worksheet

Intake form

8 hours of education and one-on-one counseling with an approval from your assigned counselor indicating that you are ready for homeownership. Please note your counselor cannot approve or qualify you for down payment assistance.

Loan Estimate with subject property listed

Last two months bank statements

Recent Credit Report

Residential Sales Contract with all addendums

 Most recent consecutive pay stubs showing at least three months worth of income including other income such as self employment, social security, disability etc. for all household members 18 years or older and dated within 6 weeks of closing. (Married individuals that are legally separated must provide the legal separation agreement. If not legally separated the spouse’s income and credit will be included in the household and must be provided.)

Previous year’s W-2s

Previous year’s tax return (unless self-employed, then we need two years)

1003 Application from Lender

Loan commitment letter showing final loan amount, rate and term

Commitment for Title Insurance showing applicable jurisdiction as a lien holder, name and number of closing agent from Title company- This must be an approved title agent with Beyond Housing. All title agent approved with Beyond Housing have approval certificates.

Residential Appraisal Report – Full URAR with the value no less than the contract sales price

Survey at closing

Flood Certification from Lender

Homeowner’s Insurance Certificate showing coverage and contact information for insurance agent.

Occupancy permit and visual lead from applicable jurisdiction based on their First-time Homebuyer’s Inspection *Please see attached booklet on instructions on how to order this inspection

Occupancy Permit or a Code Compliance Letter from local municipality, if applicable

Third-party building inspection performed by NASHI OR ASHI-Certified Building Inspector

Inspection notice signed by seller and buyer

Seller signed URA statement of occupancy

Termite Inspection with any infestations treated


Passed Laclede gas inspection

St Louis City Occupancy permit – St Louis City Building Div. 314-622-3318

Visual lead letter from third party building inspector

12 month home warranty

Standard FHA roof inspection performed by a licensed roofer

Please notethe clientis notapproved until theloan approvalisissued. Iftheymusthavetheassistanceto close,werecommendNOTordering inspectionsuntilyou have received an approvalletter.

Allitems should befaxed to (314) 665-3041Attn:Stacey Prestonor emailed to orhand delivered as soon aspossible.

BeyondHousingmustbecleartoclose5 dayspriorto closing.Pleasekeepthisinmindwhenschedulingthe closing.

Theguidelines foran AS ISProperty:

Some “asis”homescan not obtain occupancypermitspriortoclosing. Occupancypermitsfor the jurisdictionsand the municipality are required for the programprior toclosing.If the home you are buyingcannot obtain the occupancypermits,the homewould notbe eligible for the program.

If your client is willingtorepairthe homePRIORtoclosing, BeyondHousing will need the documentation below to approve the property prior to the repairsbeingdone.

1. Failed inspections

2. Contractor Bidsonall items on the inspections

3. Appraisal

4. Client Bankstatements

Therepairsplusthesalespricecannotexceedtheappraisedvalue. The propertycondition mustbeapprovedbyBeyondHousingpriortomaking any repairs.

Beyond Housing’s Lending Department staff issues a commitment letter for down-payment and closing cost funds after verifying requireddocuments. Ifthe informationchangesorexpires,anew approvalletterwillneedto beissued.

Theexactamountoffundsreceived is reflected on thefinal settlement statement. Recording feesand titleservicefeeswill bededucted fromthetotal amount received.

Please provideallPaid Outsideofclosing receiptsto the title companyagent.



PublicWorksDepartment HOMEInspection


Buyermust callorvisit appropriatePublicWorksOfficeand request a“First TimeHomebuyerInspection”.

Inspectionwillbescheduledwithin1to 2days.Buyermust specifywhowillmeet inspector at thehome.Inspectionwilltake1½ hours to complete.

Buyerwillreceiveacopyof the checklist and if no violationsoccurwillreceive anOccupancyPermit*and VisualLead Clearanceinthemail,ormaypickit up within1-2days.(Youmust get thisto Beyond Housing at least5businessdays priortoyour closing)

If violations arepresent,buyermust notifyPublic Workswhenviolationshave been repairedand schedulere-inspection.


$95.35forinitialinspection plusonere-inspect.


No checksaccepted,onlymoneyorder, cash or cashierchecks.Offices:

North of Hwy40

North CountyGovernment Center

21 Village Square

Hazelwood MO63042


South of Hwy40

South CountyGovernment Center




*Alloccupantsof thehouseMUST belisted on thepermit*


City of Florissant

Down-paymentAssistance Program



•Must be arranged and paid forbythe seller

•Initialinspectionandallre-inspectionsmust be completedat least 2weeks priorto closing


•VisualLeadAssessment conducted byCommunityDevelopment Office

•VisualLead ClearanceLetterissued byCDDirectorwhenapproved


OnceCommunityDevelopment Office hasreceived thereservation form and determined that the propertyiswithin thecitylimits:

TheCityof FlorissantCommunityDevelopment Officewillverify that ahousing inspection hasbeenscheduled& paid forbythe seller.

•Thebuyercannotschedulethishousing inspection

•They willdetermine thestatusof thisinspection and informBeyond

Housing of that status.

•All codeviolations associatedwith thishousing inspection must be completed,re-inspected & approved at least 2weekspriorto closing.

•Approvalforoccupancymust beobtained 2weekspriorto closing.

•No “conditional” occupancypermitswillbe accepted.

Oncethefinalinspection hasbeen approved,theCommunityDevelopment Office will conduct theVisualLead Assessmentand if approved,issueaVisualLead ClearanceLetterto Beyond Housing.

*Alloccupantsof thehouseMUST belisted on thepermit*


St. Charles County HOME Inspection Process

International CodeCouncil, PropertyMaintenanceCode2009

HUD requires thatallproperties purchasedwiththe assistance ofHOMEfundswillbe inspectedtoensure thatthe propertyis code compliant.Forproperties inthe unincorporatedarea ofSt.Charles County,CityofSt.Peters and Cityof Weldon Springtheinspections are throughthe BuildingCode EnforcementDivision ofSt. Charles County.

Contact Information: 636-949-7345

StCharles CountyBuildingDivision

201 NorthSeconds St.,Rm.412




$80 for initialinspectionand one follow-up, additionalinspection will be $30 per visit. Procedures:

Buyer mustcall or visitthe BuildingCode EnforcementDivision,statethat they

area homebuyer usingHOMEfunds, andwouldlike to requestaninspection. The inspectionapplicationform andpaymentmust be receivedbytheBuildingDivision

48 hours inadvance ofthe inspection.

The buyer mustspecifywhowill meetthe inspector andplan 1½ hours for the inspection.

Ifnoviolationsoccur,the buyer willreceivea Certificate ofCompliance that includes a visual leadclearance.

Ifviolations are present,the buyer must notifythe BuildingCodeEnforcement

Division whenthe violationshave beenrepairedto schedule a re-inspection.

Ifthepropertypasses,the Certificate ofCompliancewillbe issued.Ifthe property fails,additionalinspection fees will be chargedfor subsequentinspections

The St.CharlesCountyBuildingDivision onlydoesHOMEinspectionsfor the unincorporatedareaof St.CharlesCounty,Cityof WeldonSpringandCityof St. Peters.Allproperties withinCottleville, Dardenne Prairie, LakeSt. Louis,St.Paul andWentzville must gettheirinspectionfromtheir citybuildingdepartment.


City of St. Charles 1st HOME Inspection Process



HUD nowrequirestheCityto contractwith inspectors to perform code compliances,orhaveCitystaff completetheinspection. TheCityof St. Charleshasopted toperformtheinspectionsthrough itsCommunity Services,Code Enforcement Division,onallpropertyfor clientsrequesting assistance through theHomeownershipAssistanceProgram.

Cityof St.Charles

Department of CommunityDevelopment

200N.Second Street,STE303




BuyerorRealtormust call24hoursin advanceto receive an inspection the following day,(inspectionsmust becalledin priorto be scheduledforthefollowing day) It istheCity’spreferenceto havethebuyerpresentfortheinspection so that thebuyerunderstandswhatneedsto be repairedif thereareviolations.

To scheduleinspections callAnitaTelkamp 636-949-3224.

Inspection usuallylasts about ½ hourto 45minutes. You need to allowsomeextratimein casetheinspectorrunslatedue to previousdays inspections.

If there areviolationsthebuyerwillreceiveacopyof the“FieldCorrectionNotice”. If thebuyer isnot present then thefieldcorrection notice maybeprovided to the housing counseling agency. Citywillprovidebuyeror agency(not both)with afield correction notice. Itwillbetheresponsibility of the housing counseling agencyto providethebuyerwith thefield correction noticeif thebuyerisnot present.

If violations arepresent,buyermust notifyCommunityDevelopmentwhen violationshavebeen repairedand schedulere-inspection. If propertypasses, OccupancyPermitwillbeissuedasabove. Therewillbenochargeforthe inspection.TheOccupancyPermit isgood for 90days.

1stTimeHomeBuyerHOMECertificateofOccupancyincludes the VisualLead Assessment: After approvalof theinspection theCertificateisemailorfaxed to thehousing counseling agencynot theHomebuyerorRealtor.If theBuyeror Realtorwantsa copytheywillrequest one formthehousing counseling agency.

*Alloccupantsof thehouseMUST belisted on thepermit*


O’Fallon, MOInspection Procedures

The United StatesDepartment of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requiresan inspection performed byabuilding inspector fromthe City of O’Fallon. The Cityof O’Fallonwillperformthe inspectionbasedon the2009 InternationalPropertyMaintenance Code.

To schedule aninspection, agents/buyers in the First-Time Home Buyer Down Payment Assistance programneed to contact Stacey Preston 314-533-0600 ext. 26.

Please note that:

Inspection requestsreceived by4:00p.m. willbeon the next day’s schedule. Inspectionsare done MondaythroughFridayfromapproximately 9:00 a.m.–3:00p.m.with abreakfor lunch from11:30 –12:30.

The buyeror agent must be present duringthe inspection.

The buyerwillreceive aninspection sheet indicatingwhether or not the propertypassed theinspection. If the propertypasses,then the buying processmaycontinue.If the propertydoesnot passtheinspection then the items listed must berepaired followed by another inspectionthat must pass before the buyer can closeon the home.

The CityofO’FallonwillsendBeyondHousingalldocumentsneededtocompletethesale.

*Alloccupantsof thehouseMUST belisted on thepermit*


Jefferson County Building Division


HUDnowrequiresthattheCounty contract withinspectorstoperformcode compliances, or haveCounty staff inspect. Jefferson County has optedto performtheinspectionsthroughourJeffersonCounty BuildingDivision,onall propertyforclientsrequestingassistancethroughtheJeffersonCounty1stTime Homebuyer Program.

Jefferson CountyBuilding Division Cost: $90forinitialinspection

P.O.Box100 and onefollowup,additional

725Maple Street inspectionsapproximately$40.00per

Hillsboro,MO63050 hour. No checks,onlymoneyorders,

636-797-5310 cash orcashiers checks.

1stHomeInspectionAdmin:Permit length is90days.


Lead Inspector: DennisRogers


Buyermust callorvisit the Jefferson CountyBuilding Division and request “FirstTime HomebuyerInspection”.

Inspectionwillbescheduledwithin1to 2days. Buyermust specifywhowill meet theinspector.Plan 2hoursforinspection.

If no violationsoccur,buyerwillreceivea copyof theinspection report, checklist and visualleadclearanceindicatingcompliancewith thestandards. Copywillbe mailed toaddressidentified bybuyer,orbuyermaypickupwithin 1-2days.

If violations arepresent,buyermust notify theBuilding Divisionwhen violations havebeen correctedand schedulethere-inspection. If propertypasses, compliancewillbeissued as above. If fails, additionalinspection fee willbe charged.


City of St. Louis

St Louis City Occupancy Permit Inspection OR St. Louis City Housing Conservation Inspection

98% of property in St. Louis is located in a Housing Conservation District

As required by Ordinance #69202 [ the City Housing Conservation District Inspection is a basic code inspection designed to check for minimal interior building code violations, and meet minimum exterior standards under the International Property Maintenance Code.Itisnotintended to imply a guarantee or warranty as to the overall condition of the building and/or its systems.For residential sales, a Certificate of Inspection shall be obtained before occupancy of the unit is permitted.

Units must be inspected before you rent or sell! When a structure contains a dwelling unit and is located in a Housing Conservation District, a Certificate of Inspection is required before:

  • A vacant residential unit is occupied.
  • A sale of an occupied structure and a Certificate of Inspection has not been issued within the last 12 months.

A Certificate of Inspection is valid for a period of 12 months, therefore, those units which have been inspected and have received a valid certificate are not required to be reinspected. Units are only required to be inspected when there is a change of occupancy.

  • You may apply online at
    You may apply in person at City Hall- Rm 425.

As a part of the application process, you will be scheduling the inspection at the conclusion.

The earliest your inspection may be scheduled is 3 business days from today. The latest your inspection may be scheduled is 15 days from today. If your property will not be ready for inspection within this time frame please apply when you are ready.

The cost of an application is $90.00. If a resident is found to be occupying a dwelling that does not have a current certificate of inspection then the application fee is $150.00

Property managers may apply for multiple inspections at the same address at a discounted rate. The initial application is $90.00 or $150.00; each additional application at the same address is $50.00 each.Currently, the Housing Conservation Office accepts cash and checks only. forms of payment accepted on are:Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Electronic Check.

Water and electric must be operable at the time of inspection. Inspectors examine a building's exterior, interior, interior common areas and set a dwelling's occupancy load. If a Certificate of Inspection is issued with violations, the property owner has 30 days to make the necessary repairs. Extensions may be granted due to weather or other specific causes.


314-622-4800City Hall 1200 Market StreetSt Louis MO 63103

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