Quarter 1 Final Product- Digital Narrative


1) To identify, analyze and evaluate obstacles that hinder a person’s quest of their American Dream, and then create a digital narrative explaining how s/he overcame their personal struggles.

2) To produce a digital narrative that reflects the style of the text from which your character comes.

Description: For your digital narrative, you will:

1) Select one character from a piece of literature we have read thus far this year;

2) Identify the specific struggle(s) or challenge(s) the character faced

3) Analyze, through your digital narrative, how the individual overcame the challenge or obstacle.

4) Show mastery of the author’s style through the use of diction, detail, figurative language, characterization, and tone in your original narrative. (This can be done through the choice of quotes, images/video, etc. that you choose to include in your digital narrative).


1.  Select a character to showcase. The character can come from a short story, a poem, or a longer piece we’ve read thus far this semester.

2.  Introduce your character, identifying the piece of literature they come from, the time period of the setting, and several identifying characteristics about your character’s life.

3.  Identify your character’s “American Dream” as it applied to them—what did s/he want? What was s/he living for—what did s/he hope to accomplish?

4.  What obstacles or challenges stood in your character’s way or path?

5.  How did your character overcome these obstacles or challenges?

6.  Make sure you narrative has a conclusion —what now? What did your character learn, or gain, from the experience of taking on the obstacle or challenge in the way of their goal? How did this challenge impact their lives?

7.  Your narrative must be created in such a way that it demonstrates the style of your character. You are picking a character from this author’s original work; therefore, you must stay true to that author’s craft. (For example: If you pick a Puritan, your style should reflect the 3 S’s. If you pick a character from Huck Finn, your language should denote someone from that time period).

Your narrative should be digital in format. Options include:

-  Voicethread (Photos, text, audio)

-  Animoto (Video, photos, audio)

-  Prezi/Powerpoint

-  Tabblo (photos, text)

Checklist for Digital Narrative Piece:

_____ Is my piece shown through the character’s eyes?

_____ Does the introduction introduce the character, the piece of literature, and the time period of the character?

_____ Part 1: Is the character’s American Dream identified? What is it my character wants?

_____ Part 2: Are the obstacles or challenges that the character faces in reaching their American Dream identified and analyzed? What held your character back?

_____ Part 3: How did the character deal with the setbacks and challenges? What did s/he do to work around the obstacles in order to reach their American Dream?

_____ Does your conclusion reflect on the significance of the obstacles faced? What did your character learn from the setbacks and challenges?

_____ Does your digital narrative reflect the author’s style from the text which the character originates? Focus on the following:

·  Language?

·  Images?

·  Figurative language

·  Characterization

Prewriting for Narrative Product

I.  Introduction:

Character: ______

Piece of Literature: ______

Setting: ______

Notes/Analysis of the author’s craft and writing style:

Use of Diction: What types of words does the author use in the text? Are they specific to the time period? Does the author include many words with ambiguous meanings and connotations? Is there repetition of certain words and/or phrases?

Details: How much detail does the author include? On what subjects/ideas/images do those details focus? Is the author very descriptive? Does the author lack details at any part(s) of the text?

Characterization: What methods of characterization does the author use to develop the characters (particularly the character you are using in your narrative)? Direct or indirect characterization? Does the author focus on certain aspects of characters, particularly your character? What does the author reveal about your character as a person, and what can you infer from indirect characterization?

Tone: What is the author’s tone in the text? Which of the elements above contribute to that tone? How will you incorporate this tone into your narrative?

Information about Character’s Life: ______

II.  Part 1:

Character’s American Dream [What did your character) want? What did s/he hope to accomplish and WHY did s/he want this]: ______


III.  Part 2:

Obstacles/Setbacks/Challenges faced: ______



IV.  Part 3:

What did your character do to overcome these challenges? ______


V.  Conclusion:

What is the significance of the challenges your character faced? What did s/he learn as a result of these difficulties? Do you think the character would change anything if they could? ______
