Agriculture as a Career
Eric Lang
My name is Eric Lang; I am currently a senior at Langston University where I am studying agriculture business. I am also currently a Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) with Farm Service Agency, (FSA) at the Oklahoma State Office in Stillwater. I was raised on a small cow-calf farm, where I actively participated in various farm chores. I would love to have a career in agriculture business to help provide services to farmers.
It was my freshman year of high school when I realized that agriculture would be my chosen field of study when I decided to go to college. While in high school I was the vice president of my FFA chapter. I showed livestock throughout my high school years. As I gained admission into Langston University, then I knew that I would become very successful in my studies. Since I was raised on the farm it was natural for me to appreciate both the scientific and technical aspects of agriculture as a business.
During the summer of 2007, I interned in the Muskogee County FSA office where my career began with USDA. That summer was great when I became aware of all the different programs that are available for farmers and ranchers. This internship was very informational for me, and it provided a window of opportunity for my future career. During the time of my internship, I was responsible for numerous tasks. These tasks included answering telephones, filing, data loading, printing, CCC-509 contracts, mailing Direct & Counter Cyclical Program, checking and verifying ECP cost-share payment calculations, and assisting the staff in preparing for County Committee meetings. I know that this provided me with valuable experience for my future career.
I am currently working as a SCEP. At this time I am learning to perform quotes on loan servicing, and loan making appraisals on farm land. Upon graduation my goal is to become a loan officer for FSA, and become very successful as a loan officer. I truly believe that pursuing a career in agriculture will open many opportunities for me to be able to provide a quality life for my wife and son. Obtaining a career in agriculture will allow me to put my agriculture background into use, so that I can increase my earning potential. I feel that receiving a career with the USDA will not only be a privilege, but an honor as well in helping to provide the cheapest, safest and most productive agriculture system in the world.