FileSurfÔ 7.5 User Manual Web Application

FileSurf 7.5Web Application

User Manual for General Users

FileSurf 7.5 Web Application

Overview 4

What is FileSurf? 4

To Launch the FileSurf Web Application 4

Web Application Homepage 5

About Search Templates 5

To Lookup Tables & Pick Lists 5

Using Lookup Tables 6

Using Pick Lists: 6

Text Fields 6

Date Searching 7

Date Ranges and Relative Ranges 7

Template Control Buttons 7

Search Results List 8

Working with Search Results 9

Search Results List 9

Show Details 10

Request Selection 10

Take Selection 11

Add to Favorites 12

About Documents 12

Add New Documents 12

Document Actions 13

Filing Electronic Documents 14

Filing from MS Outlook 14

Search within Contents 18

Additional Edit Menu Options 19

Uncheck All 19

Remove from Tree 19

Reports 19

Define a New Report Format 19

Generate a Report 21

Refresh Node 22

My Saved Searches 22

Save Search 22

My Requests 22

Preferences 22

Specify Preferences 23

FileSurfÒ Web Interface 25

Search Tips 25

General 25

Template Searches 25

Boolean Operators 1

Noise words 1

OR 1






MDY, Inc.© Page iii


What is FileSurf?

FileSurf Web is the end user search tool delivered from your organization’s intranet. FileSurf Web is used to file, search and records on-line. You are able to explore details about the records that you locate create and request to have specific records delivered to you or to the location of your choice. In the case of electronic records, such as document images, you can open and view them right from your web browser. Access to particular records and record collections adheres to the security assignments controlled by your organization.

To Launch the FileSurf Web Application

·  Open the Applications/Paralegal or Support folder on your desktop

·  Double-click the icon

Web Application Homepage

FileSurf operates within your browser as a single page; using the navigation buttons in your browser will take you out of FileSurf. Always use the control buttons presented by FileSurf to navigate the application.

Following are summaries for each of the links found on the Homepage:

ú  Folders – template used to search for and retrieve Folder profile data

ú  Documents– template used to search for and retrieve Document profile data

ú  Documents filed by me within 7 days– autorun search retrieves all Documents (electronic, paper and/or email), filed by the currently logged in user , within the last 7 days

ú  Clients – template used to search for and retrieve Client profile data

ú  Matters – template used to search for and retrieve Matter profile data

ú  Search within Contents – used to search the database for text (content) found in an E-filed document (electronic file)

ú  My Requests – used to review the status of items you requested

ú  My Saved Searches – used to quickly retrieve a listing of your saved searches

ú  Favorites – user-defined list of frequently used links used for filing (‘Folders’ for Document filing and Client/Matters for Folder filing)

ú  Preferences – user preferences for search results list and ‘Add New’ buttons

About Search Templates

FileSurf needs information from you about which records you wish to see. You will work with Search Templates that allow you to provide a variety of data for defining your search. You can provide as little or as much detail as is appropriate.

To Lookup Tables & Pick Lists

Most Search Templates use information that already exists in the FileSurf database, such as Client Number or File Type. For these fields, choosing from a Lookup Table or Pick List gives you an alternative to typing in the information yourself and ensures that your entry is valid (recognized by FileSurf).

Using Lookup Tables

·  Click on the ellipsis (…) button next to the data field

·  To change the sort order from ascending to descending, mark on the check box next to the “Z>A” label and click the “Look” button

·  Enter the first character(s) of the word or phrase you are looking up in the “Start with” box (in our example, we entered “B”, the first character of “Blockbusters”)

·  Click the “Look” button to jump to the “B” entries in the list

Figure 1-1 Sample Lookup Table

·  Click the desired entry on the list

·  FileSurf closes the Lookup Table and populates the selected data field

·  To return to the top of the list, remove the entry in the “Start with” box (backspace or select text and press the “Delete” key), then click “Look”

·  You may also use the wildcard character (*) to quickly find a partial or whole word contained in the entry you are searching for. For example, to find Lexicon Marketing USA, enter lexi* in the Start with field and click Look to jump to those clients that begin with ‘lexi’

·  To close a Lookup Table without choosing from it, click on the “Close” button

Using Pick Lists:

·  Click on the down arrow (▼) next to the data field. A listing of valid entries will be displayed

·  Click on the entry to select it

·  FileSurf closes the Pick List and populates the selected data field

Figure 1-2 Sample Pick List

Text Fields

Each of the Search Templates contains text fields used to perform searches. Upon entering your search criteria, FileSurf Web performs an extensive search of the database. Through FileSurf technology, you are able to perform a simplified wildcard search without being required to enter any complex search syntax. Simply enter the word or phrase in the data field to begin your search.

Date Searching

Dates must use a standard format of MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY (e.g., 05/22/1992 or 05/22/92) and dates must be valid. FileSurf will not allow you to enter a date such as 12/32/95. There are two ways of entering a date:

·  Type in the date (MM/DD/YYYY)


·  Click on the ellipsis (…) button in the date field to access a Pop-up calendar for selecting a date

·  The Pop-up calendar will display the current date

·  Click on the down arrow (▼) buttons to select a month and/or year other than the one displayed

·  Click on a date in the calendar to select the day

·  Click “OK” or “Cancel” to close the Pop-up calendar

Figure 1-3 Pop-up Calendar

Date Ranges and Relative Ranges

You can use ranges and relative ranges in the date fields. When specifying ranges, use t he following symbols or syntax:

·  MM/DD/YY- MM/DD/YY - For dates between MM/DD/YY and MM/DD/YY, including both dates

·  >MM/DD/YY - For dates greater than MM/DD/YY

·  <MM/DD/YY - For dates less than MM/DD/YY

·  >=MM/DD/YY - For dates greater than or equal to MM/DD/YY

·  <=MM/DD/YY - For dates less than or equal to MM/DD/YY

·  @TODAY-3y - Search for all items where date = today’s date minus 3 years

·  >@TODAY-6m - Search for all items where date = within the last 6 months

Figure 1-4 Syntax for Date Range Searching

Template Control Buttons

Hits Limit: The Hits Limit is the maximum number of items to be displayed in your search results. Using the default number (30) as an example, FileSurf will display up to the first 30 items that matched your search criteria. If the number of matches found exceeds your Hits Limit, click the down arrow and select another pre-set number from the list.

Sort: The Sort by button is used to sort your Search Results List. Choose Code to sort numerically or choose Title to sort alphabetically.

Search: Once you have entered your search criteria on a Search Template, click the “Search” button to execute the search.

Count: The Count button runs a search based on your template criteria and shows the total number of matches; it does not retrieve the matches. Therefore, there is no results list displayed when using the Count feature.

Clear: Click the “Clear” button to clear the template of all search criteria and clear any search results

Home: Click the “Home” button to return to the FileSurf Home Page

Top: Click the “Top” button to go to the top of your Search Results List

Search Results List

Each Search Template uses a Search Results List to display those records that match your criteria. The results will be displayed in the same manner, regardless of the Search Template in use or the criteria used for the search.

Your search results will be displayed in a list that corresponds to the Firm’s hierarchy. In the following example, we searched for Folders where the ‘Client’ is Records Center Test’ and the Matter is ‘Test Litigation Matter’.

Figure 1-5 Search Template (query)

Figure 1-6 Search Results List

NOTE: FileSurf provides the ability to save searches. This functionality is explained in greater detail in the “My Searches” section of this manual.

Working with Search Results

Search Results List

Your search results display in a hierarchical fashion for easy exploration. FileSurf displays every Folder and Document (if applicable) that met your search criteria, up to your Hits Limit, with information about its parent level.

·  Click the u arrow to expand the record level and see its contents

·  Click the q arrow to hide the record level contents

·  Float your mouse over any Matter or Folder to see certain “at-a-glance” details pertaining to the item (See Figure 1-7 below)

·  Right-click on any item to display the Edit Menu (see Figure 1-8 below)

Figure 1-7 View details by floating mouse over record

Figure 1-8 Menu Options

Show Details

Choose Show Details from the Edit Menu to view detailed information for the selected record. The detailed information displayed depends on the type of item selected. Figure 1-9 is a sample of the details for a Folder.

Figure 1-9 Folder Details

Request Selection

Through the FileSurf web client, you can now request delivery of Folders directly from the application! To make a Request:

·  Retrieve the desired Folder (s) from the Folders Template. Remember: Paper Documents do not circulate outside of their home Folders!

·  Your search results list will display a blank checkbox next to each Folder that can be requested.

TIP: Folders with no checkbox are often not available because the physical folder is “Waiting to be Created”. Mouse over the Folder to view the status.

·  .Mark the check box for the Folder(s) you wish to request

·  Right-click on any marked item and choose Request from the Edit Menu

·  Complete the Confirmation Web Page Dialog to submit your request

ú  Requestor – accept the default (person currently logged in) or choose an alternate by clicking the ellipsis

ú  By -- FileSurf automatically tracks who the Request was made by. This value always reflects the person currently logged in and is not editable

ú  Destination – accept the default office for the Requestor or choose an alternative by clicking the ellipsis

·  Mark the checkbox if you wish to submit a Rush request

·  Type in any special instructions

·  Click the “Submit” button to complete your request, or the “Cancel” button to cancel your request and return to your search results

Cancel a Request

·  From the FileSurf Home Page, click on “My Requests”

·  Right-click the desired Folder, choose ‘Show Details’ to display the Requestor and other detailed information about your Folder (see Figure 1-10)

Figure 1-10 Request Details

·  Click the Requestor name (link) and click the ‘Cancel’ button

Figure 1-11 Cancel Request

View the status of a Request

·  From the FileSurf Home Page, click on “My Requests”

·  Right-click the desired Folder, choose ‘Show Details’ to display the Requestor and other detailed information about your Folder

Take Selection

FileSurf allows you to “check out” (circulate) Folders on-the-fly! Unlike the Request feature, “Take Selection” does not require involvement of the Records Staff. For example, if a FileSurf users takes possession of a Folder currently circulating with (checked out to) another user, he/she can use the “Take” feature to update the circulation to reflect the current location and User of the record. To Take a Folder:

·  Retrieve the desired Folder(s) from the Folders template

·  Mark the check box for the item(s) you wish to take

·  Click on any marked item and choose Take from the Menu

·  Complete the Confirmation Web Page Dialog (described above)

·  Click the “Submit” button to complete your take, or the “Cancel” button to cancel the Take and return to your search results

Add to Favorites

To build your list of favorite Matters and Folders:

·  Retrieve Matters or Folders via the appropriate template

·  Right-click desired record and choose “Add to Favorites” from the Edit Menu

About Documents

FileSurf tracks Documents, paper and electronic, that have been declared Records (or, are in their final, read-only form). Paper Documents do not circulate outside of their home Folders, however, electronic Documents may be viewed, downloaded, copied or duplicated without making any changes to the Folder.

Documents may be filed to FileSurf from a number of sources, e.g., MS Outlook, iManage or the My Documents folder on your local C:/ drive. You may also profile (provide detail information about) paper documents to the FileSurf database then, file them in a Folder shelved in your work area or send them to the Records Staff for filing in the Records Center.

Add New Documents

·  Authorized users can conveniently add a new Document directly from the Documents Search Template or from any Search Results List.

·  Click on the “Search for Documents” link on the FileSurf Home Page