Spanish Planning Year 6 Unit 19 Lesson 6 Date

Learning Outcomes with link to Programme of Study Objectives / Key questions/New Learning / Activities / Resources / Phonic/Grammar Focus
Pupils will be successful if they:
·  can use a bi-lingual dictionary
(PoS 9)
·  can understand a longer, more complex text
(PoS 8)
·  can pronounce hard ‘g’ correctly
(PoS 6) / El nombre-name
El nacimiento-source
Otros detalles-other details
La longitud-length
(long-gee-tood) (‘gee’sound hard ‘g’)
La desembocadura-mouth
Ciudades principales-main towns
(‘th’sound as in’thin’)
desemboca en it flows into
más largo/a longest
más ancho/a widest
cerca de near
(thair-ca) / Display slide 2 of ‘Los Ríos del Mundo’ power point and read to class. Invite pupils to translate orally, and then to compare with slide 3 which has the English translation.
Show slide 4 and ask pupils what it is about and to pick out known/unknown words. Pupils look up unknown words in bi-lingual dictionaries in pairs/groups.
Show slide 5 which is the English translation for comparison.
Show the facts’ table on slide 6 and ask pupils if they understand the headings. Pupils use bi-lingual dictionaries to look up unknown words as above.
Give pairs of pupils a copy of slides 4 and 6
(Spanish) and class feeds back information for chart orally.
Pairs of pupils/individual pupils then complete chart in writing with copies of slides 5 and 7 (English) given out where required for support.
Daily practice – pupils to display their work with illustrations. / Bi-lingual dictionaries
At end of unit:
Los Ríos del Mundo text – power point
Copy of slides 4 and 6 (Spanish)
Copy of slides 5 and 7 (English)
Copy of charts (Spanish and English) / Hard ‘g’ in largo/a
Use of ‘es’ and ‘está’, both meaning ‘is’:
permanent state of something or somebody:
Asia es el continente más grande
either a location or a temporary state:
El Amazonas está en América del Sur
Assessment Opportunities / Completion of the charts
KS2 Framework Objective
Oracy / Literacy
6.2 / Intercultural Understanding / Knowledge about Language 6.4 / Language Learning Strategies