World Language
Benchmark Course Objectives Examples
1. Greets and responds to greetings. / French I / Students will:1. learn appropriate titles Mr., Mrs., Miss.
2. greet others at different times of day.
3. give an appropriate farewell.
4. add basic courtesies to greetings (please, thank you). / 1. In pairs, students role play greeting younger and older people of differing sexes at different times of the day.
2. Students write letters to parents or friends and to prospective employers using correct salutations and closings.
French II / In addition to French I objectives, students will:
1. learn appropriate
2. learn appropriate greetings to use on the telephone / In pairs, students role play greeting each other and phone conversations.
French III / Students will continue to use appropriate greetings and farewells as above and will:
1. learn appropriate salutations and closings used in informal letters. / Students will create directed dialogs in various situations.
French IV/V / In addition to the use of the greetings and farewells above, students will:
1. learn appropriate salutations and closing used in formal business letters. / Students interview each other, playing the role of an author we have read.
2. Introduce and respond to introductions / French I / Students will
1. introduce themselves.
2. introduce each other. / In pairs, students role play meeting new people in cafés, at school, at parties, in stores…
French II / Students will review basic introductions in a familiar situation, and will learn:
1. formal introductions / Students role-play meeting new people, introducing and responding to introductions.
French III / Students will review introduction, both formal and informal. / Students role-play meeting new people.
French IV/V / Students will continue to use introductions previously learned.
Benchmark Course Objectives Examples
3. Ask and answer questions. / French I / Students will1. ask each other and respond to each other’s questions about (but not limited to):
a) name
b) age
c) health
d) language spoken
e) origin
f) possessions and surroundings
g) quantities
h) family
i) calendar
j) activities (sports, hobbies)
k) school subjects, classroom objects
l) clothing, colors
m) occupation
n) house
o) animals
p) food
2. use appropriate question format using est-ce que, inversion, intonation and n’est-ce pas.
3. use que, qui, quand, comment, combien (de), pourquoi, où, quel, à quelle heure, avec qui.
4. use appropriate noun markers referring to gender and number. / 1. Students interview each other before creating a character sketch to share with the class.
2. Students play “20 questions” to determine someone’s occupation.
French II / Students will:
1. review formats for asking questions, both for oui/non answers and looking for information.
2. ask each other questions, using the tu form of the verb to get information about each other.
3. ask the teacher questions, using the vous form of the verb.
4. respond to questions posed by the teacher
French III / Students will continue to ask each other and answer questions relating to their personal interest. Questions will be in a variety of tenses: present, past, future, conditional. / Working with a partner, students use questions in the text to interview each other using vocabulary and grammar recently reviewed or learned.
French IV/V / Students will:
1. answer and ask questions of comprehension based upon literary selections read.
2. be able to ask and answer questions related to the content of selections read, and to their personal interest.
3. ask questions using expression that require the subjunctive.
4. ask questions which indicate a condition (si clauses). / Students develop comprehension questions of their own to ask their colleagues to review with a partner.
Benchmark Course Objectives Examples
4. Make and respond to requests. / French I / Students will1. ask to leave the classroom for specific purposes.
2. ask to borrow items.
3. ask for information from a tourist bureau in France or Quebec.
4. ask for information about clothing from a store or catalog.
5. use appropriate responses to requests such as Bien sûr, Mais non!, Ce n’est pas possible., C’est entendu, Pourqoui pas? / 1. Students ask to go get a drink, go to their lockers in target language.
2. Students write to the department of tourism in Quebec City asking for travel information.
French II / Students will be able to:
1. ask questions regarding their needs within the classroom.
2. make request using a conjugated verb followed by an infinitive / Students ask to go to their locker, to the nurse, etc. in French.
French III / Students will:
1. use commands to give directions, request information, or get others to carry out their wishes. / Students ask partners to get things for them, such as carrying their books.
French IV/V / Students will:
1. review the imperative mood.
2. use the subjunctive mood to express or to respond to a request. / Students use the subjunctive to request that a partner do something they want.
5. Express likes, dislikes and feelings. / French I / Students will
1. appropriately use the expressions j’adore, j’aime bien, j’aime, je n’aime pas, je déteste and others.
2. use idioms of avoir to express feelings.
3. use the expressions je voudrais, je préfêre.
4. use appropriate interjections such as bravo, c’est bien, zut alors, c’est affreux! / 1. Students discuss the menu for Thanksgiving dinner and compare the foods they enjoy or dislike.
2. Students play a game of soccer and use appropriate expressions as the game progresses.
French II / Students will:
1. review expression stating feelings.
2. learn the construction “Que + subject + ver” to express an emotion.
3. to review and learn additional verbs for expressing feelings: “avoir envie de,” “je veux”. / Students tell what things they like or don’t lie to do.
French III / Students will:
1. use the subjunctive after expressions of emotion.
2. learn idioms expressing feelings (“Quel dommage!” “Tant pis!” “Tant mieux”) / Students use the subjunctive to tell what they like or don’t like.
French IV/V / Students will:
1. tell their opinions on themes and concepts from readings and their own lives.
2. use the subjunctive and expression of emotion to discuss their feelings. / Students prepare a written critique of a selection read or a movie viewed in French.
Benchmark Course Objectives Examples
6. Express needs. / French I / Students will1. ask for help or clarification in class.
2. use expressions such as j’ai besoin de, je ne comprends pas, j’ai un problème avec, comment dit-on?… / 1. During role play in a department store situation, students make requests for specific school supplies.
2. Before organizing a sporting event, students brainstorm a list of required equipment, etc.
3. While creating a clay map of France, students predict materials and steps needed to complete the project.
French II / Students will:
1. review asking for help in class.
2. learn how to ask the teacher or another student how to ask for help. (“Que veut dire…?” “Comment dit-on…en français?”)
3. express their needs in the classroom using terms they know. / Students create a dialogue between a shopkeeper and a client.
French III / Students will:
1. request and provide assistance to each other using expressions such as “Comment puis-je t’aider?” “Qu’est-ce qui se passe?” / Students play the part of a person in a picture, and ask for what they need.
French IV/V / Students will:
1. learn expressions of “necessity” and how to use the subjunctive with them.
2. discuss their present needs, and needs they will have or have had. / Students role play a situation talking with a friend, and telling them what they need.
7. Express agreement and disagreement. / French I / Students will
1. use expressions of agreement and disagreement such as moi aussi, pas moi, d’accord,,
2. determine if statements are true or false. / 1. Students discuss their favorite seasons giving reasons for each choice and allowing others in the class to react to those reasons.
2. Students read information about France determining if it is true or false.
French II / Students will:
1. review the negative construction
2. review expressions of agreement and disagreement, and learn others, such as
3. learn negative expressions in addition to “ne…pas.” / Students respond negatively to questions from others in the class.
French III / Students will:
1. be able to express their opinions using several negative expressions, such as “ne…plus,” “ne…ni…ni…,” “ne…jamais,” “ne…rien,” “ne…augun,” “ne guère.”
French IV/V / Students will:
1. review expressions of agreement/disagreement and use them in classroom discussion. / Students debate controversial issues taken from reading material and current
Benchmark Course Objectives Examples
8. Give and follow directions. / French I / Students will1. create and execute commands for use in a classroom situation such as asseyez-vous, levez-vous, allez (à), ouvrez, fermez, levez, baissez, coloriez, soulignez, encerclez, dessinez, effacez, répétez, comptez, donnez, montrez, chantez, recitez…
2. use and respond to commands when playing sports. Such commands include passez, jouez, jetez, lancez, attrapez, donnez un coup (de…), courez, sautez, tournez…
3. use and follow negative commands.
4. add direct and indirect object pronouns to appropriate commands such as donnez-le-moi, passez-la-moi.
5. read and understand signs and commands related to health and safety such as ne fumez pas, poussez, tirez, frappez s.v.p.
6. create and follow sets of instructions to direct their peers to create or build something (particularly using vocabulary of geometric shapes, colors and adjectives of size.)
7. give or follow directions using commands such as montez, descendez, entrez, sortez, tournez and prepositions and prepositional phrases such as en face de, à côté de, derrière, devant, à gauche, à droite, tout droit, sur, sous, dans. / 1. Students use total physical response (TPR) commands to complete activities in the classroom.
2. Students use an inflatable ball in class and give each other commands for using the ball.
3. Students follow sets of written directions taking them from point A to point B in the school and report their end destination.
4. Students prepare oral and written instructions, read written instructions, and/or follow oral instructions to draw bodies using current vocabulary of body parts, geometric shapes, colors, locations and sizes.
French II / Students will:
1. review the use of the imperative, both affirmative and negative, familiar and formal, to give directions.
2. use and respond to directions given by fellow students.
3. use direct and indirect object pronouns with commands.
4. review prepositions of location, and vocabulary used when giving directions, i.e., “tournez à droite,” “allex au bout de la rue.”
5. use polite expressions when giving directions, i.e., “s’il te plaît,” “s’il vous plaît.” / Using a map, give directions to a partner, and ask that partner where he then finds himself.
French III / Students will:
1. review giving directions, both in class, and in geographic terms
2. review the position of the object pronoun with affirmative and negative commands / Students reconstruct layout of a town using directions given by a partner.
Benchmark Course Objectives Examples
French IV/V / See Benchmark 4 / Students to give directions to a partner to reconstruct a painting or picture that has not been seen before by that student.9. Provide and obtain information and knowledge. / French I / Students will
1. Use the present tense of -er, -ir and -re verbs in oral and written communication.
2. Use the present tense of être, avoir, faire, aller, mettre, prendre, dire, vouloir, pouvoir, voir and others in oral and written communication.
3. Use the near future aller + infinitive.
4. Use the passé composé to express the past.
5. Use the appropriate articles: definite, indefinite, demonstrative, possessive, and partitive when referring to nouns.
6. Use correct forms of adjectives when describing nouns. Types of adjectives include the following:
a. ending in -e (aimable, difficile).
b. not ending in -e (allemand, doué).
c. like sérieux(se).
d. like actif(ve)
e. like fier(ère).
f. fou, beau, bon, vieux, blanc, nouveau,…
7. Use correct placement of adjectives when describing nouns. Including:
a. regular adjectives.
b. adjectives like bon, mauvais, grand, petit, autre, joli, beau, jeune, vieux, nouveau.
8. Use appropriate negative constructions such as ne…pas, jamais, ni…ni, rien, plus, personnne.
9. Use appropriate question format (see benchmark 3.)
10. Use correct forms of à and de.
11. Use the correct word for “in” with locations eg. dans la classe, en France, à Lunenburg, au Canada, aux États-Unis. / 1. Students interview each other about sports and leisure time activities. Each provides information about his/her favorite activities.
2. Students research a French or French Canadian holiday providing information about traditional celebrations and foods.
3. Students write letters to pen pals describing their school and school subjects.
French II / Students will:
1. review vocabulary and regular verb forms learned in French I.
2. learn new vocabulary and verbs to enhance their ability to express themselves in French, including the use of reflexive verbs.
3. review asking questions and responding.
4. learn the use of the past tenses.
5. learn the use and locatino of pronouns.
6. review using aller + infinitive to express the near future.
Benchmark Course Objectives Examples
French III / Students will:1. review present and past tenses of regular and irregular verbs.
2. review the classification of nouns and the use of articles.
3. review the grammatical use of adjectives and adverbs.
4. learn the future and conditional tenses.
5. review the use and location of pronouns.
6. review and learn new reflexive expressions
7. review the use of the passé composé vs. the imparfait
8. learn the use of the passé simple / Students read authentic literature, written in the passé simple.
French IV/V / Students will: