Bricket Wood Bluebell Walk
There are great sweeps of bluebells in the ancient woodland of Bricket Wood Common.
The walk starts at The Old Fox, School Lane, Bricket Wood, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 3XU, TL 127002, Tel: 01923 673083.
Take the footpath that is 20 yards left of the telephone kiosk opposite the pub.
Carry straight on between fields and out on to an asphalt drive. Go left.
After the cattle grid bear right up and over a mound to where there is a bridge.
Before the bridge, bear left and go back over the same mound but further along.
Continue on a grassy path.
Go straight over the asphalt drive, still on a grassy path and aim for the left of the wood store and stables ahead.
At the hard surface track, go left up the hill.
At School Lane, go a few yards to the right and then turn left on to a clear path between holly saplings.
Keep to the path as it curves left through an open area with birch trees.
Skirt a pond, leaving it to the right, and follow the path and the yellow or orange dots, spots or lines on the trees.
After a while, there are bluebells on both sides of the path.
Cross a streamlet and, as you come up from it, follow the two clear yellow arrows pointing left.
Follow the path and painted waymarks.
At a T-junction of paths at the top of a slope, go left to School Lane.
For a short cut back to the pub, turn right into School Lane.
To go on an extra 1¾ miles (2.5 km) with more bluebells, good views and the confluence of the Ver and ColneRivers, go down the farm road almost opposite.
About 50 yards before a wide silver gate across the road, go left through a wooden gate.
Cross the meadow into woodland.
Continue straight after the woodland.
In front of the first (and only) house you come to, go right over a stile.
As the fence in front of the house bears off to the left, carry straight on aiming for a stile beyond a pair of oaks ahead.
Over the stile curve right and then left down the bank.
Go straight across a field to a line of poplars and the river. A bit to the left, the Ver joins the Colne.
Go right, cross the bridge, and follow the path at is curves right.
Continue on a hedge-lined broad track.
Turn right into Little Munden Farm.
Cross the bridge and go left at the green barn along a gravel track.
Go right at the asphalt drive to School Lane.
Go left at School Lane to The Old Fox.
3.5 miles, 1.75 miles if cut short.
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