Guidelines for Teaching a Class for Green Valley Area Education Agency
Guidelines for Teaching a Class through Green Hills Area Education Agency
- Abide by the 15 contact hours per credit hour. This means that a working lunch does NOT count toward the 15 hours. There should be at least a ½ hour break for lunch. It is an expectation that assignments be given and completed outside the course meeting hours. Attendance and participation are not sufficient as the sole criteria of performance.
- Provide a copy of the syllabus to every participant in your class and review the requirements for credit. The course requirements should be the same whether the participant is taking the course for graduate or relicensure credit. Those taking it for relicensure credit will complete that which is required for a ‘B’ in graduate credit in order to receive a ‘pass’.
- Clearly state the outcomes for your class and be sure that participants note the outcomes in the syllabus. Later, at the end of the class, participants will respond as to whether or not the outcomes were met.
- Clearly state the Iowa Teacher Quality Standard which your class fulfills.
- Remind all participants that they must be registered and pay for the kind of credit they want seven days before the first day of the course. We can only change credit options at a later date if the participant wants to move “higher” on the ladder. Participants may NOT register for credit after the start date of the course.
- Remind all participants that late or unfinished work will not be accepted more than 3 weeks past the completion date of the class. We are under guidelines from our colleges and universities which prevent us from giving credits late. Unfinished courses will be noted as an incomplete for 30 days and then will become a failing grade on the transcript.
- Submit grades online in a timely manner. This means not more than 3 weeks past the completion date of the course.
- Remember that best practice for professional development of educators requires theory, demonstration and practice. Practice should include some aspect of application from what is learned in your course. Evidence of application is preferred for completion of the course. If this is not currently included in your syllabus, please consider adding this for future offerings.
- Have each participant complete an evaluation form at the end of the professional development.
- If you find a need to change a class date or time, please notify the Professional Development Office. Cancel or change room reservations in the room management system. Professional Development transcripts and historical records must contain exact dates and times for each course.
- We live in Iowa. If you have a class and a tornado warning is issued go immediately to the designated safe area closest to your class (diagrams are posted throughout our buildings). If you have a class and snow or other severe weather is a threat, use your own discretion about dismissing or canceling the class. Notify the registrar of your decision and when class time will be made up. She will notify the radio stations (if you cancel the class in advance) and/or call participants or their schools if time allows.