ANSWERS ARE IN GREEN - Agape Assessment of Methodist Knowledge Test – SS 2-13-11

1.What two men were the first elected bishops in the Methodist Church in America?
Charles Wesley and Thomas Coke
Jacob Albright and Thomas Coke
Francis Asbury and Jacob Albright
Francis Asbury and Thomas Coke
2.United Methodists from around the world meet every four years to vote on issues in the church. What is the name of this meeting?
World Conference
United Methodist Convention
World United Methodist Conference
General Conference
3.True or False: The "Book of Religion" contains the by-laws for the United Methodist Church.
4.What is the name of the bookstore and catalog company for everything from the Bible to vestments for United Methodist?
Nelson House
American Bible Society
5.True or False: Each local United Methodist Church hires its own pastor.
6.John Wesley's brother Charles wrote many beautiful hymns. Which of Charles' hymns is the first hymn listed in the United Methodist Hymnal?
"Ye Servants of God"
"Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above"
"O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing"
"Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies"
7.True or False: The United Methodist Church baptizes infants.
8.The two Sacraments in the United Methodist Church are communion and marriage.
9.Who was the founder of Methodism?
John Wesley
Martin Luther
William Booth
St. Ignatius of Loyola
10.What was the name of John Wesley's hymn-writing brother?
11.On May 24th, 1738, John Wesley underwent what he felt to be a conversion experience. What phrase did he use in describing it in his journal?
I felt my heart strangely warmed.
The earth shook for me.
I became one of the sunbeams.
Jesus accepted me into eternity.
12.Where was John Wesley when he had his warming conversion experience in 1738?
At a religious meeting held at Aldersgate Street in London.
In an Oxford college.
On a boat to America.
At home in bed.
13.When and how did the Methodist Church OFFICIALLY split from the Anglican Church?
In 1805 when they were expelled by the Anglican General Synod.
In 1791 due to John Wesley's dying wishes.
There has never been an official split.
In 1800 by an Act of Parliament.
14.Which of these vices have Methodists traditionally been best known for opposing?
15.The greatest spiritual influence in John Wesley's early life was his mother. What was her name?
16.In which year did the Methodist Church become the United Methodist Church?
  1. How did the word methodist come into being?

The holy club met weekly and they systematically set about living a holy life. They were branded as "Methodist" by students at Oxford who derided the methodical way they ordered their lives. Wesley took the attempted mockery and turned it into a title of honor.

  1. What does the UM “Cross and Flame” represent?

Following more than two dozen conceptualizations, a traditional symbol—the cross—was linked with a single flame with dual tongues of fire. The resulting insignia is rich in meaning. It relates The United Methodist church to God through Christ (cross) and the Holy Spirit (flame). The flame is a reminder of Pentecost when witnesses were unified by the power of the Holy Spirit and saw "tongues, as of fire" (Acts 2:3).

The elements of the emblem also remind us of a transforming moment in the life of Methodism's founder, John Wesley, when he sensed God's presence and felt his heart "strangely warmed." The two tongues of a single flame may also be understood to represent the union of two denominations.

  1. What are the three graces in Wesley’s order of salvation?

According to Wesley, salvation from original sin begins with justification, continues in sanctification and ends with glorification.

  1. What is the method by which people can grow in their Christian discipleship?

The Wesleyan Quadrilateral

  1. What are the four areas of this method?

Scripture, Reason, Tradition and Experience

  1. True or False: Baptism is a gift from God that can never be taken away.


  1. List the three terms for the sacramental meal.

Communion. Last Supper, Eucharist

  1. True or False: The United Methodist Church has been a leader in creating opportunities for women and minorities in ministry.


  1. What are the five ministries that new members vow to uphold while professing membership to the United Methodist Church?

Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, Witness

  1. Who is our District Superintendent? Who is our Conference Bishop?

Clara Reed is the Superintendent for our district, the Metro District

Earl Bledsoe is our Bishop for our conference, the North Texas Conference.