First aid

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Inhalation of poisonous substances

  • Get the accident victim(s) away from the poisonous gases. Be careful to protect yourself as well. Secure the scene of accident. Respiratory protective equipment: Room 31.05
  • CAUTION: Some chemicals may cause severe injuries of the lungs with a delay time of up to 36 hours! In cases which are not obviously harmless have the victim inhale cortisone spray (5 doses every 10 minutes)
The cortisone aerosol inhaler can be found in the porter’s lodge and in room 31.05.
  • Call emergency number for help. (See below under emergency call.)

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If substances are swallowed

  • Have the victim drink a lot of water.
  • Do not induce vomitting!
  • Call emergency number for help. (See below under emergency call.)

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Skin burns due to chemicals

  • Remove all contaminated clothing. Be careful to protect yourself as well.
  • Directly rinse the affected areas of skin thoroughly with running water.
  • Repeatedly moisten the skin with polyethylene glycol 400 and wash up with water.
Have polyethylene glycol 400 available in endangered areas. If necessary get some from the Materials Stores or room 31.05.
  • Call emergency number for help. (See below under emergency call.)

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Burning of the eyes due to chemicals

  • Immediately rinse with a lot of water. Preferably use the eye showers in the laboratory. Do not let the rinse water get into the unaffected eye. CAUTION: Due to strong pain the injured person might be unable to keep the eye open alone. So an additional person must hold the eye lid open.
  • Call emergency number for help. (See below under emergency call.)

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In general

  • Do not leave the accident victim unattended.
  • Make the emergency call immediately. Get people from the neighboring rooms to help.
  • A list of first aiders see:

Emergency calls

Serious cases

1) / FU emergency call (control room)Ph. 55112
Fire brigade (also ambulance)Ph. (0) 112
Information to be given:
  • what has happened
  • number of injured persons, type of poisoning, acid burns
  • Institut für Chemie und Biochemie – Organische Chemie, Takustr. 3, 14195 Berlin
  • name / phone number of the caller
Do not hang up until the person you called tells you to.
Wait at the main entrance to meet the rescue personnel upon arrival and bring them to the place where the accident has happened.
2) / Call first aidersPh. (Takustr. 3) 54300
3) / If Informations are needed
  • Look for a safety data sheet. (For example (german / english) or (many languages))
  • If no other information is available, hand out the bottle to the rescue personnel

4) / Inform the “Dienststelle Arbeitssicherheit” (=work safety office) of the FUB, Tel. 54495, 54496, 54497
5) / Write down an accident report (
Deliver the report to Dr. T. Lehmann (Room 31.02, Ph. 55398)

Light injuries

a) / If you are not sure what to do: Look for a first aider - Ph. (Takustr. 3): 54300
b) / Transport for first aid
a) ambulance (Ph. (0)112) - b) In a private car only with a third person as a helper.
c) Radio taxi: Ph. 26 10 26
all injuries:
Klinikum B.Franklin
Klingsorstr. 107
12200 Berlin
Ph.: (0)8445-0 / all injuries:
Unfallbehandlungsstelle der
Hildegardstr. 28
10715 Berlin
Ph.: (0)8577140
  • Open Mo-Fr 8:00 – 18:00
  • No treatment of civil servants.
  • Outpatient treatment only
/ light eye injuries
Kruse, Servetopoulo
Clayallee 341
14169 Berlin
Ph: 801 80 80
Previous phone call required!
c) / If a physician has been consulted: Write down an accident report (Use form: Deliver to Dr. T. Lehmann (room 31.02, Ph. 55398). If only local first aiders have been involved: Write down the data in the “Verbandbuch” (accident log).