Policy Group on Statistical Co-operation Phare

First Meeting on 19-20, November 1998


Proposed Memorandum of Understanding


Some years ago all Phare countries Statistical Institutes have signed with Eurostat a Memorandum of Co-operation. This text, though being largely inspired by the preoccupations then prevailing, is still valid to a large extent. However, since the majority of Phare countries have applied for membership in the EU, a new dimension in their bilateral relations has been introduced. This has perhaps become most visible in the screening process of 1998 where Eurostat took a rather new role in the relations going beyond strictly speaking statistical co-operation.

For the reasons above it is proposed to consider the signature of a new MoU with a working title:

”Statistics in the Pre-accession Phase – Relations between Candidate Countries and the European Statistical System”.

As the title implies the MoU is not only directed to candidate countries adhering to the Phare programme but in principle to all candidate countries. The title furthermore suggests that the MoU shall cover their relations not only to Eurostat, but to the European Statistical System as a whole and especially to Member States.

At this stage of work it is not undertaken to formulate the MoU completely. Instead a set of elements is proposed which may be considered for discussion. It is furthermore proposed that a structure be set up between Eurostat and a small group of people from potential signatory countries, who shall undertake to submit a formulated draft of the MoU for later adoption.

The elements to be considered are:

1.Eurostat is committed to support accession countries on their way to join the European Union.

2.Openness of mutual information in a spirit of transparency

3.Subscribe to the objective to become a full member of the European Statistical System with its rights and duties and to accept the principles of official statistics as laid down in the Statistical Law of the European Communities.

4.Commitment of signatories to the acquis communautaire in statistics in all its parts, be they legal obligations or agreements.

5.Commitment to co-operate in the further development of the acquis, and especially participation in working groups and Committee meetings where appropriate; true and faithful exchange of information in these meetings.

6.Supporting the negotiation phase with statistical data, avoid conflict on data in clarifying together, if possible outside the political sphere.

7.Contribute to Eurostat data bases allowing storage alongside Member States’ data, aim is a comprehensive statistical information system. Reciprocity shall be guaranteed in access to all data.

8.Commitment to become focal point in the national statistical systems which include a variety of different administrations active in the compilation of statistics or influencing statistical production. Promotion of basic principles and sound statistical work with other producers shall also be a task of the NSI’s..

9.Close links with statisticians from Eurostat and Member States NSI (or equivalent statistics producers) allowing them to evaluate independently the statistical systems highlighting weaknesses and showing ways to improve.

10.Engagement to seek balance between EU and national needs where they are in conflict.

11.Full inclusion of statistics into the general Phare programme. This concerns especially adhesion to the aims of the Accession Partnerships, NPAA, statistical strategy and future twinning operations and priority setting. Seeking sustainability for operations started with Phare support.

12.Within the general priorities set up by NSI’s support and encouragement for running common pilot projects, seconding people for long term stays and other ways of co-operation including their further development.

13.Mutual support to ensure a sufficient level of financing for all statistics producers in the European Statistical System and in candidate countries, including the exploration of new ways of financing not specifically designed for statistics.

It should be understood that the above is surely not an exhaustive list, other elements may be proposed or some discarded.

From the list above also follows that the MoU is not exclusively a bilateral event between candidate countries and Eurostat; but Member States are concerned too. It should be considered to invite them to co-sign the memorandum.

The PGSC is asked to give the following opinions respectively to take the following decisions:

1.The PGSC is invited to express an opinion upon the principle to design a new MoU, to debate its usefulness and to consider the signatories.

2.The PGSC is invited to debate the elements proposed and to deliver an opinion upon each of them.

3.Proposals for individuals forming a group to formulate the MoU (perhaps also a part of the Management Group for Statistical Co-operation) are requested from the PGSC, if appropriate also after the meeting in written procedure.