Cathedral Church of the Nativity

Vestry Minutes

April 16, 2012

Attending:Carl Chegwidden, Dick Guyer, Barbara Iannelli, Tom Brandt, Kim Plyler, Phil Rizzo, Richard Sause,Lee Snyder, David Swartz, Joy Thiel,

Ray Vernon, Pam Bayliss, Jacob Thomas, and Kris Warner

Clergy:Dean Tony Pompa Mariclair Partee

Interim Treasurer:Dee Montgomery

Guest:Pam Calabrese

Following fellowship and dinner our meeting was called to order by Senior Warden Kim Plyler.

Spiritual Practice: Eucharist

Ministry Focus:

Kris and Jacob were welcomed to their first formal Vestry meeting.

150th Happenings:

  • April 22: Love feast at Moravian Church, Walking across the BRIDGE, Service, Annual Meeting, Lunch and Time Line Activity.
  • Cathedral Store is now opened on Sundays - check it out.
  • Jessica Lee and Kim Plyler have put together a brochure about the 150th happenings.

D.O.C.C: Disciples of Christ in Community

This is a program to help build a person’s faith and to build community. It helps people to develop the words needed to articulate their faith. It will begin in the fall. The Vestry is asked to show their support and sign up.

Pam Calabrese:

Joseph Correll was baptized in this church. When he died he left $20, 000.00 to the church to be used for new tables and chairs in Sayre Hall, NEW coffee pots and a new freezer. Pam, working with a group of parishioners have selected and ordered the new furniture. It will be here in 3 to 5 weeks.

There was a discussion about what should we do with the old furniture. It was decided that we would keep some of the newer furnitureand sell the rest. Pam Bayliss is going to work what would be a fair price to sell them for.

Approval of Minutes: Sr. Warden, Kim Plyler

A motion was made by Tom Brandt to accept the minutes as corrected and seconded by Pam Bayliss. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Interim Treasurer, Dee Montgomery

The Finance Committee has not met to look over the financial report. $10,000, from the special accounts, was paid back to the DIT. The utility bills are running ahead of their budget. Flowers are still in the red. We are having cash flow problems. The Finance Committee and Property Committee are working on the amount of money for the property endowment. Tom Brandt made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and David Swartz seconded it. The motion was passed unanimously.

Standing Committee Reports

  • Property: Richard Sause reported that the work is progressing well and on budget. The South Bethlehem Historic Conservation Commission and Bethlehem City Council accepted the plan for the reconstruction of the West Gable. We are to put a plaque to memorialize the original tower. Pam Bayliss will work on this project. The rose window will be installed sometime in May 2012. The committee is looking into the remaining windows. We need to develop a plan for window maintenance. Interior repairs in the Baptistery are more extensive and costly than anticipated. Richard gave us a tentative planning schedule for near future Capital expenses to look over.
  • Personnel: Dean Pompa has asked for a Sabbatical during May, June, July, and August 2013. He also asked to apply for Sabbatical money from Congregation Works. While he would be gone the Senior Warden would be in charge. Mari Clair, Richard, and Anne would provide coverage. Tom Brandt made a motion to approve the Sabbatical and the application to Congregation Works. Richard Sause seconded the motion. It was passed unanimously.
  • Stewardship: William Cauller is the chair of this committee. They will meet with Dan Charney on May 10. We need new people to join this group. We want to move to a year round Stewardship program.
  • Nominating Committee: No Report
  • Finance: Tom Kolepp passed out minutes of the committee’s meeting on February 18, 2012. The finance committee went through the January Statement and recommended that the vestry approve it subject to audit. Tom Kolepp made a motion that the January statement be accepted. Tom Brandt seconded it. It was passed unanimously.
  • Fundraising: The Phantom of the Opera will be presented on Friday April 20, 2012.
  • Shawnee Building: The committee will be meeting May 6, 2012 at 9:00 am.
  • Church Growth: The Vestry has been asked to join the renewal group in Nativitation. We are asking 3 people to join us in church during the Easter Season.

Communication: The committee is working the indoor digital signs. Estimated prices for the signs are about $2000.

Old Business: Ray Vernon made changes to THE THIRD Millennium Fund to make it more clear about donated money to the church. Ray Vernon made a motion that we accept the changes to the fund language. Dick Guyer seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

New Business: Joe Kelly will retire the end of May and will move out of the apartment early in June. We are looking for a quick turnaround time to rent out the apartment.

Calendar Review:

  • April 20, 2012 Phantom of the Opera 6 PM
  • Vestry Retreat April 27 & 28, 6 PM Friday 8 AM Saturday

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting is June 18, 2012

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Iannelli

Barbara Iannelli

Vestry Clerk