Orderer’s stamp
Date ……………….
Hereby we request to hire a crane, truck, type ...... , crane capacity ...... tones, for the period ......
Work site address: ......
Lessor: Mostostal Zabrze Gliwickie Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Przemysłowego Spółka Akcyjna, Pl. Piastów10, 44-101 Gliwice. NIP tax ID No.: 631-000-01-73, tel. 0-32/276-09-81, Fax 0-32/276-09-75, District Court in Gliwice X Economic Div, No. KRS 0000020085. Initial capital: PLN 11.410.000,00
Zakład Technicznej Obsługi Budów, ul. Nad Kanałem 35, 41-800 Zabrze
Orderer: ......
NIP tax ID No: ......
1. NET PRICES (23% VAT to be added to the invoice value)
· Per hour of hired crane: ………………………………..
· For assembly and disassembly of the crane: …………………..
· For every kilometer crane drive to the site and return: ……………………………..
· Notes:………………………………………………………………………..…………..
2. PAYMENT TERMS: cash, transfer.
3. PAYMENT DATE: …….…….. days after invoice date.
4. ADVANCED PAYMENT in amount of:……….… before drive off the crane, truck.
5. Lessor’s bank account number: mBank S.A. Oddział Korporacyjny Katowice 22 1140 1078 0000 4075 6300 1001
6. The Orderer is obliged to manage and supervise the works, but covered by the Lessor's liability, carried out by an operator using the crane under supervision by authorized and qualified person accordingly to type of carried out works, performed in accordance to valid standards and regulations and work organization project as well as preparing a workplace for crane, training of the operators and confirming the performed works in appropriate documents.
The person authorized to supervise and coordinate is (name, surname, position, phone number):
7. The Orderer declares that has required permissions regarding drive the crane to the site (from public road) and bears any consequences of possible terrain damages caused by drive and normal work of the crane.
8. In case of garaging the crane on the Orderer’s terrain, the Orderer is responsible for proper protection to the crane from devastation and robbery.
9. The Orderer shall together with the purchase order submit by fax the current KRS or economic activity certificate.
The above offer does not include the costs of bank transfer from a foreign bank. The banking costs related to the remittance of payment for the above service shall be borne by you.