Oxford Deanery Trainee Advisory Committee

The Magdalen Centre, Monday 8 March 2010

2.30pm – 4.30pm

David Bailey, Associate Dean
Tessa Candy, Quality Manager
Alexander Finlayson
Carl Morris
Anwark Rashid
Sylvia Tan
Kizzy Kukreja
Sandip Patel
Meriel Raymond
Aimee Lettis
Fleur Taylor
Meena Bhatia
Emily Fletcher
Robert Purbrick
Mark McCole
Dr Sudhakar Selvaraj
Sucharita Yarlgadda
Anna Sharman
Jeni Hauptfleish [in place of Jonathan Stedman]
Gael Maclean / School

Emergency Medicine
General Practice
General Practice
Public Health
Number / Item / Action by who and when /
010310 / Welcome and introductions
020310 / Apologies
Bettina Lieske, Surgery; Caroline Scott-Lang, Paediatrics; Abdul Wagley, O&G; Peter Burbidge, Medicine, Peyton Davis, Emergency Medicine; Tahreema Matin, Academic; Amar Latif, Foundation; Uy Hoang, Public Health;
030310 / Terms of Reference
a.  Structure
The group will be led by a Chair, a Deputy Chair and a Secretary
b.  Membership and Terms of office
It was agreed that there will be a 2 year term of office – for post holders and for general members. Membership will not be exclusively limited to School Board reps.
c.  Relationship and interactions with Deanery committees
Current Deanery committees are: the Deanery Executive Team, and the Deanery Heads of School Meeting.
The Senior Management Team includes the Postgraduate Dean, the Deputy Dean, the Director of Primary Care, the Postgraduate Dental Dean, the Deanery Business Manager, two Associate Deans [one of whom is the Foundation School Director], the Director of the CDU, the Deanery Quality Manager and the Postgraduate Dean’s PA.
Heads of Schools meetings are attended by the Postgraduate Heads of School, as well as all the Associate Deans. Every other month, the meetings include the Directors of Medical Education from the Trusts.
It was suggested that the nominated Chair and Secretary of the Trainee Advisory Committee are co-opted into the Head of School meetings, attending meetings alternately [3 each a year].
d.  Frequency of meetings
It was agreed that 4 meetings a year would work best; 2 virtual and 2 face-to-face. Face-to face meetings would be held at the Oxford Deanery and rooms would be booked by the nominated Secretary.
e.  Administrative support
Administrative support would be provided by the group’s nominated secretary.
040310 / Subjects for debate
Agenda items from a recent Head of School meeting have included: recruitment; quality issues; posts; commissioner/provider split; OOPE regulations/ Inter-Deanery Transfer; study leave; Annual Deanery Report; Periods of Grace;
Study Leave
Study leave is already being top-sliced across specialties and rusts. Heads of School need to top-slice funds in order to set up in-house courses for trainees to go on.
Interdeanery Transfers
November and May are the two windows in which to apply for IDT.
Periods of grace
Periods of grace are currently 6 months but trainees are not obliged to compete the period should they be offered a Consultant post. This makes managing the workforce very hard for Trusts. GPVTS or Orthodontics trainees do not have access to periods of grace.
Information sharing
It was suggested that trainees might find a monthly Deanery newsletter helpful which could be circulated via email. The newsletter could be used to clarify key deanery roles [eg Dean, ADs, HoS], and also to explain the differing roles of various Boards and bodies, eg PMETB, JRCPTB, and their levels of educational governance. This information could also be collated in a central point on the Deanery website.
050310 / Any other Business
Next steps –
TC will circulate minutes and draft Terms of Reference for approval
Self-nominate or nominate others in the group for the positions of Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary. Send nominations to TC
DB to discuss at Deanery Exec whether trainees are able to claim Study Leave for sitting on the Trainee Advisory Committee. Deanery to clarify with TPDs when trainees are able to use Study leave. / TC
060310 / Date for next meeting: Wednesday 9 June 2010, 2pm – 5pm. DB to attend 3.30pm.