Minutes – Village of Grand Manan – Regular Council Meeting –09/08/08Cont’d:

Village Of Grand Manan

Regular Council Meeting

Grand Manan Boys & Girls Club/Curling Club

September 8, 2008– 7:30 pm

Calling to Order:

Mayor Greene called this meeting to order at 7:31 pm.


Mayor Dennis Greene, Deputy Mayor Peter Wilcox, Councillors Kirk Cheney, Kevin Travis, Phil Ells, Stuart Green, Sherman Ross, Clerk Linda Sullivan Brown, Treasurer Raima Green, Cnst. Alward, 5 Members of the Public


Deputy Mayor Wilcox offered prayer over Council and this meeting.

Opening Remarks:

Mayor Greene commented on the MacAulay Memorial Softball Tournament held over the Labour Day Weekend, mentioning that the Village Council did win this year. He also commented that the Honourable Greg Thompson and Honourable Rick Doucett were in attendance to announce $266,000.00 of the Gas Tax funding being given to the Village towards the Infrastructure Project on Grand Manan. Mayor Greene gave a special thank you to George and Ginnie Risebough, Stacey Ross, and Maxine Ross for their help with the tournament.

Mayor Greene congratulated Rotary on the Blue Grass concert held, and on the hard work of Sheldon Frost to arrange the Rhonda Vincent concert.

Mayor Greene commented on the progress with the MRIF project explaining that the Village only had funding for phase 1 of the project not phase 2.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest:

Councillor Kirk Cheney declared conflict of interest on item 13.2.

Adoption of Minutes:

Moved by Councillor Travis, seconded by Deputy Mayor Wilcox to adopt the minutes of the August 8, 2008, Regular Council Meeting.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-163

Additions to Agenda:

Moved by Councillor Ells, seconded by Deputy Mayor Wilcox to add the Scallop and Jumbo Lobster fishery to tonight’s meeting.

Motion Defeated 08-164

Yes Votes: Deputy Mayor Wilcox, Councillors Phil Ells, Kevin Travis, Kirk Cheney, Stuart Green

No Votes: Councillor Sherman Ross


Cnst. Alward gave the RCMP report for the month of August 2008.

Business Arising From Minutes:

Cemetery Association Proposal-

Moved by Deputy Mayor Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Cheney to table until next months meeting.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-165

Five Year Plan-

Moved by Councillor Travis, seconded by Councillor Cheney to rescind motion 08-142.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-166

Moved by Councillor Travis, seconded by Councillor Ells to accept the new Five Year Plan with the mentioned amendments.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-167

Old Business:

Fire Truck Debenture-

Moved by Deputy Mayor Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Stuart Green that be it resolved that the Clerk and/or Treasurer and/or Mayor be authorized to issue and sell to the New Brunswick Finance Corporation a Municipality of Grand Manan debenture in the principal amount of $150,000.00 on such terms and conditions as are recommended by the New Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation, and be it resolved that the Municipality of Grand Manan agree to issue post-dated cheques payable to the New Brunswick Municipal Finance Corporation as and when they are requested in payment of principal and interest charges on the above debenture for a term of 7 years.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-168

Ten Minute Open Session:

No one wished to speak at this time.

Petitions and/or Written Submissions to be Read:

Grand Manan Animal Rescue League-

Moved by Councillor Cheney, seconded by Councillor Travis to allow the Grand Manan Animal Rescue League to use the Castalia Hall for free to spay/neuter cats.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-169


Local Governance and Community Infrastructure Division-

The Village has received a letter from the Department of Local Governance and Community Infrastructure Division informing us that the first Gas Tax Top-up in the amount of $53,184.50 will be received shortly, and the second payment will be made in November 2008.

New Business:

Municipal Signing Authority-

Moved by Councillor Travis, seconded by Councillor Cheney that Clerk Linda Sullivan Brown be granted signing authority for the Municipality of Grand Manan and also be granted Visa Authority.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-170

Councillor Cheney left the meeting at 8:05 pm.

Fitzgerald and Snow-

Moved by Deputy Mayor Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Travis that be it resolved to move $577,299.17 from the MRIF bank account in the Capital Reserve Fund to the General Capital Fund to make payment to Fitzgerald and Snow on the Boys & Girls Club Infrastructure Project.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-171

Councillor Cheney returned to the meeting after the discussion had taken place regarding the ADI Payment, and therefore did not vote. He returned at 8:09 pm.


Moved by Deputy Mayor Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Travis that be it resolved to move $12,048.51 from the MRIF bank account in the Capital Reserve Fund to the General Capital Fund to make payment to ADI on the Boys & Girls Club Infrastructure Project.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-172

Draw from Line of Credit-

Moved by Deputy Mayor Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Travis that be it resolved to transfer $589,347.68 from our Boys & Girls Club line of credit with Scotiabank to the MRIF Bank Account in the Capital Reserve Fund.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-173

Letter from Councillor Robert Moses-

Moved by Councillor Ells, seconded by Deputy Mayor Wilcox that with regret we accept Councillor Moses’ resignation, and allow the Village Clerk to put into motion the necessary arrangements regarding this vacancy on Council.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-174

Committee Reports:

Fire Department Update-

Councillor Ells gave his report to Council.

Approval to Pay the Following Invoices:

Moved by Councillor Travis, seconded by Deputy Mayor Moses to pay the following invoices:

MG FisheriesChlorine, Freight, Fuel Surcharge$2,389.95

NB PowerPower Bills June$1,504.29

NB PowerPower Bills July $1,504.29

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-175

Closed Session:

Moved by Deputy Mayor Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Ells to move into closed session to discuss, the Fire Department Garage Door, and the Forklift for the Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Station.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-176

Council moved into closed session at 8:24 pm.

Mayor Greene called this meeting back to order at 8:39 pm.

Fire Department Garage Door-

Moved by Deputy Mayor Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Stuart Green to hire Park Place to replace the Fire Department Garage Door to be paid out of account 410500.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-177

Forklift for Municipal Solid Waste Transfer Station-

Moved by Deputy Mayor Wilcox, seconded by Councillor Ells to go to tender for this item.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-178

Next Meetings:

Regular Council Meeting

Grand Manan Boys & Girls Club/Curling Club

October 7, 2008 – 7:30 pm


Moved by Councillor Travis, seconded by Councillor Stuart Green to adjourn.

Motion Unanimously Carried 08-179

This meeting was adjourned at 8:42 pm.

Mayor: ______


Approved: ______