Republic of Kosova

Financial Sector Strengthening and Market Infrastructure Project (formerly the Financial Sector Technical Assistance Project)

Report No: 60062-XK

International IT Consultant to support the Central Bank of Kosovo in establishment of a Real Time Gross Settlement system

The Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (CBK) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Financial Sector Strengthening and Market Infrastructure Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultant services. The services include hiring of an International IT Consultant to support the Central Bank of Kosovo in the procurement and implementation of a Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system.

Scope of the consulting services and deliverables to be delivered by the individual consultant:

The Consultant will assist the CBK in the following tasks:

Stage 1 – Procurement

  1. Completion of Bidding Documents for the RTGS system in the format prescribed by the World Bank for Supply and Installation of Information Systems (two-stage).
  2. Assessment of Stage 1 proposals, including reading and commenting on proposals, and attendance at Bid Clarification Meetings with Bidders.
  3. Production of Stage 1 Bid Evaluation Report for submission to the World Bank.
  4. Production of certain documentation for Stage 2 (i.e. invitation).
  5. Support evaluation process of Stage 2 – technicaland financial proposals.
  6. Production of final Bid Evaluation Report for submission to the World Bank.

Stage 2 – Contract

  1. Identification of items for discussion and agreement during contract discussions with the successful Bidder.

Stage 3 – System Design

  1. Support CBK in developing a Project Plan for implementation of the RTGS system, ensuring its alignment with the Supplier’s Project Plan.
  2. Support in development of business and functional requirements for the RTGS system.
  3. Assessment and sign-off of the detailed system specification.

Stage 4 – Implementation

  1. Support in installation and testing of the system during the contract implementation.
  2. Support in User Acceptance Testing.

The Consultant will deliver the following:

Stage 1 – Procurement

  1. Final Stage 1 Bidding Documents.
  2. Comments on Stage 1 proposals.
  3. Minutes of Bid Clarification Meetings.
  4. Stage 1 Bid Evaluation Report.
  5. Stage 2 appropriate documentation.
  6. A guidance document for conducting the Stage 2 bid evaluation.
  7. A spreadsheet showing the breakdown of all financial proposals.
  8. Final Bid Evaluation Report.

Stage 2 – Contract Items for discussion and agreement during contract discussions.

Stage 3 – System Design

  1. Support in drafting of the CBK’s project plan.
  2. Comments on system design documentation (at each iteration of the design).

Stage 4 – Implementation

  1. Support in drafting operating rules and procedures for the RTGS system.
  2. Ad hoc reports as necessary addressing issues during the implementation.

The contract will be awarded to an individual consultant based on the World Bank’s Guidelines for Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (May 2004, Revised October 2006 & May 2010).

General qualification of the consultant
(Such as number of years in business, professional education) / 40 points
Specific experience of the consultant in similar assignments (i.e. procurement and implementation of a Real Time Gross Settlement - RTGS) / 50 points
Past experience of the consultant in Eastern European countries, Including the Balkans / 10 points
Total points / 100points

The individual consultants interested in the assignment shall submit their CVs, reference, etc., on which basis the best candidate will be selected. The level of effort required for this assignment is max 250 working days. The contract will come in to effect with the signature of both parties.

CBK, the agency responsible for implementation of this project, now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (CVs).

Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below during the office hours: 08:00 to 16:00 hours (local time).

CVs must be delivered to the address below by December 15th2011.

Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (CBK)

Attn: MrValon Lepaja


Str. “Garibaldi”, 10000 Prishtina, Republic of Kosova

Tel:+381 (0) 38 222 055 292

Fax: +381 (0) 38 243763
