of the Project Partners Meeting under the project
“Danube WATER integratedmanagement” – WATER
Giurgiu, Romania, 23.03.2015
The Project regional workshop „Water Day-Danube WATER celebration”, which was organized by Project Partner 2 ANAR,in cooperation with the Water Directorate Arges-Vedea took place on the Danube border nearby the water, in Giurgiu – Perla Complex. It was a common event with Arges –Vedea River Directorate Basin Committee, and Basin River Management Plan was presented and in this context, conenction with WATMAN Project and Danube WATER Project, two important projects for RBMP for Arges-Vedea implementation, bringing equipemnets and increasing capacity for emergency situations management. 6 general presentations were provided, dicussion with stakeholders and further activities planning and recommendations were provided by stakeholders in this reagional workshop. It was a large participation from the county and localities administration levels, experts from water directorates along the Danube and water management systems, both from Romania and Bulgaria.
The Project Partners Management Meeting was organized in connection with the regional workshop „Water Day-Danube WATER celebration”, coordinated by the project manager and representaives of PP2-ANAR. The main purpose of the meeting was to clarify the approach for successfully finalising the activities getting prolongation with four month to implement the project, planning the next activities and for discussions on Addendum 5 for financia modifications.
Partners 10-INMH and 13-IRNE didn’t participatein the Worsjop and in the project manageemnt meeting.
PP9-MoEW-DRBD expressed and PP12 expressed their needs for reducing the budget, considering the fact the state budget was very reduced and the Danube WATER Project remained unbugeted, this partners worked voluntary based and the small expenses were declared are their own institutions contributions. They presented a budget plan, refucing till 90% the existing budget.
LP expressed its concern regarding the attendance of the Bulgarian part of indicators; without aclear reffeting to this issue, LP cannot ask for a budget modification.
Clarifing the stage of Addendum 4 and Addendum 5, the meeting begun discussing the technical results and finalization of the activities reports and of the Guidelines cocntributions of all partners.
PP12-ExEA and Pp5-NPEA should send thei contribution for Monitoring Guidelines till mid Aprilie. PP2 –ANAR will consolidate this Guidelines and will be responsible to be printed and presented for the final conference.
PP3 in collaboration with Pp10 will finalize the Low flows for drought manageemnt Guidelines till end of Aprilie and will be given to be printed by PP10.
PP3-INHGA will consolidate the information about models in use for Danube and tributaries and of the integrating data under theforecasting platform, and Forecting Models Guidelines will be prepared and will be printed by PP3.
Discussions for GNNS data exchange and furhter fild campaign measurements for Activity 6- Integrated geodetic system followed with conclussion that the measurements campagn are under finalization also for Bulgarian part; the works in the firld are under going and till end of March will be concluded both measurements for Romanian and Bulgarian territories.
LP asked for all partners to review the products will be posted on the WATER Poral, mainly warnings should be distributed for eligible area both in Romania and Bulgarial.
LP also asked about the Agreements preparation, should be signned by partners and partners and stakeholders, for data exchenge and information, to prepare project experince capitalization in the border area and to asure the sustenability of the project implementation.
A next meeting was planned for mid April, to finalize Addendum 5 docuemnts, for fianncial modification finalizatin.
During the regional workshop and the project meeting some short interviews were taken to be included in the project moovie. Photos are also available and will posted on the site.
“WATER DAY – Danube WATER Celebration”Workshop wasa successful meeting with stakeholders, more than 200 attendance. All visibility materials and documents prepared by LP (flayers, posters, 2 brochures, including the brochure with the project results, pencils supports), PP2 (pencils, bags, participants badges, 2 rollups on the project presentation and 2 rolls-ups for equipment presentation, brochures for equipment), PP3 (10 roll-ups were posted, agendas and calendars were distributed)and PP6 (one roll-up) were presented. Also, PP2 together with LP and PP3, organized a project documents exhibition, which were available for project results dissemination to the present stakeholders.
An equipment exhibition was prepared. Sarmisegetuza Ship made also a short trip, proving its performances. Some other equipment presentation and exhibition participation are planned for project results popularization.
Posters were also given to be posted to the town halls (by stakeholders attended the regional workshop) for population information. Further actions for project posters and flyers dissemination for population and stakeholders’ awareness for Danube water quality conservation are planned.