Annual Report
May 17, 2015
May 17, 2015
Call to the 2015 Annual Meeting 3
May 18, 2014 Congregational Meeting 4
December 14, 2014 Semi-Annual Budget Meeting 6
Report from the Pastor 8
Book of Records 11
The Treasurer’s Report
NMCC Budget vs Actual 12
NMCC Portfolio 14
2012 Named Donor’s Capital Fund 15
CNS Budget vs Actual 16
Board of Deacons 17
Deacons’ Membership Review 21
Board of Christian Education 22
Circle Nursery School Board 25
Communications Committee 27
Deacon Service 28
Missions Committee 29
Music Committee 31
Nominating Committee 33
Pastoral Relations Committee 36
Property & Planning Committee 37
Quiet Ministry 39
Stewardship Committee 40
North Madison Congregational Church
Congregational Meeting Minutes
257th Annual Meeting
18 May 14
In attendance: 46 members and 8 non-members of NMCC
I. Executive Committee Chairman John Nassif called the meeting to order at 11:26 AM—The Rev. James Latimer opened the meeting with a prayer after which he thanked John Nassif for his service as Chair of Executive Committee
II. Minutes for the May, 19, 2013 General Meeting were accepted unanimously after a motion by Robert Linn and a second by Calvin Price
III. The Rev. James Latimer gave his report
A. Showed video, “Get Service,” the theme of which was “Why we Gather
B. Via a PowerPoint presentation, discussed guiding principles of becoming a missional, congregation-centered, and inviting church
C. Noted that in the 2014-2015 church year, he wished to articulate a particular vision for NMCC—I.e., What bold step of faith can we take for God in our community that is very noticeable and around which we can rally and be known for?
IV. John Gallops gave the Treasurer’s report
A. Finances at NMCC have started much more successfully this calendar year than in 2013
B. John explained the portfolio process and stated that NMCC’s Vanguard®-based portfolio continues to do well
V. All Committee reports were accepted by unanimous vote after a motion by Robert Linn and a second by Calvin Price
VI. The slate of Boards and Committees was presented
A. Acceptance of the slate was moved by Gail Benson and seconded by Rene Chin
B. The motion passed unanimously
VI. Roberta Hanlon reported for the Board of Deacons regarding the review of church membership roll
A. Explained process—see p. 27 of Annual Report and see p. 29 for those who were moved to associate status or removed from membership list
B. After an extensive discussion regarding this issue, James Cooper and Patricia Hunter were moved to associate members list, and Esther Magee’s status was to be determined—with these alterations, the updated membership roll was accepted unanimously after a motion by Roberta Hanlon and a second by Peter Meier
VII. Keith Luckenbach moved and John Gallops seconded that Article IX. §14 be removed from the NMCC Bylaws
A. This would remove the reference to the Library Committee, but not the church’s library itself
B. Tom Whitaker suggested that some books from the library be placed in Fellowship Hall—this idea was met with general assent
C. The motion carried unanimously
IX. Calvin Price moved that the Rev. Dr. John Pelletier be recognized as Pastor Emeritus of North Madison Congregational Church
A. Ann Whitaker seconded the motion
B. A lengthy discussion occurred regarding this motion with many attendees speaking for or against it
C. The motion carried, 22-14
X. The meeting was adjourned by John Nassif at 1:29.
Respectfully submitted,
J. Keith Luckenbach
North Madison Congregational Church
Congregational Meeting Minutes
Semi-Annual Budget Meeting
December 14, 2014
In attendance: 29 members and friends of NMCC
I. Executive Committee Chairman Thomas Lauher called the meeting to order at 11:50 AM; Pastor Jim opened the meeting with a prayer and copies of the budget were handed out.
II. John Nassif reported regarding the 2014 Budget. Last year’s $17,000 deficit was approved. There had previously been a $10,000.00 deficit, but we are ending the year with a deficit of $5,844.00.
III. Regarding the 2015 budget, it was decided that a 3% cost of living adjustment would not be paid to church employees. Instead, a 3% 2014 year-end bonus was approved for each employee. Then, the cost of living adjustment would be revisited in July 2015.
IV. The proposed budget was reviewed. The Board of Finance’s intention was to have no more than a $20,000 deficit. The final draft was amended and voted on unanimously at the December, 2014 Executive Committee Meeting.
V. Holly Francis moved to approve the proposed 2015 budget. Linda Young seconded the motion.
A. Discussion. John Gallops gave an explanation of the income side the budget.
B. Maureen Jones asked about the Hoffrichter Mission Fund. John Gallops responded that annually a maximum of 5% can be drawn from this fund and that this money can only be used for Missions.
C. Bob Garbarino asked how the deficit gets funded. John Gallops responded that money is taken from Unrestricted Funds to meet the deficit.
D. Holly Francis asked if we use the Principal. John Gallops responded that we can only use the Principal from Unrestricted Funds.
E. Regarding expenses: Board of Christian Education requested $7,000.00 and got $6,500. The Missions budget was cut by $1,000. All other budgets remain essentially the same as 2014.
F. Regarding personnel expenses, the office manager salary was increased as she has been undervalued and underpaid. All others remain essentially the same as 2014.
G. Property maintenance expenses were discussed, including contract cleaning for the downstairs and the fact that the amount of snow removal which will be needed is unknown. We have been shopping for lawn care and snow plowing, but no one wants to bid because Madison Earth Care always wins the bid.
H. The Dr. Johnson Cemetery Fund started with $130,000.00. At the end of November, 2014, there was $304,000.00 in the fund. In 2015, we will draw down $14,000.00 from this fund.
I. Bob Garbarino asked about painting of the church. This would be a major capital expense and would need to be approved by the Congregation. Estimates are being gathered.
J. Beth Berestecky asked about additional fundraising. John Gallops indicated that if anyone wants to come up with fundraising ideas and implement them, they are welcome to.
K. Question regarding the office expenses being up by 46%. They were under-budgeted in the past. During 2014, we have spent over $5,000.00 on computers and upgrades to our network. We are getting a lot of office information out, which is computer related.
V. John Nassif called for a vote to approve the budget: 29 yes, 0 no and 0 abstentions and the motion passed unanimously.
VI. Tom thanked Keith, in his absence, for his years of service as Clerk of the Church.
VII. Calvin Price moved to adjourn the meeting. Maureen Jones seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
VIII. The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen M. McCann
Pastor Jim’s Annual Report
May 2015
Grace and peace to you in our Lord Jesus Christ!
Much wonderful ministry has happened among and through us since May 2014. It’s an exciting time to be part of NMCC, though sometimes a bit nerve wracking. We’re being challenged to trust God’s presence and guidance. I’m reminded of God’s word spoken through the prophet Isaiah:
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? (Isaiah 43:19)
Not many congregations experience what you have in the past five years: the departure of a long tenured beloved and talented pastor and the right-sizing that must happen to move forward. This right-sizing occurs at multiple levels: leadership, finances, staff, worship attendance, and the number of helping hands in our ministries.
God is calling us to new awareness:
· In what way/how is God Calling us to live into the Gospel of Jesus’ transformative love going forward?
· How is God Calling “me” to use my own God-given passions and talents within the congregation’s newly defined ministry?
Done with intention, it typically takes a congregation 3-5 years to arrive at its “new normal.” Done without intention, a congregation with this kind of major change in its recent past is continually conflicted, as people haven’t done the hard work of releasing familiar expectations and habits that is needed to discover and embrace a new reality.
Our Getting Focused with Purpose initiative is helping us do exactly this. I am so pleased with how you have now deeply engaged with this process. We are bravely and faithfully moving ahead, anticipating that in the fall of 2015 we will have adequate clarity of what “doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with our God,” looks for us now. It is putting meat-to-bones of the 3 Guiding Principles we embraced in 2013: Missional, Congregation-Centered and Inviting. (See graphic below.)
I would love for us to articulate a big challenge to which we feel God calling us: What bold step of faith can we take for God in our community that is very noticeable and around which we can rally and be known for?
And along the way you have been sharing your God stories publicly in worship, at Generosity Dinners, in the Pay-It-Forward Testimonies, and Vessels for God testimonials. That’s what “church” is about: Experiencing and transmitting God’s transformative love for the sake of Justice, compassion and forgiveness in our community and world.
The Worship Team has played a vital role here. The Vessels for God Lent worship series that sparked so much movement of the Spirit would not have happened without the collective creative leadership of a group of people. The Worship Team is a huge blessing to me.
The above reflects the main priorities I had during the past twelve months:
· Offering spiritually enriching and lively worship opportunities
· Providing leadership and guidance for staff decisions
· Developing and mentoring lay leadership
· “Right-sizing” our budget and organizational structure
· Pastor care
· Together with you, managing the “gaps” left by the departure of Rob Osso (10/2013) and Morgan Aery (12/2014)
I envision these strategic priorities (among others) for the next 12 months:
· Finishing our GFWP initiative
· Applying the GFWP results to all aspects of our ministries, including organization structure/By-laws, staffing, etc.
· Creating sustainable models for our Christian Education and Property & Planning ministries
· Leadership development.
My vision for our ministry is that lives will be transformed – ours and others – as we take seriously our God-given passions and talents and serve from them to glorify God and bring God’s values of justice, kindness, love, compassion, community and joy into our world. This is why I choose to be a pastor and is what energizes me.
Your Friend in Christ,
Pastor Jim
Data for Worship attendance, new members and giving.
Worship Attendance (includes children): During the latter part of 2012 Sunday average worship attendance (including children) was 75; in 2014 it was 95. From 4/14 to 4/15 it was 99.
New Members (not including Confirmands): 2013 (6 people); 2014 (17); 2015 so far (6).
Average Weekly Pledge: 2011 ($32.32), 2012 ($34.86), 2013 ($34.52), 2014 ($31.67), 2015 (31.71).
3 Guiding Principles:
Consumer Church Missional Church
“I go to church” vs. “I am the church”
Pastor-centered Congregation-centered.
Ministry is done by the staff vs. I serve using my talents and interests (“Feed” myself by serving others)
Welcoming Inviting
“We’re glad you’re here,” vs. “What are your needs & interests?” “I have an idea you may like…” “Would you like to join us…?”
May 1, 2014 – May 1, 2015
June 8, 2014 Shelby Ann Allen, daughter of Susie and Robert Allen
Hunter Ann Donahey, daughter of Angela and Victor Donahey
July 5, 2014 Greyson Lee Tierney, son of Katy Brewer and Brandon Craig Tierney
Xavier Joseph Cone, son of Kristen Leigh and Chris Allen Cone
April 4, 2015 Arabella Grace Bernier, daughter of Amanda and Chris Bernier
September 6, 2014 Gretchen Korman and John Murphy (officiated by Rev. James Latimer)
May 11, 2014 (11 on New Member Sunday)
Heather Atwater, Carol Anne Bachhuber , Mary Lou Cook, Ann Damarjian, Orlene Gallops, Bob Garbarino, Tom Hansen, Nina Hsieh, Michele Mauro, Terry McGuire, Vance Taylor
May 18, 2014 (1 on from New Member Sunday)
Dina Dunn
June 29, 2014 (2 on New Member Sunday)
Clarance Jones, Maureen Jones
October 26, 2014 (2 on New Member Sunday)
Jill Aboulian, Melissa Clark,
June 8, 2014 (18 by Confirmation)
Shelby Allen, Christian Bray, Ben Chasse, Hunter Donahey, Emma Connolly, Olivia Fumiatti, Genevieve Garceau, Chris Hartmann, Anna Lefante, Ryan McAneany, Erica Mallon, Elizabeth McCann, Abigail Murphy, Hayley Murphy, Clare Nelson, Matt Parker, Kailey Piekarz, Emma Segnere
September 23, 2014 Joyce Blundon (officiated by Rev. James Latimer)
November 5, 2014 Sandra Stella (officiated by Rev. James Latimer)
May 31, 2014 Halina Mabry (officiated by Rev.Vance Taylor)
November 19, 2014 Chester Norman Truax(officiated by Rev. James Latimer)
January 10 2015 Anthony Leo McDonnell (officiated by Rev. James Latimer)
January 24, 2015 Shirley Ruttner (officiated by Rev. Vance Taylor)