Parking Lottery System

<p<h2The Office of Fleet and Asset Management (OFAM) Online Parking Lottery System for Downtown Sacramento</h2>Downtown Sacramento State Employees now have the ability to participate in the OPLS. The OPLS was developed to automate the lottery for release of parking spaces, eliminate the need for customers to take time out of their day to enter their business card in the manually operated parking lottery system located at the Sacramento State Garage, and promote a fair and transparent platform to obtain parking. If you have questions regarding the OPLS, or parking, please review the <a href=" title="Parking Lottery FAQs">Frequently Asked Questions</a>. If you do not get the answer you need from the FAQs, please email us at <a href="mailto:?subject=Parking Question"></a</p>

Enter your information below to be placed in the parking lottery

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Lottery FAQ

ol> <li<strong>How does the OPLS work?</strong</li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>Input all information required: </li> <ol> <li>Work Email Address</li> <li>Full Name</li> <li>Contact Phone Number</li> </ol> <li>You will receive an email notification confirming your submittal. </li> <li>You will receive Lottery Emails that include information when the lottery is performed, what will be available for that particular Lottery, when it is time to renew your subscription as well as other important news. </li> </ol

li<strong>What are the policies for the new OPLS? </strong</li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>Only downtown Sacramento State employees are eligible to participate. </li> <ol> <li>Duplicate/false entries found will result in disqualification from the Lottery. </li> </ol> <li>Only one submittal/person per Lottery occurrence. </li> <li>The OFAM is not responsible for late, inaccurate, or incomplete entries. </li> <li>Current parkers are eligible to participate in the Lottery. </li> <ol> <li>In the event an existing parker is chosen and opts to transfer to one of the available spaces, their former space is included with all other available parking and another Subscriber is chosen at random to claim it. </li> </ol> <li>Only Work Email addresses are acceptable. All other types of entries will be deemed ineligible (i.e. all addresses ending in gmail, yahoo, etc.) </li> <li>Available OFAM parking, and its associated location, is subject to availability and varies as a result of cancellations from the previous month. </li> <li>Each time the Lottery is performed, Subscribers are randomly drawn, contacted and instructions for obtaining parking are sent via email. </li> <li>Once contacted, available parking is obtained on a first come, first serve basis (the quicker you process with us, the more options you have). </li> <li>Employees have 48 hours to respond. </li> <ol> <li>No response is deemed a withdrawal that will result in another person drawn. </li> <li>Once all available parking is assigned, all entries are purged and the process begins again. </li> </ol> <li>You will receive a notification email advising you to renew prior to the purge for the next available Lottery. </li> <li>This process allows you to keep your contact information fresh so we can contact you! </li> <li>The OFAM does not release the names to the public for safety and security reasons. </li> <li>For months the Lottery is not performed, all entries will be held until the next available Lottery. </li> </ol

li<strong> Can I enter more than once?</strong> </li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>No. The Lottery only allows one entry per person. </li> </ol

li<strong>I am a new State Employee and have not received a Work Email address yet. Can I still subscribe?</strong> </li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>No. The OPLS will not allow personal/non-state email addresses (i.e., etc.) Subscribe as soon you receive it. </li> </ol

li<strong>What if I change jobs/locations?</strong> </li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>As soon as you are able, please update your subscription with your new Work Email address. </li> </ol

li<strong>What if I do not have access to my work email while I am away and am chosen? </strong</li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>As long as we receive an &ldquo;Out of Office&rdquo; response, we will save you a spot. Contact the Parking Unit office as soon as possible upon your return via email or phone. </li> <ol> <li>Email: <a href="mailto:?subject=Parking" class="ApplyClass"></a</li> <li>Phone: (844) 832-5423</li> </ol> </ol

li<strong>How will I know I have been chosen? </strong> </li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>Chosen Subscribers are contacted via email with instructions and documents required to be completed and submitted when claiming parking. </li> </ol

li<strong> Can I send someone to claim my parking for me? </strong</li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>No. When claiming parking, we require State Employee ID and a completed Parking Application with the parker&rsquo;s confidential information only they would know. </li> </ol

li<strong>How often does the Parking Lottery occur? </strong</li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>The Lottery occurs anytime there is available space, about 6-8 times per year. </li> </ol

<li<strong>While I am participating in the OPLS, where can I park?</strong> </li> <ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;"> <li>The OFAM has continuous parking available at Lot 38, located at 6th/8th W/X Streets. This is surface lot is located underneath the W/X Freeway across the street from Southside Park. </li> <li>Parking is only $40/month and a short walk from the downtown area. </li> <li>The OFAM provides onsite security from 6am to 6pm Monday through Friday. </li> <li>Regional Transit (RT) buses are also available for pick up and drop off at Southside Park. Please visit the RT website at: <a href=" title="Go to Sac Transit Website"> for scheduled pick up/drop off times or use their Online Trip Planner. </li> <ol> <li>State employees are also eligible to receive the Transit Subsidy through your Department with the combined use of the parking permit. </li> </ol> <li>Please contact us at: <a href="mailto:?subject=Parking"></a> so we can get you started right away! </li> </ol> </ol

Former text:

ul> <li>Only State employees are eligible to participate. </li> <li>State employees can submit a business card or complete and submit a blank business card (provided for you) with your name, phone number and work email address into the drop box located in the State Garage Dispatch Office located at 1416 10th Street (<a href=" title="driving directions for Sacramento State Garage">map</a>) between the hours of 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday. </li> <li>Blank 3.5&rdquo; x 2&rdquo; business cards are provided and can be completed and submitted with the following information: <ul> <li>Name and phone number </li> <li>Work Email Address </li> </ul> </li> <li<strong<emNOTE:</em> One Entry Per Person Per Drawing</strong>. Duplicate entries found result in disqualification from the drawing. </li> <li>The DGS is not responsible for inaccurate, illegible, late, damaged, or incomplete entries. </li> <li>Existing parkers are eligible to participate in the lottery. In the event an existing parker transfers to a new space, the former space will be returned to the pool and immediately filled by drawing another name. </li> <li>Individuals will be contacted by phone and voice mails will be left. Winners have 48 hours to respond. No response is deemed a decline of the space and another card will be drawn. </li> <li>Parkers must complete and submit an&nbsp;<a href=" class="iframe" title="OFA 112 Application for Parking">OFA 112 Application for Parking</a> (Interactive PDF) when obtaining a space. </li> <li>Parkers applying for Carpool must bring their carpoolers, all State IDs, complete the&nbsp;<a href=" class="iframe" title="OFA 73 Carpool Agreement">OFA 73 Carpool Agreement</a> (Interactive PDF) and submit a Google map of their commute route. The DGS will review and determine eligibility.&nbsp; </li> <li<strong>Please do not</strong&nbsp;contact our office between <strong>8am and 12pm</strong> when the Lottery is in progress. Winners will be contacted by phone to claim parking. The DGS does not release names to the public for safety reasons. </li> <li>For months when drawings are <strong>not</strong> held, all cards will be held over until the next available drawing. </li> <li>Participants must resubmit new cards for the next available drawing as all cards are shredded once all spaces are assigned. </li> </ul

<p>Parking spaces in Department of General Services (DGS)-owned lots are only available to state employees. Parking is subject to availability. </p> <p> For state employees in the downtown Sacramento area there is a new system for releasing parking. The Parking Lottery System (PLS)! The PLS was developed and implemented to improve the Parking Release process, customer service and provide a fair platform for parking space assignment </p> <p> Parking Release Notices are posted on the Sacramento State Garage Dispatch Office windows as early as the last Wednesday of each month with details related to parking availability, if any, for the next month’s drawing. Drawings take place on the first Monday of each month. Address: 1416 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 (<a href=" title="driving directions">map</a>)</p> <p> Payment for the first month is required – Credit Card, Cashier’s Check, Money Order only. Please NO CASH! Please make Cashier’s Checks and Money Orders payable to the Department of General Services. </p> <p> While waiting to obtain a space through the Lottery, the DGS has continuous availability at the following location: <ul> <li>6th/8th W/X Streets (Lot 38) $40/month </li</ul> </p>