Dear Applicant or Educator;
The Braille RevivalLeagueof Texas (BRLT) is an affiliate of The Braille Revival League, a national organization affiliated with the American Council of the Blind. Our goals are to promote the production, teaching and use of braille as the primary tool of literacy for blind and visually impaired people.
In 2015, BRLT is offering an exciting scholarship opportunity for a college-bound high school senior or a currently enrolled college or vocational/technical school student who is blind or visually impaired and is a braille reader.The amount of the scholarship to be awarded is $1,000.
The scholarship is open to full-time students only. Proof of enrollment will be required before funds will be released. Applications will be considered on the basis of academic achievement, community service and braille proficiency. Recipient(s) will be notified in August, 2015, and it is our hope that recipients will attend the ACB of Texas Conference in Corpus Christi. In September, 2015 and become a member of BRLT.
1. A completed scholarship application.
2. Proof of Legal or total blindness.
3.Proof of Texas residency.
4. Copy of acceptance letter to the college or vocational/technical school to be attended (entering freshman only).
5. Copy of high school transcript(s), documenting cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (entering freshman only).
6. Copy of academic transcript(s) from all institutions attended since high school, documenting cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 (Currently enrolled post-secondary students only).
8. Two letters of recommendation written within the last 12 months.
9. An essay, written in braille (2-3 pages in length), telling the committee about yourself, your hobbies, any community service, your educational goals and what braille means to you.
Please send the completed packet to: Neva FairchildBRLT Scholarship Committee Chair
11030Ables Lane
Dallas, TX 75229
Completed scholarship packets must be received no later than June 1, 2015.
2015Braille RevivalLeague Of Texas(BRLT)SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION
Name ______
Mailing Address ______
City ______State ____ Zip ______
Area Code and Phone ______
Email Address ______
Age ______Gender ______
Cause of visual impairment ______
Visual Acuity (right) ______(left) ______
Visual Field (right) ______(left) ______
College ______
Major course of study ______
Anticipated date of Graduation______
___ Perkins Braille writer
___ Slate and stylus
___ Refreshable Braille
___ Braille embosser
Number of years using Braille ------
Mail application and all supporting documentation to:
Neva Fairchild
Braille RevivalLeague Of Texas(BRLT)
Scholarship Committee Chair
11030 Ables Lane
Dallas, TX 75229
Address questions to:Neva Fairchild at 214-438-5316 or