Dear Master McPhail,

It is with great pleasure we extend this invitation to attend the ITF National Championships 2017to be held in North Narrabeen, Sydney, Australia over the weekend of the 5th and 6th of August, 2017.

Building on a fantastic championship in 2016 with over 220 competitors, we are anticipating an even bigger event this year.

Current National ITF champions and developing athletes will be present and we welcome all ITF Taekwon-Do groups regardless of affiliation to join us in these championships under ITF rules. Please find attached the rules that we will apply to this competition.

We look forward to welcoming you all and celebrating together in these championships, and developing strong mutual friendships in the Martial Arts spirit. The heart of the competition will be our Tenets of Taekwon-Do, Courtesy – Integrity - Perseverance - Self Control - Indomitable Spirit.

Please note that the Saturday competition will be devoted to coloured belts, whilst Sunday will be for 1st Degree Black Belts and above.

For registration please use the link below.


Master Michael Daher


ITF Taekwon-do Australia


Events will include Sparring, Team Sparring, Patterns, Team Patterns and individual Special Technique, individual Power Breaking and Pre Arranged Sparring.

Please see the attached rules for specific details.


Date : 5th of August, 2017 – Colour Belts (10th – 1stKup)

6th of August, 2017 – Black Belts (1st – 6th Dan)

Venue: Sydney Academy of Sport, Wakehurst Parkway, Narrabeen, NSW

Time : 5th of August - 8:00am Weigh in and registration, 9:00am Competition begins

6th of August - 7:00am Weigh in and registration, 8:00am Competition begins

Fee : $50 unlimited events

$50 Per Team event (max 1 team per division for each club)

Please forward payments to:

Account : ITF Taekwon-Do (Aust) Ltd

BSB : 083-636

Account Number : 83-340-6275

Please forward receipt to –

Competition Stadium Floor Area Access

Only VIP guests, umpires, officials are allowed to be on the competition stadium floor.

Spectators and Supporters

All Spectators & supporters are to be seated in the spectator’s side of the stadium.

Coaches and Competitors

All coaches and competitors can move freely between the competition seating side and the spectator seating area of the stadium.

Coaches and competitors will only enter down onto the competition floor when invited by the competition ring coordinator who will be in control of their respective rings.

Once your bout is over all coaches and competitors are to return to the competition seating side of the stadium awaiting their next bout to be called by the ring coordinator. Please cooperate with all instructions as there will be no exceptions. This is to ensure an efficient tournament experience is had by all.


We have been able to secure onsite accommodation at the venue. Accommodation will be motel-style accommodation with rooms containing either four, three or two beds. Allocation of rooms will occur closer to the event.

Total cost for two nights (from 4pm Friday 4th of August – 4pm Sunday 6th of August) is as follows:

Adults $280

Children (under 18)$215

To avail yourself of this accommodation option we require a 25% deposit by Thursday 23rd of March. The deposit amount for adults is $65 each whilst for children under 18 it is $49 each.

Please email details of accommodation requirements to Mr Harper at by Thursday 23rd of March.

Of course there is no requirement to stay on-site and you are more than welcome to arrange your own accommodation for the event.

Tournament Organising Committee

Contact Tournament coordinators for any further info and enquiries on the following:

Email Mr Harper at or Mr Abdallah at

Paul Harper: 0423 048 803

John Abdallah: 0449 216 856