Adopted July 1, 2002
Rev. August 29, 2003
Rev. March 2, 2006
Rev. October 8, 2006
Rev. Nov. 8, 2007
Rev. July 7, 2010
1. Table of Contentsi
2.SHP Academic Review History and Schedule1
3.Department’s Reviewer Selection Guidelines1
4. Academic Review Reports (Samples)1
5.Letter to Invited Participants (Sample)2
6. Academic Review Team Charge3
7.Typical Timeline 4
8.Arrangements Checklist4
9.Academic Review Team Members Recommendations5
10.Reviewers’ Schedule6
11.Academic Review Self-Study7
I. Goals for the Department and Program
II. Supporting Data and Documentation
12.Department Faculty Survey-Part I-Mission8
13. Department Faculty Survey-Part II-Faculty Satisfaction9
14. Department Faculty Survey-Part III-Teaching Activities10
15. Department Faculty Survey-Part IV-Scholarly Activities10
16. Department Faculty Survey-Part V-Clinical Service11
17. Department Faculty Survey-Part VI-Employment11
SHP Academic Review History and Schedule
Department(Division) / Previous
Reviews / Next Review
RC / Oct. 2001, Feb. 2006 / Fall 2011
PAS / 2002, Fall ’07 (delay) / Fall 2010
CLS / 2003, Fall ’08 (delay) / Fall 2010
PT / Nov. 2004 / Fall 2012
OT / Dec. 1998, Dec. 2008 (delay)
May, 20009 / Fall 2014
Rehab. Science / 2006 / Fall 2014
Department’s Reviewer Selection Guidelines
Two external reviewers and one internal reviewer will be selected by the Dean from your list of six to eight candidates.
Consider these aspects when deciding on whom to suggest.
1. Why is this person a good choice to be a reviewer?
2. Does this person have any known conflict of interest (collaborator, former faculty, etc.)?
3. Is this person a “new face” that can look at your department with a fresh perspective?
Please send to Henry Cavazos a list that includes each nominee’s role, job title, duties, and length of service. A brief bio is required.
School of Health Professions
301 University Boulevard Galveston, Texas77555-1028
409-772-3001 409-747-1616 FAX 409-747-3014
Chair of the Team Name and Title
University of
Street address
City, State, zip code
Office Phone:
Re: Request for participation in an academic review
Dear Dr. ______:
I am writing to invite you to participate in an academic review of our ______program. We have established an academic review process in the School of Health Professions where we assemble a team composed of one internal and two external reviewers. The program has recommended that you serve as one of the external reviewers.
Attached below are further details about the review goals and process.
The tentative schedule is for the team to arrive in Galveston during the afternoon, meet over dinner with the Dean and others, hold meetings the next day with faculty, clinical associates, and students, and on the third day to meet with any other groups, hold a debriefing with the faculty, prepare a final report over a working lunch, and will return home. We will cover all of your travel costs, lodging, and food, plus an honorarium of ______.
We wish to hold the review at a time when all three members of the team are available in the window of (date) through (date). x
To enable you to prepare for your visit, we send you a self-study report. It will be sent in the middle of (month), and will be in the form of Word documents on a CD with an organizing menu. We have used this format in earlier reviews and the participants have found it a great convenience. General information about the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and the School of Health Professions can be found on the World Wide Web at
Please reply to me immediately. Let me know if you are willing to serve as a reviewer and can participate in the time frame specified. If you cannot attend or do not wish to participate, no excuses are necessary. We thank you for your consideration.
Henry J. Cavazos, J.D.
Associate Professor and Associate Dean – Academic and Student Affairs
cc:Elizabeth J. Protas, Dean
Chair of the Department
Associate Chair, if any
S. Green, Administrator
Leti Ford, Assistant to the Dean
School of Health Professions 301 University Boulevard Galveston, Texas 77555-1028
409-772-3001 409-747-1616 FAX 409-747-3014
Academic Review
Department of ______
School of Health Professions
University of Texas Medical Branch
Date of Reviewers’ Visit
Academic Review Team Charge
Introduction - The Mission Statement of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston includes the following three priorities:
1. Provide scholarly teaching,
2. Innovative scientific investigation, and
3. State-of-the-art patient care.
The mission of the School of Health Professions at the University of Texas Medical Branch is to provide or promote quality education, research, and service in an environment that fosters collaboration and mutual respect.
The charge to the Review Team is to critically examine the success of the Department ______, School of Health Professions, in achieving the mission and goals identified above. The review shall involve a critical examination of the following:
1. Evidence of scholarly teaching:
a.Ability to recruit, retain, and graduate the best qualified students
b.Faculty reputation (both locally and nationally) for scholarly teaching and innovation, e.g., invited lectures and keynote addresses
c.Development and dissemination of innovative educational methods and curriculum materials
d.Success of graduates in finding employment and becoming leaders in their profession
2. Evidence of innovative scholarly and scientific accomplishments:
a.Publications in respected peer reviewed journals
b.Externally funded research/demonstration/training projects
c.Scholarly products generated by faculty/student collaborations
d.Awards and honors associated with research and scholarly productivity, e.g., grant reviewer, editor, editorial board member, etc.
3. Evidence of state-of-the-art clinical practice and/or community involvement:
a.Community visibility and involvement
b.Impact of scholarship and teaching on local/national health care practices and/or policies
4.Evidence of effective leadership and administrative structure:
a.National reputation of departmental programs and faculty
b.Interdisciplinary collaboration with UTMB departments and other institutions
c.Efficient and innovative management of departmental resources
d.Success in recruiting, retaining, and promoting high quality faculty members
Report and Recommendations
The review team should compare and contrast the scholarly productivity, national reputation for teaching excellence, level of external funding, community service, and clinical productivity of the Department of ______at UTMB to that of peer institutions. Based on these comparisons, the review team should identify areas of current and potential strength, and areas that need improvement. We are requesting that the review team provide specific recommendations in its final report that will allow the Department to achieve its goals in the tripartite mission of teaching, research and service -- and to be considered in the top 25% of ______programs nationally.
Recommended Timeline
6 months prior Determine time window for review (give two options)
Discuss self-study guidelines with department
5 months prior Department proposes slate of possible reviewers - 5/6 outside and 2/3 internal.
4 months prior Select reviewers - 2 external and 1 internal (Dean reviews and approves reviewers).
3 months prior Plan schedule of on campus visit, reserve rooms, make travel arrangements, monitor self study progress. Identify one of the external reviewers as the Chair. He/she will submit the final written report.
2 weeks prior Send the self study to reviewers.
Reconfirm on-campus visit schedule and appointments.
1 weeks prior Confirm all travel arrangements.
On campus visitDate
2 weeks post Final written report from team due.
3 weeks post Debriefing with faculty.
6 weeks post Departmental response and plans to respond to report due.
Arrangements Check List
Flight arrangements
Rental car arrangements
Room reservations
Dinner reservations
Reserve Marie Hall Room
Arrange for two breakfasts and two lunches
Arrange honorariums
Arrange for a desk top computer connected to an LCD projector with a laser printer and two laptops in the Marie Hall room. Connect all three computers to the local area network. Connect the printer directly to the network if possible as well.
Send CD with self-study to team by middle of third month before visit (or when review team is named)
Schedule Monday meetings (Can use part of Tuesday if necessary). Department will provide list of participants.
Give team your email and phone number to facilitate communications.
Prepare handouts.
Academic Review Team Member Recommendations
for the
Department of ______
School of Health Professions
University of Texas Medical Branch
Date of Site Visit
The Mission Statement of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston includes the following priorities:
1. Provide scholarly teaching,
2. Innovative scientific investigation, and
3. State-of-the-art patient care.
The mission of the School of Health Professions at the University of Texas Medical Branch is to provide or promote quality education, research, and service in an environment that fosters collaboration and mutual respect.
Academic Review Team Member Recommendations
Chair of the Team Name and Title
University of
Street address
City, State, zip code
Office Phone:
Honorarium $1300 ($300 extra as Chair of the review team)
Reviewer 2 Name and title
University of
Street address
City, State, zip code
Office Phone:
Honorarium $1000
UTMB reviewer name and title
University of
Street address
City, State, zip code
Office Phone:
Honorarium - None (on-campus)
Afternoon – External reviewers arrive by air at Hobby or BushAirport. Pick up rental cars and proceed to Galveston. They check into their lodgings at (provide instructions)
6 PM - Dinner at (example: Fisherman’s wharf restaurant, Pier 22 & Harborside Drive, 409.765.5708 ( There is free parking (with validation) in front of the restaurant. We will be dining in the private room upstairs.
Dinner guests include: the team members, Dean, Chair, Assistant Chair (if any), Henry Cavazos and key others, e.g. Dean of GSBS, Director of Hospital Unit, chair of another department,.
8 AM - Assemble in the Marie Hall Room. Breakfast will be available. Fourth floor of the SHP/SON Building, 12th and Mechanic streets. Turn right off the elevator. The remainder of the day will be a series of meetings with faculty, students, administrators, etc. A detailed schedule is being developed. Lunch will be provided.
5 PM - Adjourn for the day. Dinner on your own. Favorite suggestions include the Original Mexican Restaurant at 14th and Market streets ( Gaido’s at 3800 Seawall, etc.
8 AM - Assemble in the Marie Hall Room. Hold unscheduled meetings, as needed. Begin to draft your report.
11 AM - Debrief meeting with department faculty.
12 Noon - Working lunch to finish report ( Dean’s Conference Room)
1 PM - Team discharged; return to airport. The Chair of the team will prepare the final report and email it to Henry Cavazos, .
Academic Review Self-Study
Description of the Department of ______
The Department provides the review team with a CD that contains doc or pdf files describing:
I.Goals for the Department and Programs.
This section of the document can contain the following information.
A.Statement of goals for:
1. teaching
2. research
3. services / clinical practice
4. continuing education
5. faculty development
B.Priority of goals above (IA. 1- 5).
C.Status of each goal
II.Supporting Data and Documentation
A.Administrative structure including committees
1. total number of faculty and current rank or status
2. description of teaching responsibilities
3. description of faculty recruitment during past 5 years, number of new faculty members, number of faculty members who left
1. outline of curriculum and course sequence
2. accreditation status - summary of most recent accreditation site review
1. number of students currently in program / department
2. history of applications and admissions for past five years
3. history of graduates including number of graduates over the past five years and current status / positions if available
E.Clinical Activities
1. description of relationships with clinical facilities
2. description of practice plan ( if applicable)
F. Research activities (current grants, faculty roles on grants, publications, developmental activities.)
G.Curriculum vitae for each program / department faculty member.
Departments may add to or delete from these guidelines if a different data set will better fit their needs for development or correlate more closely with accreditation reviews.
The department may choose to conduct a faculty survey to gather information. They are presented below as illustrations only. Each department can choose their own information gathering methods.
F. Research activities (current grants, faculty roles on grants, publications, developmental activities.)
I am collecting information for the Department/Division Review as prescribed by the SHP administration. As you know, this will serve as (select one) 1. “preamble” to the accreditation review scheduled for next year, 2 as a means to obtain feedback on departmental/division directions or new programs.
Even though some of the information could be gleaned from documents that you have provided, we are asking you to “share your information” in a format that maintains some “privacy.”
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions. To maintain anonymity, DO NOT put your name on the survey. Instead, use your computer to generate a hard copy which you can then place in my mailbox by the end of the day of ______. Thank you.
PART I – Mission For questions 1-5, fill in your response(s)
1.In your opinion, the mission of the department is to
- In your opinion, the mission of the SHP is to
- The mission of the university (UTMB) is to
- What are the 3 most important areas of congruence (agreement)?
- What are the contributions of the department to the educational mission of the SHP and UTMB?
PART II – Faculty Satisfaction Answer the following questions using the following scale:
1: Strongly Disagree; 2: Disagree; 3: Neutral; 4: Agree; 5: Strongly Agree
In reference to department governance/leadership, my supervisor:
1.encourages my development as faculty member
2. provides me mentoring opportunities
3.demonstrates interest in my improving my teaching skills
12345 with me to improve my clinical skills
5.keeps me informed of important SHP issues
6.assigns me an equitable workload1 2 3 4 5
7.supports my efforts at serving on committees
8.encourages me to participate in scholarly activities
9.delegates tasks appropriately
10.uses an effective management style
As a faculty member in the department and SHP, I am provided with the opportunity to:
1.develop/improve my teaching skills
2.maintain my clinical skills
12345 to attend professional meetings
4.participate in SHP faculty activities
5.learn about the AP&T process used at the SHP
6.participate in community activities
7.participate in campus-wide activities
8.advance my professional career
As a faculty member in the department, SHP and UTMB, I am made to feel: welfare is important to the institution
2.welcome at SHP & UTMB
3.UTMB values diversity
4.UTMB encourages personal & professional growth
5.UTMB rewards efficiency and allegiance
PART III - Teaching Activities
List the courses for which you are responsible
List the courses to which you contribute and your approximate share of responsibility therein
How satisfied are you with student evaluations of each of the courses you contributed to over the last five years?
What measures have you taken to improve your student evaluations?
If you are not satisfied with your evaluations, what measures do you propose (suggest) to improve them?
What is your assessment of the teaching load you are assigned?
- Light
- Appropriate
- Heavy
- Uneven
- Appropriate
Your preparedness for (ability to handle) the load
- Well prepared
- Neutral
- Not prepared
PART IV - Scholarly Activities
Describe your scholarly activities including collaborations, if applicable.
List your publications for the last five years (a CV or bioscketch may be provided)
Indicate the source(s) of scholarly activity support for the last five years
How satisfied are you with your scholarly activities?
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
If you are dissatisfied, what do you plan to do to ameliorate the outcome?
Explain the significance of your scholarly activity outcomes
How can the department facilitate your efforts?
PART V - Clinical Service Describe your clinical service, including your time commitment in % FTE
Site 1:
How satisfied are you with your service including the site?
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
What suggestions for improvement can you offer?
Site 2:
How satisfied are you with your service including the site?
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
What suggestions for improvement can you offer?
PART VI – Employment
My rank is
- Instructor
- Assistant Professor
- Associate Professor
- Professor
I am
- Tenured
- Non-tenured, on tenure-track
- Not on tenure track
I am
- Part-time
- Full-time
My hire date is___/___/___
Sample Academic Review Reports
The following Academic Review Reports and Responses are available on the L drive, SHPall, Academic Reviews:
Physician Assistant Studies - February, 2002
Physical Therapy - Review and Action Plan March, 2005
Respiratory Care Department - January, 2006
Occupational Therapy Department – May, 2009