CRCA/Riverwatch Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2012
Royal Palm Yacht Club, Ft. Myers
A. Call to Order (6 directors required for quorum)
Pete Quasius called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Directors present:Pete Quasius, John Capece, Ron Zimmerly, Marti Daltry,Annette Snapp, Scott Cooper, and Linda Mattos.
Directors absent: Mary Rawl, Lois James, Margaret England, Mary Ruth Prouty, Keith Kibbey, Geoff Rosenaw, and Patrick O’Malley.
Others present:Tim Gardner, Carol Gardner, Kelly Flanerty, John Flanerty, Nancy Smith, Dan Morrissey, Mary Tracy Sigman, Joann Mulligan, Flora Zimmerly, Gillian Paul, John Paul, George Shuert, Judy Wolfe, Kathy Janssen, Michal Fidler, Martina Frycova, Vincent Wieder, Soren Engelbreth, Per Herlev Jorgensen, and Caroline Comings
B. Approval of Minutes
Minutes consideration tabled without objection.
C. Treasurer's Report
Treasurer’s report tabled without objection.
D. Newsletter Report
Newsletter resumes: Thank you to John and Gillian Paul for their sponsorship.
Posts to Facebook have increased to almost 100 users.
E. New Business:
1. Endorsing the constitutional amendment
Linda Mattos moved to endorse the constitutional amendment to assign portion of real estate transaction taxes to conservation land use purchases. Seconded by Marti. Motion approved.
2. Sponsoring EC Conference for $250
Linda Mattos moved a motion not to sponsor Everglades Coalition Conference for $250. Seconded by Marti. Motion approved.
3. Water Supply Augmentation (back-pumping) Report
WSA was approved by Governing Board 9-0. Tributary index (what caused cut offs in recent years) has been removed. Staff is working on detailed water modeling and constraints to prevent negative impacts to other ecosystems. Expect an update in 4-6 months. Conditions for WSA back-pumping next year are unlikely.
4. Tropical Storm Isaac
Flows from S-79 peaked at over 15,000 cfs. Lake at 14.25 (normal). Significant backpumping from S 2/3/4 for flood control during event and back flows from St. Lucie. Opportunity to collect data for water quality model.
5. CEPP Update
Models of preferred cost effective options indicate diversion of more than 200,000 acre feet of water from Lake to Park and Florida Bay. Predicated on C43 reservoir built and operational.
6. Tentative Programs Schedule
October: Crossing the Caloosahatchee - the panther dispersal zone and expansion of panther refuge
November: Paul Gray. Water management west of Lake O: Refuge and easement programs, Fisheating December: Holiday Party – organizer?
January:Sea Grant Program, Oyster restoration program.
F. Presentation and Book Signing
Amy Bennett – Along the Caloosahatchee River.
Amy Bennett reaffirmed the News Press’ commitment to River issues. She solicited ideas for News Press articles about the Caloosahatchee. She is currently writing a series on the River District, including the new artificial bay/inlet (River Basin) being constructed downtown. Amy Showed and described historical photos and closed with a reading.
G. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourn at 8:30 PM