High Hesket, CARLISLE, Cumbria CA4 0HU TEL: 016974 73386

Head teacher: Mrs Margaret Taylor

Email: Website:

Friday 9th September 2016


Welcome back to the Autumn termand the start of the final year of primary school for the children in year 6. We have thoroughly enjoyed our first few days with the new year 6 children and are looking forward to a fantastic year stretching out ahead of us. We have outlined some key information below that you might find useful to know about the organisation of our class.


There are 22 children in year 6 this year. The class will be taught on a Monday and Tuesday by Mrs Day and by Mrs Ager for the remainder of the week. In addition to this we have a Schools Direct student training with us, who will be spending the majority of her time in the year 6 classroom, Ms Eiman Shah. Mrs Holmes will continue to support the year 6 children for some lessons on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning.


Our PE days will be on a Tuesday and a Friday. As you know, the first 5 Tuesdays of the autumn term will be swimming at Richard Rose Morton Academy. The Friday session will be a mixture of outside and indoor sessions dependent on the weather. Although we are heading towards winter, we will still try and make use of the outdoors when possible so please could children have items for both indoor and outdoor activities in their PE kits.

Outdoor Learning

We would really like to maximise the use of our incredible outdoor spaces at High Hesket. Rather than planning dates, we would like

to be more spontaneous and explore the potential for different learning experiences outside of the classroom. If you are able to provide a pair

of wellingtons or old shoes that children could wear out of doors in all weathers, to be left at school, then this would be greatly appreciated.


The children will have a weekly piece of written homework which they will bring home in a blue homework book. They will receive this on a Tuesday and it will be due in on the following Monday, which allows a day for marking. If the children would like any help or extra information about their homework task, they are more than welcome to talk to us about ideas. They are also more than welcome to personalise their homework book with wrapping paper or a front cover to make it a bit more interesting!The children will also be expected to use their ‘Maths Whizz’ accounts for a minimum of 30 minutes per week as it is fantastic for consolidating their learning in class. If the children do not have access to the internet to do so, they are more than welcome to use the school computers during a playtime. We will check their progress regularly.


To support the teaching of spelling in the school, the children will receive ten spellings to practice at home linked to the specific objective taught in class. They will receive these spellings on a Monday at the beginning of a new unit and then will be tested after a week and a half on a Wednesday. Any help you can provide your child with learning these spellings at home would be much appreciated.

National Curriculum tests 2017

As of September 2015, SATs tests have changed for the children in Year 6. They have been replaced with new end of year tests which will continue to assess the children’s outcomes in English and Maths. We will provide plenty of opportunities over the year for the children to prepare for these testswhich will take place during the week commencing May 8th 2017.

We hope that the information above is of use but feel free to contact us at school or make an appointment if you would like to talk through

anything in further detail.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Ager and Mrs Day

Class teachers