WMO RA I Sub-regional WIGOS / WIS Workshop for

West Africa

12 – 15 November 2013, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire



WMO RA I Sub-regional WIGOS/WIS Workshop for West Africa

12 – 15 November 2013, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

I. Opening of the workshop

At the kind invitation of the Government of Cote d’Ivoire, the RA-I Sub-regional WIGOS workshop for West Africa was held in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire from 12 to 15 November 2013. The workshop was formally opened on 12 November 2013 at 09:30 a.m.

The Permanent Representative of Cote d’Ivoire with WMO, Mr Daouda Konate, welcomed the participants[1] to Abidjan. He recalled the objectives and importance of WIGOS in the RA I (Africa) Region in general and in the sub-region of West Africa. As the Chair of the RA-I TT-WIGOS, he reminded the participants of the sub-region the importance of incorporating all meteorological observations, both those under the national meteorological services and those under other entities, into WIGOS. He also reminded the participants that understanding WIGOS will be key for its success in the sub-region.

On behalf of the Director of the Société d'Exploitation et de Développement Aéroportuaire, Aéronautique et Météorologique (SODEXAM), Mr Nguessan Kouakouwelcomed the participants in Cote d’Ivoire.

Dr Lamine Bah, President of RA I also thanked the government of Cote d’Ivoire for their invitation to WMO to organize the WMO RA I Sub-regional WIGOS Workshop for West Africa.

On behalf of the WMO Secretary General, Mr Michel Jarraud, DrWenjian Zhang, Director of the WMO Observing and Information Systems Department thanked the authorities of Cote d’ivoire for hosting this important workshop. He explained the latest progress of WIGOS in all WMO regions and particularly in Africa, and expressed his appreciation to Dr Lamine Bah and Dr Amos Makarau for their leadership, their full support, as well as their personal engagement for WIGOS in Africa.

On behalf of the Government of Cote d’Ivoire, Mr Diabate Kaladji, Deputy Director of Cabinet of the Ministry of Transport,welcomed the participants in Cote d’Ivoire. He indicated that 4 synoptic stations and a maintenance and calibration centre of the observing system of Cote d’Ivoire have beendeteriorated during the political unrest in the country. He however, assured that Cote d’Ivoire will do its best to rehabilitate these stations and the maintenance centre.

II. Adoption of the agenda and working arrangements

The agenda of the meeting and working arrangements were adopted.

III. The WIGOS Concept and Implementation

Dr Lamine Bah, President of RA I made a key note presentation on the “RA I Requirements on Observation and Information Systems meeting the needs of Weather, Climate, Water and Environmental Services: Status, Challenges and the Way Forward”.

Dr Amos Makarau, Chair of the RA I Task Team on WIGOS explained the RA I WIGOS implementation plan preparations, the purposes of the sub-regional workshops, the RAI WIGOS Governance and Working Structure, the activities for 2013-2015 and the challenges facing the implementing of WIGOS in RA I.

Dr W. Zhang made a presentation on the concept of WIGOS as a key WMO Foundation for meeting the observing needs of Weather, Climate, Water and Environment Services.

Mr David Thomas presented the WMO Information System (WIS): Global status of its implementation and the Discovery, Access, and Retrieval (DAR) in the context of the

Mr. H. Kontongomde presented theRA 1 WIGOS ImplementationPlan: the key points and Milestones.

These presentations helped the participants understand the overall concept of WIGOS, and WIS, the management requirements for the Sub-region and the key activities areas for their implementation.

IV. Observing Systems in the Sub-region of West Africa

All the 16 countries in West Africa were represented: Benin,Burkina Faso,Cap Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau,Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and,Togo.The participants made presentations on the status of the observations network in their respective countriesincluding existing observation networks in the country not belonging to the National Weather Service. They highlighted the main problems their NMHSs encounter:

  • Low density of observing stations
  • Stations sites do not meet all WMO standards
  • Problem of data transmission (SSB radio data are still used for the transmission of data from synoptic stations; observation data of agro-climatological stations and rain-gauge are received monthly though postal mail).
  • New telecommunication systems (Internet) and mobile phone telephony, if available, could be used for the collection and transmission of meteorological data
  • Observing station instruments and equipment are obsolete
  • Maintenance of equipment is not always performed
  • Lack of coordination with partners having their observations networks
  • Inspections of observation stations are no always performed due to lack of financial resources and/or limited budget
  • Lack of qualified staff
  • TDCF encoding (in BUFR or CREX) not performed in some countries
  • Improvement of the data management systems
  • Insufficient sensors (instruments / equipment) especially with regards to marine meteorological and oceanographic observations
  • QMS for Meteorological Services not implemented

The representative of ASECNA made a presentation on the contribution of his agency in the development of the GTS in the ASECNA member countries and its evolution towards the WMO Information System (WIS). He also provided a time table for the migration of to TDCF as follows:

  • Starting November 1st2013: automatic generation of TEMP and PILOT message in BUFR
  • Starting February 1st2014: transmission of SYNOP messages in CREX and CLIMATE in BUFR from Station to National Meteorological Centre

Several participants didn’t have a clear understanding of WIGOS and WIS. However, after the presentations by the WMO Secretariat, the participants acknowledged a better understandingof WIGOS and WIS, their objectives, benefits, impact and the overall implementation process. The issue of the national focal points for WIGOS and WIShad has been clarified.

V. Development of the Sub-Regional WIGOS Implementation Plan for WestAfrica

The participants developed a draft Sub-Regional WIGOS Implementation Activities by taking into account existing and future sub-regional priorities and identified major gaps (English version in Annex 1, French version in Annex 6).

To ensure an effective implementation of the WIGOS and WIS in the sub-region, a Road map was developed for the implementation of WIGOS in the sub-region of West Africa (Annex 2).

VI. Development of the Sub-Regional WIS Implementation Plan for RA I

The participants recommended:

  • the nomination of a WIS focal point in each country an the establishment of WIS Task Team for RA I composed of one representative of each RA I sub-region and a representation of each GISC in Africa (Morocco and South Africa) (ToRs of WIS focal point in Annex 4)
  • the organization of a WMO - ASECNA meeting in 2013 to define WIS applications
  • the organization of a workshop of the newly established RA I Task Team on WIS during the first quarter of 2014

An RA I WIS Implementation Plan (Strawman) was developed (Annex 3)

VII. Closure of the meeting

The Chair of the RA I Task Team on WIGOS, Dr Amos Makarau expressed his satisfaction for outcome of the workshop: a Sub regional WIGOS/WIS activities table has been finalized and a road map developed. He thanked WMO and particularly Dr Wenjian Zhang for his commitment to the implementation of WOGOS in all WMO Regions, particularly in Africa.

The Director of the WMO Observing and Information department (OBS), Dr Wenjian Zhang, the Permanent representative of Cote d’Ivoire with WMO thanked the Permanent representative of Cote d’Ivoire and the Government of Cote d’Ivoire for a well organized workshop. He thanked the participants for their hard work in developing the zero draft of the Sub-Regional WIGOS and WIS Implementation.

Before closing the meeting, the Permanent representative of Cote d’Ivoire Mr Daouda Konate thanked participants for their contribution, proactive discussion and the fruitful outcome of this intense and excellent session. He thanked WMO for choosing Abidjan to host the workshop and asked the participants to report on the outcome of the workshop to their respective Permanent representatives and Directors.

The session was closed on 15 November 2013 at 13:14.


Annex 1

Table 2 Western Africa WIGOS Implementation Activities

Depending on the implementation scale, planned activities are specified as follows: SR = Sub-regional activity and N = National activity.

No / Activity / Deliverables / Timeline / Responsibility / Estimated Costs (2013-20xx) K CHF / Potential Risks
Total / ARB[2] / Shortfall
1. Management of WIGOS Implementation in Western Africa
N / Establish the sub-regional responsible body including institutions and technical groups such as ASECNA, AGRHYMET, ECOWAS / RA-I SR WIGOS Governance structure established and TOR defined
WIGOS sub regional centres identified / 2013 / RA-I MG
Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
Governance: High-level governance composed of Ministers and PRs
Working body: 2 from each country, with combination of WIGOS and WIS
N / Nominate effective national WIGOS focal points to liaise with CBS, CIMO and other relevant TCs, WIGOS-PO on the implementation of WIGOS and EGOS-IP / National Focal points are nominated for WIGOS and for WIS / 2013 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
Nominate national focal points
SR / Develop the sub-regional WIP taking into account the priorities of the sub-region / Sub-regional WIP is developed including:
a) Tables of activities and decisions;
b) Actions indicated in the sub-regional plan;
c) Actions indicated in the EGOS-IP for the sub-region of West Africa / March 2014 / Sub-regional and national focal points / Low
SR / Develop the National WIP taking into account national priorities / National WIP is developed including:
a) Tables of activities and decisions;
b) Actions indicated in the national ; / March 2014 / National focal points / Low
SR / Make an inventory of resources needed for the implementation of WIGOS in the sub region / Necessary resources from the Secretariat, the sub-region, partners, stakeholders, and Members are identified / 2013-2014 / Sub-regional working body, PRs / High
N / Mobilize needed resources to support the WIGOS implementation in the sub-region of West Africa / Appropriate resources available from Secretariat, Western African partners, stakeholders and Members / On going / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body Coordination Group;
Governance body
N / Monitor and evaluate (M&E) WIGOS and WIS implementation activities in the sub-region of West Africa / Semi-annual M&E reports;
Problems are identified and sorted out timely / On going / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
WMO Secretariat; Regional/Sub-regional Office
N / Develop National WIGOS and WIS Implementation Plans (N-WIPs) / N-WIPs developed / 2013-20146 / Members
Establish national WIGOS/WIS implementation team (including key stakeholders) to manage all the observing and information systems. This team will have to develop national plan and guide implementation
2. Collaboration with the WMO co-sponsored observing systems and international partner organizations and programmes
N / Identify and engage key partner organizations (water, marine, agriculture, environment and research institutes, private sector, disaster management agencies, etc.) such as AGRHYMET, ACMAD, ASECNA, ABN, OMVS, Regional Maritime University-Accra, etc. in implementation of WIGOS in West Africa and at the national levels / MoUs/ Agreements signed with sub-regional and national partners organizations / On going with annual review / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
PRs responsible for the MoU/Agreements with National Partners
N / Establish working mechanisms with clear targets (such as data policies, MoUs, agreements) for collaboration in WIGOS implementation in the Western Africa / Collaboration mechanisms established;
Number of exchanged observations Increased through the partnership / 2015
On going with annual review / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
PRs responsible for the FPs to draft MoU/Agreements for PR to discuss with partners
2.3 SRN / Establish liaison with ASECNA re its services relevant to WIGOS WIS / ASECNA component of WIGOS WIS sub regional implementation plan / 2014 / WMO need to meet with ASECNA in 2013 to define WIS applications and responsibilities. Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body to oversee liaison and contribution to plan
3. Design, planning and optimized evolution of WIGOS and its sub-regional and national component observing components
SR / Optimize the observing systems in the Western Africa taking into account:
a) The technical guidance as represented in the EGOS-IP and other relevant observing systems IP;
b) Recommendations by XV-RA-I session (2010);
c) Observational Requirements expressed in GFCS-IP;
d) Up-to-date user requirements for data, including partners outside NMHSs, such as international river basin authorities
e) campaigns of observations organized in the sub-region / Sub-regional integrated observing system design optimized taking into account partners requirements / 2014 - 2017 / Sub-regional WIGOS/WIS Working Body in collaboration with RA I TT- WIGOS-WIS
SR / Design of a new integrated RBN in the Western Africa / RBN in Western Africa is designed;
RBN in Western Africa is implemented / 2014 - 2017 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
Sub-regional representatives in TT-WIGOS
SR / Based on the principle of a new integrated Regional Basic Network, design and plan observation systems in the sub-region systems taking into account the priorities and needs / Regional plan of optimized observing systems is proposed / 2013-2015 / Subregional and national coordinators, with support from the Project Office WIGOS
N / Contribute to the collective sub-regional effort to evolve and implement observing systems following the EGOS-IP and other observing system implementation plans / 1) Report back to IPET-OSDE on the actions detailed in the EGOS-IP
2) EGOS-IP initiated at a National level / Annually
2014 onwards / Members
N / Review the global user requirements in the WMO RRR DataBase to take into account Sub-Regional and national user requirements for observations / RRR database (OSCAR) updated for Sub-Regional and National requirements / 2014
onwards / Members
WMO Secretariat
SR / Review regional communications practices and procedures and update GTS and WIS topology mappings / Updated Maps for Manual on GTS vol II, and WIS communications map / 2014
onwards / WIS FPs with Sub-regional representatives in TT-WIGOS
(Secretariat database)
4. Observing System Operation and Maintenance
4.1 SR / Collect and compile examples of best practices and technical documentation from Members / Technical documents and best practices provided to WIGOS-PO / 2014 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body in collaboration with RA I TT-WIGOS;
WMO Secretariat
SR / Establish a West Africa repository of guidance and technical documentation relevant to observations / West Africa Repository established and information accessible by Members / 2014 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
WMO Secretariat and Regional/ Sub regional Office
SR / Establish a RIC in West Africa for calibration of observing systems / RIC established / 2015 / PRs, WMO, CIMO
5. Quality Management
SR / Examine current quality management practices being used in the Western Africa, including calibration of instruments for surface-based observations / Status report on the current quality management practices provided to WIGOS-PO / 2014-2015 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
WMO Secretariat;
Regional/ Sub-regional Office
SR / Establish mechanisms and systems to improve, monitor and document the quality of observations from the WIGOS Sub-Regional observing components / Mechanisms for improved quality of observations at all levels established;
Sub-Regional WIGOS quality monitoring Centre established / 2014 - 2016
Tbd / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
WMO Secretariat Regional/Sub-regional Office;
Nominate a national observing system quality manager and TT-WIGOS form a sub-regional observations QM team (2014)
SR / Ensure, where possible, traceability of observations to the international standards (such as International System of Units (SI)), focusing initially on surface pressure, temperature, precipitation and humidity / Increased number of observations traceable to international standards in the Western Africa / Annual review / Members;
WMO Secretariat Document the differences of the AWS and manual readings in operational practice
SR / To consider establishment of a sub region RIC to achieve, through collaborative effort of Members the full functionality of the RIC / RIC operational / 2016 / Sub-regional RIC;
With support from Members, WMO, CIMO
SR / Achieve compliance of the RIC with WMO agreed capabilities and functions defined in the CIMO Guide, Annex 1A / Compliance of RIC achieved / 2013-2016 / Sub-regional RIC;
With support from Members
SR / Improve services of RIC to Members and encourage Members to use services of RIC / Mechanisms for collaboration between RIC and Members is established;
Services of RIC are provided to Members / 2016
On going / Sub-region RIC;
SR / Consider the establishment of an RMIC / RMIC operational / 2013-2015 / West Africa; through collaborative effort with Members
N / Ensure that surface-based sites that are needed for calibration/validation of satellite data are specified / List of surface-based sites for calibration/validation of satellite data and products is available.
Sub-TT on satellite data and products requirements and utilization. / 2014 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
Sub-TT on satellite data and products requirements and utilization.
5.9 SRN / Implement feedback and action process for reaction to Generalized WWW monitoring results / Agreed practice and update TORs of WIGOS and WIS FP’s to respond to issues identified in WWW and WIS monitoring / 2014 / WIS FPs with Sub-regional representatives in TT-WIGOS
6. Standardization, System Interoperability and Data Compatibility
SR / Implement the siting classification throughout the Western Africa / Siting classification implemented / 2015 / Members
N / Establish mechanisms for monitoring of compliance with WIGOS relevant standards at the sub-regional and national levels / Operational mechanisms for monitoring of compliance with WIGOS relevant standards are established;
Compliance with WIGOS relevant standards is increased at the national level / 2015
Annual review / WMO Secretariat provides Inventory of standards needed for implementation.
Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body provide technical guidance for Members to implement standards and carry on annual review;
Members implement standards
N / Members to generate and provide metadata to WIR-OSCAR / Metadata collected and provided to WIR / 2014 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
WMO Secretariat
SR N / Achieve migration to TDCF in the Western Africa / Migration completed by all Members / 2013-2014 / Members, ASECNA / TAC to TCDF- New equipment should be compliant
7. The WIGOS Operational Information Resource (WIR)
SR / Develop and maintain a sub-regional metadata database and a web portal to contribute to the WIR-OSCAR / Sub regional WIR developed and hosted by WMO regional office by North, West and Central Africa operational / 2014-2015 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
WMO Secretariat, specifically WMO regional office for North, West and Central Africa is responsible for coordination of the metadata collection
SR / Members to provide and share up-to-date communication and outreach information through the WIR / Up-to-date outreach information available / 2013-2014 / Members;
WMO Secretariat
N / Provide information required by WIR / Required information available in WIR and maintained / 2014 onwards / Members
8. Data discovery, delivery and archival
N / Members to designate relevant contributing centres as WIS DCPCs or NCs;
Ensure that Members establish WIS NCs / Each Member has at least one designated principal GISC and a backup GISC;
Relevant Members designated as DCPCs;
All Members’ centres compatible with WIS / 2014 -
2015 / Members’ WIS FP
WMO Secretariat
N / Members to share data and discovery metadata via WIS, including from institutions other than NMHSs / Data and discovery metadata, including from institutions other than NMHSs, shared through WIS / 2015 onwards / Members WIS FP;
WMO Secretariat
8.3 / WIS FP to ensure WIS Discovery MD is created and publish / Discovery metadata sent to principal GISC / 2014-2015
And on-going / WIS and WIGOS FPs. / WIS - New equipment should be compliant / WIS FP to ensure WIS Discovery MD is created and publish
9. Capacity development
SR / Identify the needs for new Regional Centres (RICs, RRCs, RMICs, RTCs, Sub-Regional WIGOS Centre) / At least one Centre in the Western Africa is established for each type of a centre / 2014-2015 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
with support of WMO Secretariat
SR / Define and revise TORs of these Centres for strengthening the sub-regional capacity on WIGOS-WIS / Centres as defined above are operational and TORs agreed / 2014-2015 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
PRs with support of WMO Secretariat
N / Provide assistance to Members to establish/enhance institutional mandates and policies that enable effective implementation, operation and management of observing systems by Members / Institutional mandates and policies for effective implementation, operation and management of observing systems by Members are established/enhanced / On going / WMO Secretariat;
Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
N / Provide assistance to Members to fill the existing gaps in the design, operation and maintenance of WIGOS component observing systems, including both the infrastructure and human capacities development / Gaps in the WIGOS observing systems of Member countries are identified;
and filled / 2013-2014
2014 onwards / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
WMO Secretariat
Members, in collaboration with regional partners and TCs
9.5 / Data rescue - Continue the identification of data records and their digitization and storage in electronic archive / A digital archive of historical observation records as a part of the GFCS. / 2014 onwards / Members – PR and WIGOS FP
10. Communication and outreach
N / Utilise communication strategies developed by ICG-WIGOS and material provided by WIGOS-PO to raise awareness and commitment to WIGOS and WIS in the Western Africa / Awareness and commitment to WIGOS and WIS in the Western Africa is raised / 2013-2014 / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
WMO Secretariat
N / Develop communication and outreach material relevant to Western Africa with a special focus on policy-makers / Up-to-date communication and outreach material of the sub-region is available through appropriate means (WIR, RANET, forums, etc.) / 2014
Before RA I session / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
WMO Secretariat;
Regional/Sub-regional Offices;
Members, PRs
N / Communicate WIGOS and WIS benefits using all possibilities, such as brochures, COPs, AMCOMET / Workshops and side events organized at sub-regional and national levels for promoting WIGOS and WIS / 2013 onwards / Sub-regional WIGOS Working Body;
with support of WMO Secretariat
N / Encourage partners to communicate benefits achieved through the WIGOS/WIS implementation / Benefits provided to WIGOS-PO and WIS Branch / 2015 onwards / Members