Tri-County Cooperative Ministries Non-Profit Organization
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Saturday, February 1
Hosted by Trinity Lutheran Church, Victoria, Texas
Located at 106 North DeLeon
Handicapped Accessible
Sponsored by
The Bluebonnet Conference of Churches - EvangelicalLutheranChurch in America
“Equipping God’s People for Faith and Life”
This is the 32nd anniversary for the annual Equipping the Saints in the Bluebonnet Conference (formerly known as the Victoria Conference). While the event is sponsored by ELCA (Lutheran) congregations, it is open to persons of all denominations. Facilities are handicapped accessible.
Equipping the Saints with its many workshops provides important insights and Biblically-based practical tools to equip persons to do congregational and community ministry and mission. It is our hope that your experience at Equipping the Saints will equip, energize, and encourage you in the various aspects of your faith and life. Workshops offered address the numerous ministries of the Church—youth, worship, outreach and evangelism, global mission, stewardship and personal finances, Bible study and Christian education, and service. There are also workshops offering opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, table fellowship (catered meal) with Christians of area congregations, child care for young children of attendees, and the experience of worship as the body of Christ.Equipping the Saints is known for both the variety of workshops offered and the quality of the speakers.
Pastor Herb Beyer, ETS Chair
361-798-0155 or
Register now for Equipping the Saints 2014 – Trinity Lutheran Church, Victoria Saturday, February 1 – an all day event.
Equipping the Saints
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Sponsored by
Bluebonnet Conference
EvangelicalLutheranChurch in America
Hosted by
Trinity Lutheran Church, Victoria, Texas
(Located at 106 N. De Leon Street)
Workshops to Equip for Ministry and
Personal and Spiritual Growth
Worship, Catered Luncheon and Staffed Nursery
Facilities are handicapped accessible.
For registration material, speak with the pastor of any Lutheran congregation in the Bluebonnet Conference or
Call: 361-573-4725 or 361-573-4796
Return registration form to TrinityLutheranChurch, 106 N. DeLeon St., Victoria, Texas 77901. Preferred registration deadline is Thursday, January 30, 2014. (This helps with adequate preparations).
While the ETS event is hosted by ELCA congregations of the Bluebonnet Conference, other persons and congregations are welcome to attend. There is no charge to ELCA members of the Bluebonnet Conference and only a $10 charge per person to non-members. Non-members make check payable to Bluebonnet Conference—ETS 2014. Facilities are handicapped accessible.
Name of Registrant: ______Spouse Attending: ______
Mailing Address: ______City & Zip: ______
Congregational Name & City ______Denomination: ______
*******Email Address:______Phone Number: ______
Workshop Session A (10:30 a.m.): ______Spouse: ______
Workshop Session B ( 1:15 p.m.): ______Spouse: ______
Workshop Session C ( 2:45 p.m.):______Spouse: ______
Staffed Nursery for Infants to Young Children (up to age 5)
List names and ages of each child or infant requiring Nursery Care:
Noon Meal: Indicate number of adults _____, and children _____ eating the noon meal.
Registration by E-mail: or
Registration by Fax: 361-573-2515
Registration by Phone: 361-573-4725 or 361-573-4796, TrinityChurch Office.
If you register by phone, fax, or e-mail, it is important to indicate registrant’s names, mailing address, phone number, workshops, church affiliation, child care needs and meals as requested.
Schedule for ETS 2014
8:30 a.m. Registration 12:15 p.m. Luncheon for Participants
Hospitality Hour 1:30 p.m. Session B Workshops
9:30 a.m. Communion Service 3:00 p.m. Session C Workshops
10:45 a.m. Session A Workshops 4:15 p.m. Ending Time of Session C – Leader closes with
prayer/blessing at end of session
ETS 2014 – Workshop Descriptions
Session A
- A Look at the Reformation - Rev. John Hunsicker: In 2017, the Lutherans and the Roman Catholics will share in their celebration of the pivotal event we call the Reformation. Perhaps now is a good time to begin to think about it, in preparation for the 500th anniversary that year. Join us in looking at this historical event and what it means today. MEETS IN PARLOR
- Dipping a Toe in the Missional River - Rev. Dr. Judith A. Spindt: A taste of moving back into the neighborhood, thinking outside the box, finding ways to reach people where they are.MEETS IN CLASSROOM 201
- The Brain and the Body - Whole Person Health - Mark Schoepp: This first session will introduce participants to current brain research applied to church, school and home. Using real life examples, the main focus will be on how dramatically, and surprisingly, three things affect our brains and excellent performance for school and in the work place: exercise, diet and play/rest/sleep. The good news is that brain health translates to overall health and giving God our very best.MEETS IN CLASSROOM 205
- Compassion and the Ten Commandments – Rev. Sharon Wiggins: God has spoken to us; how, then, should we speak to each other?MEETS IN CLASSROOM 206
- What Can You Do During the Drought?- Kathy Toerck: We will discuss the Earth-Kind project developed by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service that provides 7 basic principles that help protect and preserve water and the environment during the time of drought. Every Drop Counts! CoCoRAHS is a grassroots effort to measure precipitation in every part of the United States. Anyone can participate, with the only requirement being an enthusiasm for watching and reporting weather conditions and a desire to learn more about how weather impacts and affects our lives.MEETS IN CLASSROOM 204
- Faith in Democracy: Engaging in the public square as a Christian - Bee MoorheadToo often, Christians either shy away from political involvement completely or try to impose their religious beliefs on others. In fact, your faith is precisely what makes your voice so important, and it's vital that you learn to use it effectively to benefit Texas. MEETS IN CLASSROOM 202
- Journey through Lent - Marsha K. Seale: The season of Lent lasts for forty days– reminding us of Christ’s time in the wilderness before beginning his public ministry - plus Sundays. In the early church, Lent was a time for extensive teaching, especially for candidates preparing for baptism. The season of Lent offers us an annual opportunity to renew and strengthen our spiritual lives, individually and corporately. The Scriptures appointed for Lent highlight many themes including repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, healing and baptism. This workshop will explore some of the ways we may mark the importance of Lent in ourliturgical life. MEETS IN SANCTUARY
- Children are Not Little Adults - Elizabeth Sommerfeld: This session will teach you some pointers to getting kidsover picky eating stages, sneaking in vitamins and minerals through foods, and some meal time tips to make meals more enjoyable for the whole family.MEETS IN CLASSROOM 103
- Secretly Coded Messages in our Biblical Texts – Rev. Dr. Norman Beck: The Bible – tools for reading, study, application and understanding its origins and development. Workshop also involves anti-Roman Cryptograms in the New Testament—hidden transcripts of hope and liberation.MEETS IN MUSIC ROOM 104
- Worship With Our Hands - Sue Irvin: This workshop introduces basic American Sign Language for worship. Ten to twelve million people in the US are either hard of hearing or deaf. With noise-induced hearing damage on the rise, it is increasingly important for the Church to be able to reach out to those who use American Sign Language to communicate. ASL is also appealing to children, who are able to learn ASL before they can speak, and who enjoy being able to move along to music. Attendees will learn basic simple ASL liturgy responses, like "Lord, have mercy," simple liturgical songs, and a simple hymn, along with the alphabet and basic conversational skills. Additionally, attendees will learn how to teach these responses to children, giving children a new way to be involved in worship (and a way to burn off some of their energy!).MEETS IN CLASSROOM 203
Session B
- A Look at Personal Finances - Rev. John Hunsicker: You’ve heard the bad news about people’s finances (and maybe there is some bad news in yours). Offers some insights from the Bible as well as some “down to earth” suggestions for handling personal finances.MEETS IN PARLOR
- Introduction to Latino Ministry - Rev. Dr. Judith A. Spindt: The face of Texas is changing and the challenge is to find a new direction for the Church’s mission given the demographics. What do we need to know?MEETS IN CLASSROOM 201
- Paying Attention In a Distracted World - Mark Schoepp: What does brain research tell us about the children in our Sunday School and Confirmation classrooms and the people in our church sanctuaries? Our brains are 'wired based on experience'. What are the health up-sides and the down-sides of living in this 21st Century digital world, and how can we get and keep attention? MEETS IN CLASSROOM 205
- Compassion and the Sermon on the Mount – Rev. Sharon Wiggins: What might Jesus have really meant when he said, “Love your enemy”? MEETS IN CLASSROOM 206
- “Jewels” in the Garden - D’Ann Hurta: Hummingbirds – Identification, Habitat and Nutritional Needs; Butterflies – Identification, Habitat/Life Cycle, and Nutritional Needs; Host & Nectar Plants - Attracting Hummers & Butterflies into the Landscape, and Three Dimensions of Gardening; and References & Suggestions - Acquiring personal reference materials.MEETS IN CLASSROOM 204
- What's in a Name? Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act and Health Insurance - Bee MoorheadTexas has the highest uninsured rate in the country, and it's costing Texas taxpayers a fortune as well as causing unnecessary suffering. No matter what you think about the President or the new health care law, it's crucial that Texas has a sustainable health financing system. Find out how to cut through the rhetoric and get practical benefits for your community.MEETS IN CLASSROOM 202
- The Great Three Days – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the first Eucharist of Easter (Easter Vigil) - Marsha Seale: The Passion, death and resurrection of Jesus are all of a piece. The many themes of Maundy Thursday: confession and absolution; servanthood: Christ’s command to love as He loves; footwashing; the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples; stripping the altar… Good Friday: sacrifice for all; the bidding prayer; the entire Passion narrative from the Gospel of John; the solemn reproaches; the triumph of the cross… Easter Vigil: a new fire; the great stories of our faith heritage; baptism or its remembrance; Holy Communion… This workshop will explore some of the ways we may mark these most important days in our liturgical life. MEETS IN SANCTUARY
- Adult Health - From My Plate to Yours - Elizabeth Sommerfeld: Basic nutrition tips on how to plan a healthy plate and ways in which you can help your family, friends, and fellow congregation members eat healthy. MEETS IN CLSSROOM 103
- It’s All About the Knot - Lane Johnson: You’ve heard the expression, “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on!” Most of us can identify with that metaphor. Life can be filled with challenges that exhaust our resources and energy, not to mention those critical moments that call for insight and almost perfect timing. If this is the case for you then the “knot” becomes the most important component in your life. It raises questions like: What kind of knot is best for me? What needs to be in this knot? How good am I at even tying knots? Explore all of the things that make good knot tying in life such as attitude, courage, vision, faith, relationships, and effective contingency plans. If it is true that sometimes all I have between me and the end of my rope is a quality knot, then it is “all about the knot.” MEETS IN CLASSROOM 203
- The Better Half – Spiritual Challenges and Resources in the Later Years of Life – Rev. Dr. Faye Schott: As more of us enter the second half of life, we face some new faith and life issues, such as relating to adult children and elderly parents, finding purpose in retirement, dealing with age-related health concerns, and experiencing more loss and grief. This workshop will be an opportunity to examine some biblically-based spiritual perspectives and practices that can help us to deepen our own faith as well as encouraging and mentoring others on the way. MEETS IN CLASSROOM 207
Session C
- Want to leave a Legacy Gift? - Rev. John Hunsicker: The church and other charitable organizations will continue on after we are gone. There are ways that you can give to your children and other family members as well as leave a Legacy Gift to your charities. Pastor John Hunsicker, who was formerly with the Lutheran Foundation of the Southwest, has some suggestions that are applicable to most charitable institutions. MEETS IN PARLOR
- It’s About the Bacon – Putting a Sizzle into Stewardship by Rev. Dr. Judith A. Spindt . MEETS IN CLASSROOM 102
- Personal, Staff and Community Health- Mark Schoepp: A gentle look at how we are doing, individually and as a staff in your church, in being good stewards of our bodies. The emphasis will be on helpful practices and resources for moving forward - from wherever you find yourself on the health spectrum. This session will also include a practical discussion about how Churches can engage their communities around health and human care ministries to serve them and to build relationships that allow sharing the good news of Jesus. Real life examples of ministries around the country will be shared, along with the help available from Wheat Ridge, in the form of grants and much more. MEETS IN CLASSROOM 205
- David, A Man after God’s Own Heart, and My Walk with God – Rev. Sharon Wiggins: What does King David have to teach us about modern-day life? MEETS IN CLASSROOM 206
- Raised Bed Gardening - Debbie Hopper: What is it? Why do it? How to get started? Workshop includes Gardening tips.MEETS IN CLASSROOM 204
- Water Captains: Why Texas needs YOU to implement the state water plan – Bee MoorheadTexas has a state water plan, but it's all based on the work of local residents in the state's 16 water regions. The problem is that most Texans don't know where their water comes from, who's in charge locally or how to get involved in the process. There's a new program that can change all that--join us and start working for Texas' water future today!MEETS IN CLASSROOM 202
- Primary Choir: the ASSEMBLY! - Marsha Seale: How can we help the assembly (the portion of the congregation present, plus guests, visitors, etc.) to sing and participate actively in worship? We seek to encounter the living God when we worship. Music is integral to worship. Sometimes fear of being heard prevents our active, uninhibited involvement in song. Congregations of any size can experience enlivened worship when we are willing to offer our whole selves to God with energy, enthusiasm, and faith. How can we keep from singing? MEETS IN SANCTUARY
- Speaking Faith through Art - Michelle Schlinke: Explore how one's deepest convictions can be expressed through art by looking at the work of two Christian artists from different centuries. How does art inspire you or help you express what you believe? With a “hands on” approach, each participant leaves with art they have created that allows them to go deeper into their current life challenges and identify a faith response through art. This is therapeutically useful for folks that have no control over whether their spouses or family attend church. MEETS IN CLASSROOM 203
- Blessed to Be a Blessing to Each Other: Jews, Muslims and Christians as Children of Abraham – Rev. Dr. Norman Beck: A comparative view of faith.MEETS IN CHOIR ROOM 104
ETS 2014 – Workshop Leaders
Rev. Dr. Judith Spindt is the Evangelical Mission Director for the Southwestern Texas Synod, ELCA. She served as pastor of Iglesia Luterana El Redentor, Puerto Nuevo, Puerto Rico, from 1983-1989; pastor of Iglesia Luterana La Epifania, Bayamon, Puerto Rico, from 1989-1994; interim pastor at Iglesia Luterana Getsemani, Dorado, Puerto Rico, 1994; assistant to the bishop, Caribbean Synod, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1994-1995; pastor of Lutheran Church of the Reformation, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, 1995-1999; pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church, Redwood City, Calif., 1999-2001; Region 7 coordinator, 2001-2005; and director for evangelical mission, New Jersey Synod, 2005-2012. Spindt received her master of divinity degree at Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico and a doctor of ministry degree in congregational revitalization from McCormick Theological Seminary. She is fluent in English and Spanish and has competencies in evangelism/mission, innovation/creativity, multicultural ministry, teaching, and strategic mission planning.
Marsha K. Seale is the Texas-Louisiana Coordinator for the Leadership Program for Musicians, a national certification program for church musicians. She received her Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in organ at The University of Texas at Austin, where she was a Phi Beta Kappa scholar and earned an additional undergraduate degree in Plan II, an interdisciplinary honors program. She has won numerous awards, scholarships, and fellowships in music, and is active as a recitalist, clinician, and chamber musician. Her greatest passion is serving as a pastoral musician, seeking to make room for the Holy Spirit’s presence in worship to be encountered. For the past ten years, she has been Minister of Worship and Music at Holy Comforter Lutheran Church in Kingwood, where she leads a music ministry of choirs for adults, children, handbells, and instrumentalists. Ms. Seale is active in a number of professional organizations. She also maintains a private studio for teaching organ. She is married to Pieter Visser, renowned pipe organ builder, who built the fine instrument at Trinity Lutheran Church, Victoria.