European Label Forum 2018 adds young managers’ challenge to programme
Designed to encourage future workforce development for modern, high tech, clean label industry
The Hague, The Netherlands – 19 April 2017 –A Young Managers Club (YMC) workshop has been added to the programme of this year’s FINAT European Label Forum (ELF). The 4thedition of the annual ELFtakes place in Dublin, from 6-8 June.
The workshop comes 10 years after the YMC was established in 2008, at the occasion of FINAT’s Golden Jubilee congress in Paris,to meet an increasing need forup-and-coming managers in small to medium-sized, and often family-run, enterprises. These young professionals wanted help in becomingtomorrow’sleaders and to expand their knowledge about self-adhesive labels. The club helps develop emerging management talent by providing needed educational and vocational opportunities. Taking place on Wednesday afternoon prior to the start of ELF, the workshop will include a competition that will see young versus old battle it out in a business simulation workshop, which should prove to be both educational and entertaining.
Keynote speaker addresses the generation question
During the main ELF programme, the opening keynote speaker on the 2nd day of the event, Sarah Sladek –best-selling author, speaker andCEO of XYZ University will also address the generation question. Her company has helped hundreds oforganizations grow membership and reduceturnover among younger generations. She will discuss her experience in helping organizations engage future generationsof members and talent and share ideas about best practices.
The future of our workforce and leadership debate
10 years after the foundation of the YMC, the challenge for our industry and our association is not only to activate a new generation of industry leaders, but also to attract and retain talent in technical and commercial functions. At the occasion of this anniversary year, the ELF Industry debate that will follow Sarah’s keynote presentation will take stock of where our industry is and will be going in terms of succession, consolidation, ownership, technology innovation, leadership, skills, know-how, resources etc.
Dynamic change
“We are very pleased that YMC will haveits own workshop as part of the ELF,” states YMC PresidentChris Jones. “There is a lot of dynamic change happening in the industry; and we need focused, dedicated and inspiring leaders that will continue to drive all the positive change currently underway far into the future. The ELF will give our members the opportunity to learn more from their peers while our own conference will help them address some of the more specific day-to-day challenges they face.”
Broader topics tackled
The YMC will also be able to benefit from the forum’s broader programme which will covera wide range of issues pertinent to labels and packaging solutions providers across Europe including.
- The European label industry after Brexit;
- Diversification of the labels and narrow web industry into short-run packaging;
- Intelligent labels and packaging;
- Recruitment and retention of talent;
- The state of affairs in digital label printing (based on FINAT commissioned research);
- The total cost of ownership (TCO) of different label printing technologies;
- The latest innovations in brand protection;
- Branding your company via online marketing;
- Managing food compliance regulations; and
- Preparing for upcoming legislation on serialization and tamper evidence.
Other keynote speakers are TV commentatorand spokesman of former British PM Tony Blair, Alastair Campbell, who will address Brexit;and Professor Noreena Hertz, visionaryeconomist and author, who will offerguidance on how to make the right decisions in an increasingly complex business environment.
“The YMC workshop is just one element of what will be a truly outstanding programme this year,” Jones concluded. “There is something for everyone in this conference that each will be able to bring back to their companies and implement to future-proof their businesses. We encourage YMC members to invest in this special programme as a career advancement opportunity in addition to the advantages they receive from ELF as a whole.”
For more details and to register, please visit:
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FINAT, founded in Paris in 1958 with headquarters in The Hague (The Netherlands), is the worldwide association for manufacturers of self-adhesive labels and related products and services. With more some 550 members in over 50 countries around the world, FINAT has much to offer to label converters and all suppliers to the labelling industry in terms of information exchange and in terms of international networking.
For more information, please contact:
Jules LejeuneDorien Cooreman
Tel. + 31 (70) 312 39 10; el. + 32(0) 478 98 60 58;