3 panelists - 2 gentlemen, 1 lady. I know Prof. C P Gupta is there. No idea about other two.

  • Give your introduction.
  • Why finance?
  • You mentioned Mutual Fund, Tel me why it is called Mutual?

Overall, it was all academic based. I tried answering their questions and cannot do full justification.
I suppose they are interested in knowing your basics specially if you are from commerce background.
Tip for Commerce/Eco Hons. student - Please brush up your academics.It will definitely form a major part of your interview.

MY gd pi experience
12 march
profile: MFC and MBE
Comp. Sc(h)
GD was for about 12 minutes but the panel didnt stopped. It was decent GD with some good points
from everyone but in between became a fish market. I opened the GD and I think my contribution was decent enough.
The Panel asked one person to summarize.

for most of those who were from NON eco, commerce background. It was mostly a stress interview. i was asked to think out of the box and give a solution for making commuting by bus a smoother experience.
Question on CRR and SLR and strengths . dats it

  • Introduction
  • Questions on Match fixing since i said i like analysing the cricket matches..
  • why not family business.
  • role play : devise a business plan and convince us to fund it.
    i had one plan and described about it den some cross questioning.

GD/PI experience:
Date : 12th March
Time : (slot) 9am
CAT %ile : 92.7
Background : (Year and college) Btech, 2012, MAIT, DELHI
Work ex : (if any) Nil
GD group size : 12(8 present, 4 absent)
GD topic : A person should not be honest: Straight trees are first to be cut
Gd went smooth. no fish market created, everyone had points to give. It lasted for around 10 mins and at the end two people were asked to give summary.


Three panelists were there. One old aged Prof, One middle aged female prof and a young female Prof.

  • The questions asked were simple and mostly technical.
  • Started with my introduction,
  • then why MBE ( the golden ques),
  • then some technical
  • then from my final year subject : mobile communication, and finally they asked my take on the recent Election Results..
    hope this helps!
    All the best!

Group 5, 13th March, 9 AM

PI first Panel: 2 Ladies and 1 Gentleman

  • Questions on Why MBE?
  • How is politics related to Economics in India (with e.g.) and few more on the same topic.
  • What mathematical papers did you have in grad?
  • Where do you use laplace transform? (Yaad nahi aaya! )
  • If I give you a long equation, which numerical method will you use to calculate roots?

GD after an hour,topic was "We need more entrepreneurs and not managers, scientists, etc."Had a good discussion, but we paused at times. Two candidates were asked to sum it up.Overall, a good experience!

Just got back home after been through the GD PI...

Here is my experience..

Date :13th March 2012

Time : 9.00 am

Profile:CAT %ile :96.53

Background : B.com Hons., Hansraj College, 2009 batch

Work ex :25 months, Senior analyst, KPMG Other: CFA (USA) Level 1 cleared

GD group size :14, only 9 were present

GD topic nice I woke up in the Morning, I saw? (I really liked this Abstract Topic...)

Started around 10.20 am. Two moderators. They briefed us about the Process - 2 min to think and 18-20 mins to Discuss and then at the end they will ask any one in the group to summarize.GD went very well. Everybody got a chance to speak. Discussion went through various range of topics - Food security, Climate changes, Poor infrastructure, Education, youth's personal aspirations etc.etc...group dis justice to the topic (atleast i think so..)Then Mods asked everyone to summarize the topic (instead of only one.....got one more chance to speak on the topic).Overall...very nice and Peaceful GD i ever had...(people are actually listening and letting the person complete his/her point...).

Personal Interview:

Again, the Last one to be interviewed.... (Why this is happening with me...had my IMI interview as well in the end....)

3 panelist - 2 gentleman, 1 lady. I know Prof. C P Gupta is there. No idea about other two.I have gone through every topic of CFA level 1 except Fixed Income and see my luck (Good/Bad depends upon final convert....)...Prof. C P gupta is there who has Fixed Income as its specialization...Q - Give your introduction.Me - ToldQ - Why finance?Me - ToldQ - you mentioned Mutual Fund, Tel me why it is called Mutual?me - Told - linked it with Investment manager and Unit holders of Mutual fund.Then more questions related to fixed income securities.Overall, it was all academic based. I tried answering their questions and cannot do full justification.I suppose they are interested in knowing your basics specially if you are from commerce background.Tip for Commerce/Eco Hons. student - Please brush up your academics.It will definitely form a major part of your interview.Fingers crossed....Best of luck

Date: 12th March
Time: 1.30 pm (afternoon slot)
shortlisted for both MFC and MBE
CAT OA-98.34
X- 88%
XII- 84.67%
Bachelor in Physiotherapy- 75.83%
Topic: Food comes first, Ethics later.
2 mins to think n jot down points
15-20 mins discussion
Overall a good discussion, everyone gave lots of inputs, became fish market at few instances (even the panel disrupted the discussion and asked us to present our views one by one).. but a good one..
In the end, a girl was asked to summarise in 2-3 mins.
3 panel members
P1- Prof Surender Kumar (Deptt of Business Eco, DU)
P2 and P3- no info

  • Why MBE?
  • Why a shift in career from physiotherapy to Business Economics?
  • Some question related to medical like fracture of ligament and so on..
  • Any business plan...? plz explain..

Rest general information regarding school and college...
Lasted for some 10-15 mins.
An okayish interview!
Just hoping for best...
ATB guys....
Prepare well, esp those with Eco n commerce background.. lots of acads ques and some were even asked equations and asked to calcuate some rates.. and so on..!

Date of interview- 14th march MBE
B tech(CSE)
GD Topic- Higher education should be for those who can pay for it.
PI- 3 gentlemen

  • Tell me about yourelf ..
  • What is testing > Automated Software testing
  • Name all automation softwares you know?
  • Explain UP government ?
  • Whats the full form of Noida?
  • Explain the civic structure of delhi?
  • Why MBE?
  • What’s so Unique about your personality?
  • What’s stress/strain/laws of thermodynamics?

A good experience. Just be confident. Do your acads well. you ll rock


  • very first statement by the panelists-Don't u think madam u came to a wrong place?
  • Introduce urself..
  • Why mbe?
  • Grilled my on my academics..
  • Asked abt euro crisis,BRICS..
  • Any 5 currencies other than dollar,pound,rupees,euro..
  • Asked me some mathematical terms..some ajeeb gareeb..all in all..bja di meri..they were so delighted to trouble me..and the way they were laughing sarcastically......

so pi was a mix of gud nd bad.

GD TOPIC-Peace and non-violence are outdated concepts today..gd was excellent frm my side...rest rabb rakhannnn!!

GD/PI Experience GD Topic-Army job are not lucrative any more


  • Introduce urself ,
  • About my hobby football,fav player,what are things u would take frm football.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility.
  • Taxes(Direct &Indirect;

Done with GD/PI
Date: 12/03/2012
Slot: 1 : 30 PM
CAT %ILE: 96.67
QUANTS : 97.57
VERBAL : 88.24
XII - STD : 93.58
X - STD : 84.5
B.E. Mechanical (30 months experince in mining)
Shortlisted for both MFC & MBE
GD Xperience:
total members : 14 (present 7 / absent 7)
topic : Politics is always better than economics.
2 min. to gather the thoughts, 15 min. to discuss and one has to summarize at last.
Not a great GD. was about to become a fish market.
Moderated by judges twice.

PI Experience:

  • Tell me about urself?
  • Why MBE?
  • Few questions reg. workex...
  • Then comes the shocker !!!!
    There was a Mechanical prof. in my panel.
    Bombarded with academic related questions...
    1st law of thermodynamics
    what is entropy..give examples...
    what is adiabatic process...
    what is a black body
    what is conduction heat transfer
    parameters of heat transfer
    derive eqn of heat transfer for adiabatic process...
    Screwed with mechanical part...
    Fingers crossed !!!

My GDPI Experience

First PI

  • what’s the meaning of your name?
  • Distance between sun and earth?
  • What is a light year?
  • Who is Subbharao?
  • what is RBI?
  • Three Major problems of Indian Economy?
  • Why MBE?
  • Horse Power means?

GD topic: Peace and non-violence are outdated concepts now in INDIA..

Overall it was a good experience All the Best

But then , how would i convince the panel regarding question on How MBE program would help u realize your goals. The course is on Business Economics , how would I get fit into all this ? Please answer.

Look Ashish, let me tell you something being frank. If you have some entrepreneurship plan, try to back it with two to three strong business plans after a lot of research work. I said about my plans to my IMS faculty while I was giving my mock interviews during preparations last year and in no minutes could see each of the plan being a superb flop ones. They just find holes in your every plan in just no seconds.
What tactics I followed not only with this college but with other one is that do a lot of research about the college, find out where this college is par with other and tell the same to the interviewers

Why MBE ?

  1. Course is tailored on the similar patterns of the program at Harvard Business School
  2. excellent faculty-mostly all have done PhDs
  3. recognition from Delhi University
  4. student community is very talented and comes from various backgrounds
  5. apart from the academic front, we all participate in seminars, business plan competitions and other social events
  6. one of the unique course which offers Econometrics

Just for the sake of future batch a short note of my short MBE PI (literally only 10 minutes) experience:
Panel: 2 males, 2 females

  • Introduce yourself
  • Why you want to leave your job and join MBE. After all you are lucky to have a job?
  • Why India is good at software and not so good at HW (I have work ex in HW engineering company)
    Now havoc strikes, 1 sir points out at female faculty from DU who is EC professor
  • 1question on my favorite subject
  • Another question on same topic
  • Asked about any other favorite subject
  • The panel paused for a while and bid farewell to me. (PI ends)
    NOTE: Prepare your academics very well (2 or more subjects) even if you are experienced. The same trend was followed last year but i did take a heed and thought i would be able to manipulate them. I was wrong. But still on prof told me that "i was good", while i was leaving. Very feeble chances......
    ATB for next batch......

Sorry for posting late puys..
Here goes my experience.
15 march afternoon slot
we were seated in a room, where a lady verified our docs.. didnt know that 2 separate sets of docs were required. Got another copy done from the xerox shop outside the main building. after the verification, we were guided to a room for our gd.. the topic was abstract- "the wheel goes round and round". the group was awesome.. the topic was interpreted differently by everyone, ranging from economy and we made a foray into finance, philosophy, life cycle, etc etc.. overall, a healthy discussion..
Next up i had my mbe interview.. No intro, strengths, weaknesses, etc type of ques.. Just hardcore acads. They asked me my favorite subjects, and then grilled me in it.. the interview lasted just 7-8 min.. avg time for others was close to 15min.. dont know how i fared there..
mfc interview was one of the worse ever experiences i'v encountered.. some real hardcore finance stuff.. the panel was literally laughing at me.. the interview lasted some 15-20min.. overall, a pathetic outing..
anyways all the best to people who are yet to experience the process..

hello puys
had my gdpi today
slot : 1 p.m(process strtd a lil late arnd 2p.m)
date 24th april
we were divided into two groups
present 16 absent 4
my group 8 prsnt 2 absnt
group1 went for their gd and we waited for our pi.
intrvw panel
4 ppl.
faculty two members and two from industry i guess(they knew everythng so dnt bluff at ol)

  • They asked questions from technical to current affairs..netwrkin ,hardware ,odr technical terms..Waterfall model.
  • current awareness :khap panachayat ipl contro,
  • Meaning of my name.dats it
    den we went for our gd and grp1 strtd with their pi.(onli one panel was there).
    first we were tld to giv our intro one by one den gd strtd.
    topic hindustan vs youngistan.
    fair gd...evevrybdy got chnace to speak..dats it..process over in 2 hrs.
    ol d best puys.
    topic was hindustan vs youngistan

Had gd-pi on 23rd, 1 pm
GD topic : Women don't need reservation in parliament.
GD took 10-15 mins and there were 2 profs in panel. It ws followed by intro of every person in grp.
PI went smooth 4 most of ppl in our grp. Panel ws cool n consisted of 4-5 ppl

  • I ws asked abt career goal,
  • Favorite subject,
  • s/w engg, CMM,
  • general awareness, etc.

had my gd-pi today
Gd topic-innovative india
took arnd 20 min
pi went cool .4 panelists

  • asked abt career,
  • why mbe,
  • final year project,
  • why mbe after btech..

panelists were cool.In my group arnd 10 people were there of which two were absent.

I had mine 2de..1.30 pm slot....after gettin it rescheduled...
process started at 1.45...2 groups of 10 each....one group taken for GD..n other started wid PI's....
There were 9 ppl in my group..no gals!....to begin wid we were asked to introduce ourselves wid d reasons behind applyin for this course..n there was cross questioning ryt away...(a group PI???))..nywaz after this intro cum SOP round..were finally asked to have a discussion on d topic "INNOVATIVE INDIA" for about 20 minutes..includin 2 minutes to ponder upon....
Decent discussion...but not a healthy one!....(no fish market type situation but d topic itself called for a lot of abstract n hence an unbridled discussion)
n then started d loooong wait....finally i entered d room for PI at 4.45-4.50...

4 profs...all faculty members(i guess)...they started d int wid a kinda crosscheckin my profile:

  • u from panchkula?
  • n u r an engineer?
  • civil engineerin from PEC?
  • presently workin wid punj lloyd?
    ....n then d biggie...
  • Why MBE ?
    took me around 5-7 minutes (wid a lotta crossquestioning) to convince them (i believe i was somewat able to...) why i wanna get into this course...n why i wanna b a financial consultant/investment banker...
  • then started wid discussion on Goldman Sachs...(do read newspaper...especially d business news)...concept of betting n deliberate misguiding...
    n then one guy who was silent d whole time n was just readin my profile (application form) made his debut..."I can see a very interesting thing here, you've mentioned dat u believe u r good in anlytical skills...plz temme more abt it"...i told him abt my interest in solvin puzzles..sudoku...number games...blah blah...some more gyan on Y finance for me....n then he asked me some simple conbination problem: number of IPL matches this season n no of IPL matches if teams r increased to 10 n d formula i used to calculate...(10C2-- is it even considered a formula?? )
    OA i guess my GD performance was good n PI was ok ok...now keepin fingers crossed....
    PS: I had my MFC interview also..11 am slot...n I went upstairs ( to d DFC) in bw my GD n interview....so for me it was 2 GD's followed by 2 interviews...

SEASON '08..
CAT 96.6..no ELITE call...
XAT 97.93..same story...
SNAP-- scmhrd...
Season '09
Story so far....
CAT ..OA 99.4, VA 97.45, QA 99.06, DI 94.95....no IIM call
XAT ..98.54..84 in DI
SNAP- 119.25..

I had my interview on 22nd Morning. 9 AM slot.
Academic Backgroud : Commerce
Work Ex : 54 months
For a change I had a PI before the interview
4ppl in the interview panel - 2 lady profs (HOD and another MBE prof) two visting profs (1 DCE prof and not sure abt the other one)

  • First question as expected - Why MBE?
  • Then why not MA Eco?
  • then why not Stats?
  • then why not Finance?
    somehow managed answer this one as well
  • So you do you forecasting at work (looking at the my form)
    explained wht i do
  • wht model do you use
    Holt Winter
  • for sales forcast why dont you use cyclical data apart from trend and seasonal data
    somehow managed answer to this
  • Finally DCE prof gave me a simple puzzle
    which unfortunately I did not solve

After this we had the group discussion. 2 Panel members were present 1 lady and 1 gentle man (both from MBE)
The topic for GD was "Virtues of Idleness"
6 members were present in the group, 4 being absent
The discussion was about for 15 mins. Everyone had enough time to speak
After the discussion we had another mini PI. Little more like a group interview. Introduction and questions about your strengths weakness, things that you have told in the GD.
Few intresting things
1. Different panels for GD and PI. First time it has happened with me
2. The discussion after the GD was a first time for me
All the best for everyone who have their interviews in the coming days!
All the best!!