Spelling Mastery teaches students dependable spelling skills by blending the phonemic, morphemic, and whole-word approaches. Spelling Mastery interweaves these three approaches according to students' skill development and provides straightforward lessons to help you efficiently and effectively teach the spelling skills students need to become proficient readers and writers.
This Direct Instruction program provides instruction in small, carefully scaffolded steps to help students master each concept before a new one is presented. Frequent opportunities for review help students reinforce and retain each concept they master.

The straightforward lessons in Spelling Mastery will enable you to build reliable spelling strategies and give all your students the skills needed to spell thousands of words in just 15 to 20 minutes each day. Spelling Mastery focuses squarely on spelling, interweaving three spelling strategies to maximize your students' skill development:

The phonemic strategy helps young learners to:

  • Use sound-symbol correspondence as a foundation for spelling
  • Generalize the spelling of many words and word parts that follow in regular patterns

The morphemic strategy teaches more advanced students to:

  • Spell meaningful prefixes, suffixes, and word bases
  • Combine words and word parts to spell multisyllabic words using a small number of reliable rules

The whole-word approach helps students at all levels to:

  • Spell common, high-frequency words which are irregular in their letter sounds
  • Commit these potentially troublesome works to memory


Concentrated strategy instruction enables students to learn to spell far more words than traditional programs even attempt. Careful teaching of reliable rules and their applications reduces the number of words students must memorize. On-going, cumulative review of every skill, pattern, and rule ensures long-term retention. Writing and proofreading activities connect spelling with composition. Fully-scripted lessons with built-in correction procedures reduce the need for planning and checking papers


McGraw Hill

220 East Danieldale Road

Desoto TX 75113-2490

Phone: (800) 334-7344

Fax: (800) 953-8691
