South West Regional Group

ProGeo 2004 Application Form

Please return to :Dave Lerpiniere, ProGeo 2004 Conference Treasurer

Marcus Hodges Environment,

28 Barnfield Road,


EX1 1RX.

Tel: 01392 432950

Fax: 01392 495355

I wish to attend the Conference (enter details as you wish shown on delegate badge)

Name : …………………………………………………………………………………..

Organisation : …………………………………………………………………………….

I enclose a cheque for the following Conference Fee (indicate as appropriate)

1. Delegate Fee - standard£30.00

2. Delegate Fee - with early payment discount **£25.00

**for early payment by Geological Society Members before 12 June 2004 ONLY

**for corporate sponsor exhibitor delegates

3. Corporate Sponsor Exhibition Space and Delegate Pack Space£100.00

4. Corporate Sponsor Delegate Pack Space£25.00


Please make cheques payable to the Geological Society South West Regional Group

Please send my delegate information to :

Name : ………………………...…………………………………………………………

Professional Qualifications : ………...……………………………………………………….

Position : ……………………….…………………………………………………………

Organisation : ……………………………………………………………………………..

Address : …………………………………………………………………………………


Telephone : ………………………………… Fax : ...……………………………………

Email : ...…………………………………………………………………………………

Geological Society Membership Number (if applicable) : ...………………………………………

Please indicate if you have any special dietary needs (e.g. vegetarian): ………………………………

Delegates please note that they should register at the start of ProGeo 2004 between 8:45am and 9:15am.

ProGeo 2004

Conference Information


This year we have again decided to hold a Sponsors Exhibition which is open to our local businesses and membership as well as invited specialists.

Exhibition space is limited, so to avoid disappointment please book early.

Enquiries and reservations should be made with Dave Lerpiniere (01392 432950) or Alan White (01392 222738). Open bookings will be made strictly on a first come/first paid basis.

For a standard exhibition space (approximate dimensions 2.5m x 1.5m) the price is £100. Note, all corporate sponsor exhibitor delegates should also pay the discounted conference delegate fee of £25, which includes lunch and refreshments and the delegate pack.

For those companies that would like to be associated with this conference but do not wish to hire exhibition space we are also providing the opportunity for sponsors to provide promotional material for inclusion within the delegate pack and/or display during the conference. For this option the price is £25 for 3No. A4 size items (or the equivalent size for display). Please note that the Conference Treasurer must receive promotional material by 25 June 2004, along with any particular display instructions (if required). All required copies of promotional material must be supplied as we are unable to undertake copying of material for delegate packs. Also, please note that we cannot return any unused display materials.

Delegate Fees

This year, we have again decided to give an early payment discountfor delegates who are Members of the Geological Society and who make their application and payment at least three weeks before the conference day –i.e. by 12 June 2004. The discounted delegate fee is £25. Members of the Geological Society who make their application and payment after this date should pay the standard delegate fee of £30.

The standard delegate fee (for persons that are not Members of the Geological Society or Corporate Sponsor Exhibitor Delegates) is £30 which has once gain been pitched to just cover the basic costs of lunch and refreshmentsand the delegate pack.

Corporate Sponsor Exhibitor Delegates should pay the discounted conference delegate fee of £25.

All delegates will receive a delegate pack on registration and refreshments throughout the day including coffee, tea and lunch. Please notify any special dietary requirements on the Application Form.

ProGeo 2004 Conference Organising Committee

Malcolm HartUniversity of Plymouth

Louise HollickBritish Geological Society

Jim GrundyEnvironment Agency

Dave LerpiniereMarcus Hodges Environment

Gerard DuddridgeUniversity of Exeter