804 Adrian Blvd.Phone: (541) 372-2275

Nyssa, OR 97913Fax: (541) 372-2204

Name of Volunteer:



Parent/guardian if Volunteer is a minor:

Description of Activity(Activity):

Indemnification:InconsiderationforuseofNyssa School District’s property,Volunteeragreesto waive and discharge any and all claims against the District and release it from liability, up toand includingclaimsforanynegligentactionsoftheDistrictoritsemployeesoragents,tothefullestextent allowed by law, for Volunteer, its members, employees, agents, contractors, suppliers, or guests. Volunteer also agree to release, exonerate, discharge and Hold Harmless the District, its Board of Directors,the individual members thereof, and all officers, agents, employees, volunteers, and representativesfrom liability,claims,causesofaction,ordemands,includingattorneyfees,arisingoutofinjuriesofany kind to Volunteer, or to its property, or losses of any kind which may result from or in connection with the useof theDistrict’sfacility,uptoandincludinginjuriesstemmingfromthenegligentactionsoftheDistrictor its employees or agents. Volunteer, or volunteer’s parent/guardian certifies and represents that it has the legal authority towaive, discharge, release, and hold harmless the released parties on behalf of itself and itsmembers, employees, agents, contractors, suppliers, orguests..

Property Damage: Volunteeragrees to reimburse the District for damage to the District's property thatiscausedbyUserorUser'smembers,employees,agents,contractors,suppliers,orguests.

Alteration, addition, or improvement: Volunteershall not make alterations, additions, or improvementsto District property or equipment. If Volunteer makes an alteration, addition, or improvement in breach ofthisagreement,thentheDistrictinitssolediscretionmayrequireVolunteertoremovethealteration,addition,or improvement and restore the property to its original condition at User’s expense; these expresslystated remedies are in addition to all other availableremedies.

Repairs,Maintenance,andCleanup:AtVolunteer'ssoleexpense,Volunteershallmaintainingoodrepairtheareas of the District's property utilized under this Agreement. As determined by the District's solediscretion,Volunteer agrees to repair, replace, or compensate the District for any cleanup required or for anydamage sustained to District property arising from Volunteer’s activity of District property. Upon Volunteer's completion ofactivity on theDistrict'sproperty,theVolunteershallleavethepropertyinthesameorbetterconditionasreceived.

RightofEntrance:TheDistrictretainstherighttoenterDistrictpropertyatalltimesduringthetermof this Agreement, including the property being used by Volunteer under thisAgreement

Accessibility:TheDistrictwarrantsthattheDistrict'sfacilitiescomplywithallapplicableregulationsand guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The District has made every effort to makeits premises accessible by removal of barriers wherever reasonable and has provided alternativeservices wherever barriers cannot be reasonably removed. Volunteer shall be responsible for compliance withthe ADA in connection with activities that are controlled by theVolunteer.

Anti-Discrimination Policy: Volunteer warrants that it does not discriminate on the basis of race,color,religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or any other protected status. The District reservesthe right to deny use of District facilities to groups that do not comply with the District'santi-discrimination policy.

BloodbornePathogens:VolunteeragreestoadheretothefederalandstateOHSAstandardspertainingto bloodborne pathogens and any necessary clean-up of blood or other bodyfluids.

District'sPolicies:VolunteeragreesthattheschoolpropertywillbeusedinaccordancewiththeDistrict’s rules and School Board policies. Note that smoking, or the use of any drug, alcohol, ortobacco products, is prohibited on all District property, including buildings and outdoorareas.


Severability Clause: This Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law.If anyprovisionoranypartofanyprovisionofthisAgreementisheldtobeinvalidorlegallyunenforceableforanyreason,theremainderofthisAgreementshallnotbeaffectedtherebyandshallremainvalidand fullyenforceable.

Waiver: Failure by the District to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed awaiver of the provision or modification of this Agreement. A waiver by the District of any breach of aprovision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach and shall not be construedto be a modification of the terms of thisagreement.

Volunteer, or volunteer’s legal parent/guardian, certifies to have read this document and fully understand itscontents.


Printed Nameof Volunteer or Volunteer’s Legal Parent/GuardianDate


Signature of Volunteer or Volunteer’s Legal Parent/Guardian