Earth Science - Ms. Wood

Classroom Policies 2015-2016

Jefferson Forest High School


My Website:

School Website:

Earth science is the study of our planet’s physical characteristics, from earthquakes to raindrops, and floods to fossils. There are four main branches of Earth Science that we will look at over the course of the year; Astronomy, Geology, Meteorology, and Hydrology (including oceans). We will learn how to predict the weather, study water and oceans, pick out new planets, and name rocks by doing hands-on activities and experiments.

In order to make the study of science successful for the coming year, your best effort and attention is needed in class. Everyone has an equal opportunity to do well if you complete and turn in all of your assignments, to the best of your ability.

Behavior Requirements:

1. Be on time- this means being in your seat when the last bell rings.

2. Come to class prepared –you will need a composition notebook and a folder.

3. Be respectful- to yourself, others, and school property.

4. Follow directions the first time they are given.

5. If you have been absent, check your folder for missing work or returned papers.

6. Please do not ask to leave the room until all lab equipment is washed (if necessary) and put in theproper place and lab area is cleaned.

7. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. This especially applies to laboratory exercises where safety is a must!

Grading Policy:

Grades will be comprised of the following approximate percentages: (nine weeks schedules):

60% Summative assessment (These are end of chapter exams each exam will not count for more than 15%)

40% Formative assessment (classwork/quizzes/labs/homework)

Required Materials

  1. 5 subject notebook
  2. Glue sticks
  3. Colored pencils


All make-up work must be made up in a timely manner according to Bedford County Policy.

  • Homework assignments: Homework will not be accepted late and a zero will be averaged into the nine weeks grade.
  • Tests and Quizzes: Student must meet with me to decide when they can make up the test or quiz within 3 days of returning to school.
  • Labs: Labs must be made up within a week. Students are encouraged not to miss lab days as all labs need to be set up and taken down. Labs will have a deduction of 10 percent for each day late.


Jefferson Forrest has a “Bell to Bell, No Cell” policy. This will be enforced during class when cell phones are not permitted. There will be times when phones, tablets, and laptops will be encouraged. Allowing use of these involves students more and they are more interested in learning the topics being covered.


Interims will no longer be emailed home. Bedford County has chosen to use a new system that does not allow this option. Bedford County’s goal is to provide parents direct access to grades through the internet. Please sign up for access code for Parent Portal in the main office. Hard copies of interims will be provided to parents/guardians that do not have access to the internet at the fourth and seventh week of the nine weeks. Students must return the interim signed by a parent/guardian to us (regardless of grades). Please check with your student for interims. Please feel free to contact us via e-mail to discuss questions or concerns with your student’s progress.

Extra Help Sessions:

I ammore than happy to help any student. Students can find me before and after school in order to receive help. I will be available most Monday’s and Wednesday’s. Students will need to arrange this, so that I make sure to stay after school.

All students have a chance to do well in this class. I will do all I can to help each student succeed. At the same time, I expect all my students to give 100% effort and ask questions at any time. I want my students to enjoy learning Earth Science as much as I enjoy teaching it. We live in an ever-changing world and I will try to show the real life applications and importance of understanding this world!

This year is going to ROCK!

Course Outline
Quarter / Topics / SOL’s
1st Nine Weeks / Introduction to Science
Plate Tectonics
Minerals / ES.1a-f (ongoing) tested Q3
2nd Nine Weeks / Igneous Rocks
Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
Weathering and Erosion
Deposition and Soils
Mass Movements
Surface Water
Rock Record and Geologic History
Physiographic Provinces of Virginia / ES.5a-c
3rd Nine Weeks / The Atmosphere
Storm Systems
Astronomy / ES.11a-d
4th Nine Weeks / Natural Resources
SOL Review
Exam Review / Es.6a-d

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Ms. Wood’sClassroom Policies/Syllabus- 2015-2016Earth Science

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Student’s Name Printed: ______Parent/Guardian’s Name Printed: ______

Student’s Signature: ______Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______

Student’s Email Address: ______Parent/Guardian’s Email Address: ______