Unit 5 Study Guide

U.S.A. and the Cold War

1.  Vocabulary

Directions: Complete each vocabulary word on a separate sheet of paper by explaining the meaning of the word and describing its importance to the historical era.

a.  superpowers

b.  Cold War

c.  United Nations

d.  satellite nation

e.  Iron Curtain

f.  containment

g.  Marshall Plan

h.  mutual defense alliance

i.  Korean War

j.  Red Scare

k.  subversion

l.  McCarthyism

m.  massive retaliation

n.  brinksmanship

o.  Central Intelligence Agency

p.  military-industrial complex

q.  arms/space race

r.  flexible response

s.  Berlin Wall

t.  proxy war

u.  domino theory

v.  guerrillas

w.  Vietcong/Vietminh

x.  Gulf of Tonkin Resolution/Pentagon Papers

y.  Tet Offensive

z.  Vietnamization

aa.  teach-in/deferment/draft dodging

bb.  Kent State

cc.  détente

dd.  arms limitation treaty

ee.  Helsinki Accords

ff.  Reagan Doctrine

gg.  Strategic Defense Initiative

hh.  perestroika

ii.  glasnost

jj.  Mutual Assured Destruction

2.  Extended Response Questions

Directions: For each question below, write your answers in paragraph format. Begin each paragraph in your answer with a thesis sentence that uses the question in your answer and provides a brief summary of the main points of your essay. Make sure to use and explain as many vocabulary words as necessary in your paragraph as you answer the question. You may also use historical evidence (people, places, events, etc.) to make your essay stronger. All vocabulary terms and historical evidence need to help you to explain the answer to the question. Underline any vocabulary words that you use in your essay.

a.  How did the political, technological, and economic developments of the end of World War II lead to the early events of the Cold War?

b.  How did the ideological conflict over communism cause the United States to involve itself in the politics of developing nations in Latin America and Asia?

c.  How does weariness of direct confrontation with communist forces lead to changing economic and political relationships between the United States and the Soviet Union and the fall of Soviet Communism?