2018 MissTrail Days

Information Packet


Thank you for your interest in competing for the title of Miss Trail Days 2018!

I applaud you for taking the first step in becoming an ambassador for not only our town, but for our organization. You will come to know why our mini-motto is “more than just a crown” when you meet our committee members, fellow contestants, and myself. I believe that success comes from the opportunities that you will be a part of that will enable you to become a better person and the community around you to become better as well. As your director, I will do everything in my power to help you achieve your goals as Miss Trail Days 2018.

The 2018 Miss Trail Days Pageant will take place on Saturday, April 21st, 2018 at Holston High School in Damascus, Virginia. The pageant will also feature our new Princess Program participants, as well as those contestants vying for the positions of Little Miss, Junior Miss, and Teen Miss.

The purpose of the Miss programisto provide an opportunity for young ladies to develop poise, confidence, stage presence, enhance interview or public speaking skills, and offer opportunities for public appearances while serving their community. Our goal is to provide a forum of opportunity, while being a part of an amazing organization that can provide stepping stones for the future. We want to make sure that we have fun, whether hosting events of their own or while assisting with our organization events. All contestants willbe recognized at the 2018Miss Trail Days Pageant during the opening number, compete in personality wear and ingown, answer an on-stage question at the end of modeling their gown, and have a private five minute interview (held prior to pageant day). Sample on stage questions will be available to contestants on our website. The Miss winnerwill represent the Miss Trail Days Organization throughout the year.

We are excited to be able to have the opportunity to award Miss Trail Days 2018 with a first ever scholarship! Our goal is $500, which will only happen if we reach our program ad goal. This scholarship will be for you to use towards your educational expenses, such as tuition, books, or equipment. We hope that you will help us to be able to award this scholarship by getting sponsors. This would be a great way to practice some interview and public speaking skills (vital to any Queen).

The absolute deadline to enter the Miss Trail Days division isApril 8th, 2018. Applications received after this date will be subject to Director approval. To help keep you on track with all the items to be submitted PLEASE use the checklist. If possible, please type your paperwork and check it for errors. It is important that you read through this information packet carefully. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to ask us!

Good luck to each of you and we look forward to meeting you at the 2018 Miss Trail Days Pageant. Please email us if you have any questions or concerns.


Allison N. Harrell


Cell: 336-401-6764

(please use email first for questions; no calls after 9pm)

Mailing Address:

PO BOX 873

Damascus, VA 24236

Please do not send anything that requires a signature. If you desire to know that it makes it to us please add

delivery tracking to your package.



  • Be between ages of 17 and 20
  • *Age is as of May 1, 2018
  • Be in good health and moral character
  • Have never been convicted of a crime (felony or misdemeanor)
  • Be willing to participate in parades, community service activities, fundraisers, and other appearances.


All participants will receive trophies and a commemorative t-shirt but the winner will receive…

  • Crown
  • Sash
  • Autograph Cards
  • Personalized Car Signs
  • Photograph listing you as a Miss contestant in both the program book and on our website
  • The Opportunity of a Lifetime & more!

Additional Awards

The following awards will also be awarded:

  • Photogenic award (optional; additional fee)


Pageant Rehearsal: Friday, April 20th, 2018 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Holston High School, Damascus, Virginia

*All contestants are required to be at this rehearsal as they will learn the simple opening number, practice the walking pattern, and get key information for pageant day

Pageant: Saturday, April 21st, 2018,Doors will open at 5pm; Pageant to begin at 6 PM

Holston High School, Damascus, Virginia



Each contestant must submit a photograph as an email attachment to . This photograph must be a head & shoulders photograph. Photograph will be used in the program book as well as on our website prior to the pageant. Please submit a color photograph. This photograph does not need to be done professionally. We want it to capture your personality, smile and reflect your best self.

Photogenic Competition

This is an optional and extra competition. It has no bearing on the judges decisions and a separate panel will choose the winner prior to competition taking place. To compete in this competition please complete the Miss Photogenic Competition Form, submit the $10 fee for this competition, and the photograph you wish to be judged. Note: If including this with your application, please be sure that it is separated from your main entry paperwork. (Labeling the photograph you wish to be used on the back is highly advised). All photos will be returned to you during pageant weekend.

Categories of Competition, Wardrobe Requirements:

(Each area of competition is scored on a scale of 1-10.)

Opening Number: (not judged). / Contestants will receive a commemorative pageant t-shirt to wear during this portion. You can accessorize however you like.
All contestants will briefly introduce themselves (Name, Age, Grade, School).
Personality Wear / Contestants will model an outfit of their choice that best reflects their personality or personal interests. Be creative! Scoring categories will include: Beauty, Personality, 1st Impression, Modeling and Creativity
Gown / Dresses may be long or short. It is not the value of the gown itself, but the overall impression that the judges are considering. You want to have an age appropriate gown, that will allow you to be confident. Scoring categories will include: Beauty, Personality, 1st Impression, Modeling and Stage Presence.
On Stage Question / Each contestant will be asked one question at the end of modeling your gown. Judges are scoring based on your answer. Are you over-rehearsed or have a natural answer? Do you seem confident in speaking? As Queen you will do various activities in the public and it is vital that you can speak well and be viewed as an approachable person. These questions are not difficult, no political questions, just simple questions.
Private Interview (5 Minutes) / *Interviews will take place prior to pageant day
Dress for an interview. Business attire – whether a dress or pant suit. Accessorize appropriately. The purpose of this is to learn more about you in a private setting. Your ability to answer questions while maintaining your personality and personal beliefs will be shown. Judges are not just looking for if you answered the questions, but are you genuine, approachable, a good public speaker, a leader, and have the ability to take control.

Make-up is to be natural and age appropriate.


*Recognition Pages: Every contestant will have a Recognition Page in the program book (included with your entry fee). It is up to the contestant to submit their recognition page, otherwise a generic page will be created. All you have to do is start with an 8.5x11 piece of paper and fill it with as many well wishes and signatures as possible! This is a great way for your family, friends, and special sponsors who paid your program fee to show their support! Support pages must be received as a PDF or .JPG image, emailed to no later than April 8th, 2018. Please do not send the actual page in the mail as scanning it will distort images and signatures.

*Sponsor Pages: Sponsors are the main support of our pageant! We are asking that you ask at least five local businesses for their support. You can make as many copies of the Sponsorship Form as you need. To reward your hard work in assisting us, we will give an award to the Little Miss and Junior Miss contestant who brings in the most ad sales (minimum of equivalent of two full page ads). Please be sure to write your name at the bottom of the Sponsorship form so that we know who gets credit! All ads should be camera ready. Deadline to receive ads is April 11th, 2018.


Backstage Assistance

Each contestant will only be allowed to have one female visitor before the pageant or after the pageant. During the active competition phases, the only people that will be allowed backstage with contestants are the committee and backstage hosts. Contestants will remain backstage during competition. Contestants will only have about 15 minutes to change from Opening Number to Personality Wear. There will be a short Intermission (around 20 minutes) to prepare for Gown. More details will be given at Rehearsal.

Crowning & Photographs

Awards and crowning will take place at the end of the pageant. Contestants will still be in their evening gowns and will be crowned in those dresses. All contestants will need to stay for group photos. There will be a photographer at the pageant taking photos before, during and after the pageant. These photos will be available for purchase and more information will be provided to you closer to pageant weekend.

Dressing Room Tips

Since space will be limited, organization is key! It is advised that you bring a rolling garment rack to hang your clothes/dresses on (sharing with a fellow contestant is acceptable and encouraged). Be sure to bring your own mirror (preferably one that can hang from your garment rack). Please label all of your belongings for easy retrieval, as we are not responsible for lost items. It is also recommended that you have your competition clothing labeled for easy wardrobe changes.

2018Miss Trail Days


*DEADLINE for ALL items is April 8th, 2018!

[Keep a Copy for your files]

Document/Information / Done?
$50 entry feedue with application
Acceptable payment methods include Cash, Check/Money Order (payable to Miss Trail Days Pageant), or via PayPal (sent as Family/Friends to ) (Be sure to include contestant name and age division when sending via PayPal)
Contestant Fact Sheet Completed
Appropriate pages are signed. All information is filled in (as applicable) and complete.
Contestant Addendum Completed
Please submit head & shoulders photograph electronically .
Photographs will be used in the program book and on our website.
Sponsor & Support Pages
*Support Pages: Support pages must be received as a PDF or .JPG image, emailed to . Please do not send the actual page as scanning it will distort images and signatures.
*Sponsor Pages: Any sponsorships obtained by you must be submitted WITH YOUR NAME AS THE REPRESENTATIVE. Ads must be camera ready. Remember: the contestant in each division who brings in the most ad sales (minimum of equivalent of two full page ads) will receive a special award. Sponsors are the main support of our pageant!
This is an optional and extra competition. It has no bearing on the judges decisions and a separate panel will choose the winner prior to competition taking place. To compete in this competition please complete the Miss Photogenic Competition Form, submit the $10 fee for this competition, as the photograph you wish to be judged. Note: If including this with your application, please be sure that it is separated from your main entry paperwork. (Labeling the photograph you wish to be used on the back is highly advised). All photos will be returned to you during pageant weekend.

All information must be MAILED to:

PO BOX 873

Damascus, VA 24236

**Please do not send anything that requires a signature.

If you desire to know that it makes it to us have delivery tracking added to your package.**

NOTE: We will contact you within 7 days of the receipt of your application to inform you of other important information. If we receive your registration information after the deadline, ALL information will be returned.


Full Name (as you wish listed in program book:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Date of Birth:
Age on May 1, 2018:
Current School & Grade:
Mother’s Name & Occupation:
Father’s Name & Occupation:
Names & Ages of Siblings:
Scholastic Honors:
School Activities:
Career Ambition:
Hobbies/Sports/Other Talents:
Other Interesting fact(s) about yourself:
Any Volunteer Work/Community Service:
What are your goals?
Favorite thing about where you live?
Why do you want to be Miss Trail Days?


Contestant Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature



Circle One:

For Commemorative T Shirt

Youth XS Youth S Youth M Youth L

Adult S Adult M Adult L Adult XL


Contestant Addendum

The purpose of this document is to ensure that all Miss Contestants (ages 17to 20) understand the conditions associated with the 2018Miss Trail Days pageant.

The Miss Trail Days Pageant’s purpose is to provide a forum for personal growth; to receive mentoring from positive role models and to enable young ladies to have a valuable and memorable experience as well as to have fun. Our organization offers the winner to be a partner in our organization for the year of her reign.

Job Description & Responsibilities

  • As the new Teen Miss, I will write thank-you notes to my sponsors within ten days following the pageant. At the discretion of my Directors, I may hand-deliver those thank-you notes to my sponsors.
  • I understand that I am expected to come back to the 2019 pageant to give up my title, assist with the event and crown my successor.
  • I understand that I am required to participate in the parade and other activities as stated by my director in regard to the Town of Damascus’ annual Trail Days festival, for which my title represents.
  • I understand that I am expected to make every effort to attend scheduled appearances and group events (ex. Fundraisers, Community Activities, Check Presentations, etc.).
  • I understand that at the discretion of my Directors, I am to maintain any web pages/sites (blogs, Facebook, or MySpace) in a positive manner. Any offensive comments or photographs displayed on those sites that are not in accordance with the way that I should act will be removed.

Appearance Rules & Guidelines

  • I understand that I am to represent the Miss Trail Days Pageant and my title in a well-groomed manner at all appearances. I must represent myself in public with a good attitude and friendly manner, as I am to be a good role-model to the public and to my little sisters in the Miss Trail Days organization, as well as to future participants of the program.
  • I understand that I must clear all appearances not booked by my Directors in a timely fashion. (You are encouraged to make appearances of your accord, we ask that you keep us informed and have them approved).
  • I understand that I am to show respect to not only the public, but to my Directors, committee, fellow pageant sisters/family, and my own family as well.
  • I understand that cell phones are not allowed to be used during an appearance, unless approved by my Directors.
  • I understand that not only myself, but my families as well, will assist the committee as needed in various events during the year. We are to be supporters of the program at all times.

Community Service

  • I understand that to help uphold the “SERVICE” point of my crown, I will perform at least 10 hours of Community Service during my year. These hours can be obtained by serving any local organization and can be accomplished either on my own or with my fellow pageant sisters.
  • I understand that it is vital to support my community to help keep the “unity in community”
  • I will keep a Community Service Hour Log to document my hours, my experience and any other vital information. If desired, I will take and keep photos of my community service to remind me what good I can do for my community and the happy feelings it gave me while volunteering.

Contestants Signature:______

Parent/Guardian Guardian:______



(Please check the appropriate age division)


Teen ______

Junior Miss______

Little Miss______

Contestant Name
Can you give us a description of this photo?
For example: what emotions are you feeling, what do you like about the location, do you like the colors, or why did you choose this particular photo?

The Photogenic Competition is

  • Optional
  • Has no bearing on judges decisions (separate panel chooses thewinner)
  • One winner per age division
  • $10 additional fee


* Be sure to label your photograph you wish to be used on the back

(highly advised; judges will not see names)

*Acceptable sizes are 4x6, 5x7, or 8x10

*Photos can be Color or Black & White

*Place in a clear sheet protector to prevent fingerprints

**Be sure to mark your mailing envelope with “DO NOT BEND” inside, if you do not wish for your photo to be bent (advisable for 8x10 sized photos)

All photos will be returned to you during pageant weekend.

Please complete this form and return, along with photograph, and $10 fee to:

Miss Trail Days

Attn: Photogenic

PO BOX 873

Damascus, VA 24236