Appendix A. Categorized literature on design-led innovation
Paper / Academic domain (Design, Management, Engineering) / Type of article (Book review, journal, conference paper, book, report) / Article citation / Basis of Claims / Perspective†Navigating the innovation matrix: An approach to design-led innovation / Design / Journal / Kyffin, S., & Gardien, P. (2009). Navigating the innovation matrix: An approach to design-led innovation.International Journal of Design,3(1), 57-69. / How-To / Process
Thinking outside the square: Creating value and emotion in ceramic tiles through design led innovation / Design / Journal / Coulter, J., & McKeag, D. (2013). Thinking outside the square: Creating value and emotion in ceramic tiles through design led innovation.International Journal of Designed Objects,6(1), 31-41. / Case / Outcome
Design led innovation / Design / Conference / Leon, N., Childs, P., & Runcie, C. (2012). Design Led Innovation. In L. Buck, G. Frateur, William Ion, C. McMahon, C. Baelus, G. D. Grande & S. Verwulgen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (pp. 690-695). Glasgow: Institution of Engineering Designers, The Design Society. / Education / Process
Rapid design labs-A tool to turbocharge design-led innovation / Design / Journal / Nieters, J., & Pande, A. (2012). Rapid design labs-A tool to turbocharge design-led innovation.Interactions,19(3), 72-77. / How-To / Process
Teaching design led innovation: The future of industrial design / Design / Review / Wrigley, C., & Bucolo, S. (2011). Teaching design led innovation: The future of industrial design.Design Principles and Practices,5(2), 231-239. / Education / Process
Climar, SA: Entrepreneurship and "Design-driven Innovation". A Case Study in the Lighting Business / Management / Conference / Monteiro-Barata,J. (2011).Climar, SA: Entrepreneurship and "Design-driven Innovation". A Case Study in the Lighting Business. In H. Fulford (Ed.),Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2 (pp.654-663). Reading: Academic Publishing Limited. / Case / Outcome
From design driven innovation to meaning strategy / Management / Journal / Battistella, C., Biotto, G., & de Toni, A. F. (2012). From design driven innovation to meaning strategy.Management Decision,50(4), 718-743. / Case / Outcome
External technology sourcing: evidence from design-driven innovation / Management / Journal / Cantarello, S., Nosella, A., Petroni, G., & Venturini, K. (2011). External technology sourcing: Evidence from design-driven innovation.Management Decision,49(6), 962-983. / Case / Outcome
Mastering Technologies in Design-Driven Innovation / Management / Journal / Dell'Era, C., Marchesi, A., & Verganti, R. (2010). Mastering technologies in design-driven innovation.Research Technology Management,53(2), 12-23. / Case / Outcome
Design-driven laboratories: organization and strategy of laboratories specialized in the development of radical design-driven innovations / Management / Journal / Dell'Era, C., & Verganti, R. (2009). Design-driven laboratories: Organization and strategy of laboratories specialized in the development of radical design-driven innovations.R and D Management,39(1), 1-20. / Case / Outcome
Design Driven Innovation for Textile Industry / Design, Management / Journal / Lottersberger, A. (2011).Design driven innovation for textile industry. Advanced Materials Research, 331, 730-734. / Conceptual / Outcome
Design driven innovation: Uncovering design success lessons / Design, Management / Journal / Design driven innovation: Uncovering design success lessons. (2008).Strategic Direction,24(5), 33-35. / Conceptual / Outcome
A design-driven approach for the innovation management within networked enterprises / Management / Journal / Bellini, E., Dell'Era, C., & Verganti, R. (2012). A Design-Driven Approach for the Innovation Management within Networked Enterprises. In G. Anastasi, E. Bellini, E. Nitto, C. Ghezzi, L. Tanca & E. Zimeo (Eds.), Methodologies and Technologies for Networked Enterprises (Vol. 7200, pp. 31-57) Berlin: Springer-Verlag. / Conceptual / Outcome
Design-driven regional innovation / Design / Book / Cooke, P., & Eriksson, E. (2011). Design-driven regional innovation. In P. Cooke, B. T. Asheim, R. Boschma, R. Martin, D. Schwartz & F. Tödtling (Eds.), Handbook of Regional Innovation and Growth (pp. 587-596). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. / Conceptual, Case / Outcome
Research on product innovation design driven by current reality tree, contradiction resolution diagram using TOC model / Engineering / Journal / Liu, X., & Tan, R. (2008). Research on product innovation design driven by current reality tree, contradiction resolution diagram using TOC model.Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering,19(12), 1442-1445. / How-to / Process
Design driven innovation and cross-pollination / Design / Conference / Marcelino, J. R., & Castro, A. (2013). Design driven innovation and cross-pollination.SAE Technical Paper 2013-01-2308. / Case / Process
Luxification and design-driven innovation in superyacht design / Design / Conference / McCartan, S., Moody, L., & McDonagh, D. (2011). Luxification and design-driven innovation in superyacht design. Paper presented at theRINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference on Design, Construction and Operation of Super and Mega Yachts,125-133. / Conceptual / Outcome
Design-driven innovation: A high speed coastal cruiser for the Chinese luxury market / Design / Conference / McCartan, S., Roy, J., & Starkel, R. (2011). Design-driven innovation: A high speed coastal cruiser for the Chinese luxury market. Paper presented at theRINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects - International Conference in Marine Design, 11-18. / Case / Process
Design-driven innovation for sustainability: A new method for developing a sustainable value proposition / Design / Journal / Müller, M. (2012). Design-driven innovation for sustainability: A new method for developing a sustainable value proposition.International Journal of Innovation Science,4(1), 11-23. / How-to / Outcome
Towards design-driven innovation: Designing for points of view using intuition through skills / Design / Conference / Trotto, A., Hummels, C.C.M. & Cruz Restrepo, M. (2011). Towards design-driven innovation: designing for points of view, using intuition through skills. In C. Cautela, A. Deserti, F. Rizzo & F. Zurlo (Eds.), Proceedings of the Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces Conference 2011 (DPPI 2011) (pp. 3-9). Milan: Politecnico di Milano. / Education / Outcome
The Innovation Pyramid: A Categorization of the Innovation Phenomenon in the Product-design Field / Design / Journal / Rampino, L. (2011). The innovation pyramid: A categorization of the innovation phenomenon in the product-design field.International Journal of Design,5(1), 3-16. / How-to / Outcome
The Impact of Human-Centred Design Workshops in Strategic Design Projects / Management / Conference / Liem, A., & Sanders, E. N. (2011). The Impact of Human-Centred Design Workshops in Strategic Design Projects. In M. Kurosu (Ed.), Human Centered Design (Vol. 6776, pp. 110-119). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. / Education / Outcome
Design service sectors-Meanings, Development Mechanism and Future Research Directions / Design / Conference / Chen, G.-d. (2011). Design service sectors - meanings, development mechanism and future research directions. Paper presented at the2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control, ICECC 2011 - Proceedings,3146-3148. / Conceptual / Outcome
Maximizing the Value of Industrial Design in New Product Development / Management / Journal / Goffin, K., & Micheli, P. (2010). Maximizing the value of industrial design in new product development.Research Technology Management,53(5), 29-37. / Case, How-to / Outcome
Theoretical Aspects of Innovative Design and Implementation Possibilities for Business Development in Latvia / Management / Journal / Berzina,I. & Auzina, A.(2010).Theoretical Aspects of Innovative Design and Implementation Possibilities for Business Development in Latvia.Economic Science for Rural Development Conference Proceedings, 23, 86-95. / Case / Process
What about Design Newness? Investigating the Relevance of a Neglected Dimension of Product Innovativeness / Management / Journal / Talke, K., Salomo, S., Wieringa, J. E., & Lutz, A. (2009). What about design newness? Investigating the relevance of a neglected dimension of product innovativeness.Journal of Product Innovation Management,26(6), 601-615. / Empirical / Outcome
Design, meanings, and radical innovation: A metamodel and a research agenda / Management / Journal / Verganti, R. (2008). Design, meanings, and radical innovation: A metamodel and a research agenda.Journal of Product Innovation Management,25(5), 436-456. / Conceptual, Case / Outcome
Innovating through design / Design / Review / Verganti, R. (2006). Innovating through design.Harvard Business Review,84(12), 114-122+164. / Conceptual, How-To / Outcome
Lights and Shadows of the Relationship Between Industrial Design and Innovation / Design / Journal / Rodríguez, F. M., & Pérez, M. V. (2012). Lights and shadows of the relationship between industrial design and innovation. [Luces y sombras del vínculo entre el diseño y la innovación industrial]Innovar,22(46), 149-164. / Empirical / Outcome
Design driven portfolio management / Engineering / Conference / Petersen, S. I., Steinert, M., & Beckman, S. (2011). Design driven portfolio management. Paper presented at theICED 11 - 18th International Conference on Engineering Design - Impacting Society through Engineering Design,3,21-30. / How-to / Process
Process model of new ideas generation for product conceptual design driven by CAI / Design / Journal / Zhang, J., Tan, R., Zhang, P., & Cao, G. (2013). Process model of new ideas generation for product conceptual design driven by CAI.Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong/Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS,19(2), 284-292. / How-to / Process
Masterclass: How innovation in "product language" can overturn markets - the power of emotion-focused design / Management / Journal / Leavy, B. (2010). Masterclass: How innovation in “product language” can overturn markets - the power of emotion-focused design.Strategy and Leadership,38(2), 30-36. / Case / Outcome
Towards a conceptual framework for experience-driven innovation / Design / Conference / Schifferstein, H. N. J., Kleinsmann, M. S., & Jepma, E. J. (2012). In J. Brassett, P. Hekkert, G. Ludden, M. Malpass & J. McDonnell (Eds.), Towards a conceptual framework for experience-driven innovation. Out of Control: Proceedings of 8th International Design and Emotion Conference. London: Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design. / Conceptual / Process
Engaged scholarship for designing product service system innovation opportunities in an industrial design course / Design / Conference / Lu, Y., & Baha, E. (2013). Engaged scholarship for designing product service system innovation opportunities in an industrial design course. Paper presented at Process
theProceedings - 2013 5th International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, ICSSI 2013,54-58. / Education / Outcome
Designing the designer: The responsibilities of education in the national/regional systems of design / Design / Conference / Mollenhauer, K., & Korvenmaa, P. (2007). Designing the designer: The responsibilities of education in the national/regional systems of design. Paper presented at theDS 43: Proceedings of E and PDE 2007, The 9th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education,613-618. / Education / Process
Designing a design research, enterprise and innovation agenda: The role of the design direction initiative in stimulating a community of inquiry, learning & practice / Design / Review / Rusk, M. (2011). Designing a design research, enterprise and innovation agenda: The role of the design direction initiative in stimulating a community of inquiry, learning & practice.Design Principles and Practices,5(5), 177-187. / Case / Process
Designing disruption: Linking participatory design and design thinking in technology orientated industries / Design / Conference / Behrendorff, C., Bucolo, S., & Miller, E. (2011). Designing disruption: Linking participatory design and design thinking in technology orientated industries. C. Cautela, A. Deserti, F. Rizzo & F. Zurlo (Eds.), Proceedings of the Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces Conference 2011 (DPPI 2011) (pp. 1-8). Milan: Politecnico di Milano. / Case / Outcome
Linguistic network configurations: Management of innovation in design-intensive firms / Management / Journal / Dell'Era, C., Marchesi, A., & Verganti, R. (2008). Linguistic network configurations: Management of innovation in design-intensive firms.International Journal of Innovation Management,12(1), 1-19. / Case / Outcome
Managing design and designers for strategic renewal / Management / Journal / Ravasi, D., & Lojacono, G. (2005). Managing design and designers for strategic renewal.Long Range Planning,38(1), 51-77. / How-to / Outcome
Search Styles in Style Searching: Exploring Innovation Strategies in Fashion Firms / Management / Journal / Cillo, P., & Verona, G. (2008). Search styles in style searching: Exploring innovation strategies in fashion firms.Long Range Planning,41(6), 650-671. / Case / Process
Ambidexterity and dynamic capabilities in design management: An anatomy / Management / Journal / Cautela, C., & Zurlo, F. (2012). Ambidexterity and dynamic capabilities in design management: An anatomy.International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management,15(4), 310-335. / Case / Outcome
Can all brands innovate in the same way? A typology of brand position and innovation effort / Design / Journal / Beverland, M. B., Napoli, J., & Farrelly, F. (2010). Can all brands innovate in the same way? A typology of brand position and innovation effort.Journal of Product Innovation Management,27(1), 33-48. / Case / Outcome
Infant safety in ambulances: Learning from collaborative innovation / Design, Engineering / Conference / Shin, D. (2008). Infant safety in ambulances: Learning from collaborative innovation. Paper presented at the10th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. / Education / Process
A multidisciplinary design education approach for supporting engineering product innovation / Engineering / Conference / Seidel, R., Haemmerle, L., & Chambers, C. (2007). A multidisciplinary design education approach for supporting engineering product innovation. Paper presented at theASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. / Education / Process
Design in the experience economy: Using emotional design for service innovation / Design / Book Chapter / Beltagui, A., Candi, M., & Riedel, J. C. K. H. (2012).Design in the experience economy: Using emotional design for service innovation. In K. Scott Swan, Shaoming Zou (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Approaches to Product Design, Innovation, & Branding in International Marketing (Advances in International Marketing) (Vol. 23, pp. 111-135). London: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. / Conceptual, How-to / Process
Relational strategies to connect technology and design: Technology brokering and mediating / Management / Journal / Dell'Era, C., & Verganti, R. (2013). Relational strategies to connect technology and design: Technology brokering and mediating.International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning,9(1), 10-25. / Case / Outcome
The creation of successful business models through the extended application of design in business in Latvia and Estonia / Management / Journal / Volkova, T., & Jakobsone, I. (2013). The creation of successful business models through the extended application of design in business in Latvia and Estonia.Baltic Journal of Management,8(4), 486-506. / Empirical / Outcome
Visioning sustainability through design / Design / Journal / Dewberry, E., & Sherwin, C. (2002). Visioning sustainability through design.Greener Management International,37, 125-138. / Case / Outcome
Evolve, adapt, T! / Design / Journal / Innes, J. (2010). Evolve, adapt, T!Interactions,17(4), 58-61. / Conceptual / Process
MEMS Epiphany / Design / Conference / Vigna, B. (2009). MEMS epiphany. Paper presented at theIEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS),1-6. / Case / Outcome
Competitiveness by Design: An Institutionalist Perspective on the Resurgence of a "Mature" Industry in a High-Wage Economy / Design, Management / Journal / Hatch, C. J. (2013). Competitiveness by design: An institutionalist perspective on the resurgence of a "mature" industry in a high-wage economy.Economic Geography,89(3), 261-284. / Case / Outcome
Design with society: Why socially responsive design is good enough / Design / Journal / Thorpe, A., & Gamman, L. (2011). Design with society: Why socially responsive design is good enough.CoDesign,7(3-4), 217-230. / How-to / Outcome
Storytelling stimulates science / Design, Engineering / Conference / Smith, N., Bailey, M., Singleton, S., & Sams, P. (2010). Storytelling stimulates science. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education - When Design Education and Design Research Meet,137-142. / Education / Process
Structure and transformation of the Italian car styling supply chain / Design / Journal / Calabrese, G. (2011). Structure and transformation of the Italian car styling supply chain.International Journal of Vehicle Design,57(2-3), 212-229. / Case / Outcome
Embedding Creative Processes in the Development of Soft Body Armour: Physiological, Aesthetic, Functionality and Strategic Challenges / Design / Journal / Coulter, J. (2013). Embedding Creative Processes in the Development of Soft Body Armour: Physiological, Aesthetic, Functionality and Strategic Challenges. In R. J. Howlett, B. Gabrys, K. Musial-Gabrys & J. Roach (Eds.), Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 2012 (Vol. 18, pp. 79-89). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. / Case, How-to / Outcome
Design isn't a shape and it hasn't got a centre: Thinking BIG about post-centric interaction design / Design / Conference / Cockton, G. (2013). Design isn’t a shape and it hasn’t got a centre: thinking BIG about post-centric interaction design. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia, Interaction, Design and Innovation, Warsaw, Poland. / How-to / Process
Framing the role of design in transformation of consumption practices: Beyond the designer-product-user triad / Management / Journal / Pettersen, I. N., Boks, C., & Tukker, A. (2013). Framing the role of design in transformation of consumption practices: Beyond the designer-product-user triad.International Journal of Technology Management,63(1-2), 70-103. / Conceptual / Outcome
Situating design in the Canadian household furniture industry / Design / Journal / Leslie, D., & Reimer, S. (2006). Situating design in the Canadian household furniture industry.Canadian Geographer,50(3), 319-341. / Case / Outcome
IBM, Procter & Gamble and Deloitte Touche are putting design at the heart of things: How looks can kill (the competition) / Management / Review / IBM, Procter & Gamble and Deloitte Touche are putting design at the heart of things: How looks can kill (the competition). (2007).Strategic Direction,23(1), 5-8. / Conceptual / Outcome
Design is the key to Scottish textile success / Management / Journal / Design is the key to Scottish textile success. (2005).Wool Record,164(3729), 34. / Empirical / Outcome
How can product semantics be embedded in product technologies? The case of the Italian wine industry / Management / Journal / Dell'Era, C., & Bellini, E. (2009). How can product semantics be embedded in product technologies? The case of the Italian wine industry. International Journal of Innovation Management,13(3), 411-439. / Case / Outcome
The renaissance of a brand / Design / Journal / Anderson, C. (2005). The renaissance of a brand.Knitting International,112(1323), 24-26. / Case / Outcome
Landing design thinking in industry: "Making software for bookkeeping, but not in a bookkeeping way" / Design / Conference / Pasman, G., & Wieringa, E. (2011). Landing design thinking in industry: “making software for bookkeeping, but not in a bookkeeping way”. C. Cautela, A. Deserti, F. Rizzo & F. Zurlo (Eds.), Proceedings of the Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces Conference 2011 (DPPI 2011) (pp. 1-4). Milan: Politecnico di Milano. / Case / Outcome
What does it mean to be design-led? / Management / Journal / Beverland, M. B., & Farrelly, F. J. (2007). What Does It Mean to be Design-led? Design Management Review, 18(4), 10-17. doi:10.1111/j.1948-7169.2007.tb00089.x / Conceptual / Dominant Logic*
† Outcome refers to the perspective of design-led innovation as being about the desired qualities of the end product driving the innovation-oriented behavior of the organization. Process means that the author(s) define design-led innovation as a set of tools, methods, and activities of design that drive innovation outcomes. The dominant logic perspective asserts that the discipline of design leads the mental model of the business including strategic allocation of resources to business units such as technical R&D and manufacturing.
* This paper is not part of the dataset of articles retrieved from Scopus and Web of Science. It is included for completeness.