UNIT TITLE / Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding basic level
1 / Supersedes and equivalent to CPCCLSF2001A Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding basic level.Updated to align with the Standards for Training Packages.
APPLICATION / The unit specifies the outcomes required to perform basic scaffolding work safely.
Scaffolding work means erecting, altering or dismantling a temporary structure erected to support a platform and from which a person or object could fall more than four metres.
This unit applies to the activities of a person performing basic scaffolding work involving following:
  • modular or pre-fabricated scaffolds
  • cantilevered materials hoists
  • ropes
  • gin wheels
  • safety nets and static lines
  • bracket scaffolds (tank and formwork).
This unit requires a person performing basic scaffolding work to plan the task, select and inspect equipment, safely set up basic scaffolding task, safely erect and alter basic scaffold using scaffold equipment, and safely dismantle basic scaffold and scaffold equipment.
Scaffolding work is undertaken in a range of industries where temporary structures are erected, altered and dismantled.
A person performing this work must hold a Basic Scaffolding High Risk Work Licence.
This unit is based on the licensing requirements of the Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations Part 4.5 High Risk Work and meets Commonwealth, state and territory high risk work licensing requirements.
PREREQUISITE UNIT / CPCCCM1006A Work safely at heights
UNIT SECTOR / Not applicable
Elementsdescribe actionsoroutcomesthat aredemonstrableand assessable. / PERFORMANCE CRITERIA
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.
Where bold italicised text is used, further information is provided in the Range of Conditions
1. / Plan basic scaffolding task. / 1.1. / Basic scaffolding task to be undertaken is reviewed and workplace-specific information relating to the task is obtained.
1.2. / Hazards associated with the workplace and with the basic scaffolding task are identified.
1.3. / Risk control measuresand equipment are identified in accordance with workplace requirementsand the hierarchy of control.
1.4. / Forces andexerted on and by the scaffold and scaffolding equipment are estimated and loadsare calculated.
1.5 / Basicscaffold and associated equipment are identified from workplace-specific information and in consultation with associated personnel.
1.6. / Communication methods are established with associated personnel.
2. / Select and inspect basic scaffolding equipment. / 2.1. / Safety equipment is selected and inspected, and personal protection equipment (PPE) is selected and fitted in accordance with workplace requirements.
2.2. / Basic scaffold and associated equipment are inspected for defects and defective items arelabelledand reported.
2.3. / Communication equipment is selected and checked for serviceability.
2.4 / Defective equipment is isolated, reported and recorded in accordance with workplace requirements.
3. / Set up basic scaffolding task. / 3.1. / Workplace-specific information is communicated to associated personnel.
3.2. / Identifiedrisk control measures and equipment are implementedin accordance with workplace requirements.
3.3. / Ground and foundation suitability is inspected in consultation with associated personnel.
3.4. / Footings are prepared to support scaffold and scaffold equipment in accordance with workplace requirements.
3.5. / Basic scaffold and scaffold equipment are prepared for erection in accordance with workplace requirements.
3.6. / Basic scaffold and scaffold equipment are positioned for work application and stability in accordance with workplace requirements.
4. / Erect and alter basic scaffold and scaffold equipment. / 4.1. / Basic scaffold erection and altering tasks areconducted safely.
4.2. / Basic scaffold and scaffold equipment are erected and altered in accordance with workplace requirements.
4.3. / Communication methods are used to coordinate basic scaffolding task.
4.4. / Completed basic scaffolding task is inspected for compliance with task requirements, including completing and displaying compliance documents.
4.5. / Handover certificate is completed and forwarded to appropriate person.
4.6. / Excess materials are removed from the work area in accordance with workplace and environmental requirements.
5. / Dismantle basic scaffold and scaffold equipment. / 5.1. / Basic scaffold dismantling work is conducted safely in accordance with workplace requirements.
5.2. / Basic scaffold and scaffold equipment, and safety equipment, areinspected for defects and defective items are isolated and reported in accordance with workplace requirements.
5.3 / Basic scaffold and scaffold equipment and safety equipment are stored in accordance with workplace requirements.
5.4. / Risk control measures and equipment are removed.
The language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to performance that are not explicit in the unit are listed below.
Skill / Performance feature
Numeracy skills to: /
  • interpret and use numerical information including:
  • determining and estimating forces
  • determining and calculating loads
  • working load limit (WLL)

Reading skills to: /
  • interpret documents that include technical specificity including:
  • equipment manuals and manufacturers’ specifications
  • workplace procedures, including emergency plans
  • safe work method statements (SWMS)
  • permits and certifications
  • task plans and schedules and structural plans
  • interpret workplace signs and labels.

Writing skills to: /
  • accurately record information relating to basic scaffolding tasks, includingequipment checklists and incident reports.

Communication skills to: /
  • use and interpret vocabulary specific to basic scaffolding and workplace requirementsat a level sufficient to communicate with other workplace personnel
  • communicate effectively with workplace personnel, including using:
  • verbal language
  • questioning to confirm understanding.
  • written instructions
  • listening
  • handsignals

Self-management skills to: /
  • implement risk control measures
  • follow emergency plans.

  • Specifies different work environments and conditions that may affect performance. Essential operating conditions that may be present (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and local industry contexts) are included.

Workplace-specific information relates to the characteristics of a particular workplace and must include: /
  • local conditions including access and egress
  • safe work method statements (SWMS)
  • permits and certifications
  • task plans and schedules and structural plans

Loadsmust include: /
  • dead loads
  • live loads
  • static load
  • dynamic loads

Hazardsmust include: /
  • ground conditions
  • overhead hazards
  • traffic
  • insufficient lighting
  • environmental conditions,

Risk control measures and equipmentmust include: /
  • establishment of safe and adequate access and egress
  • personal protective equipment
  • adequate illumination
  • traffic barricades and control
  • pedestrian barricades
  • personal protective equipment
  • adequate illumination

Associated personnelmust include at least one of the following: /
  • other scaffolders
  • supervisors
  • colleagues

Safety equipmentmust include: /
  • safety harness
  • energy absorber
  • lanyard
  • inertia reel

Personal protective equipment (PPE) must include: /
  • hard hat
  • safety boots
  • gloves
  • high-visibility clothing
  • breathing, hearing, sight, skin and sun protection

Equipmentmust include: /
  • planks
  • flexible steel wire rope and fittings
  • ladders
  • tie tubes and fittings
  • fibre rope
  • stairways and screening
  • box spanners
  • hammers
  • spirit levels
  • tape measures
  • scaffold belts
  • podgers
  • hammers
  • wire nips
  • wrenches
  • torpedo levels
  • shovels
  • spanners
  • cutters
  • hammer drills
  • materials hoists
  • gin wheels
  • safety nets
  • static lines and fittings

Workplace requirements relates to information types that relate to all industry workplaces, incorporate legislative requirements, and must include at least one of the following: /
  • equipment and maintenance checklists
  • record system where service and maintenance history is kept
  • incident reports
  • workplace procedures, including emergency plans
  • equipment manuals and manufacturers’ specifications

Ground and foundation suitabilitymust include: /
  • rough and uneven ground
  • backfilled ground
  • soft soils
  • hard compacted soil
  • rock
  • bitumen
  • concrete

Stabilityequipment and processes must include: /
  • sole plates and boards
  • screw jacks
  • levelling
  • ties
  • bracing and propping

UNIT MAPPING INFORMATION / CPCCLSF2001A Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding basic level
LINKS / Hyperlink to Companion Volume Implementation Guide

Assessment Requirements

UNIT TITLE / Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding basic level
PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE / A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must satisfying all the requirements of the unit of competency elements and associated performance criteria, foundation skills and range of conditions and provide evidence of:
  • safely erecting, altering and dismantling the followingin accordance with workplace requirements:
  • a modular scaffold with return and ladder access and platform brackets (hop-up brackets);
  • a bracket scaffold;
  • a mobile scaffold;
  • a gin wheel;
  • a cantilever hoist;
  • a safety net and static line; and
  • a safety screen.

KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE / Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all the requirements of the elements and performance criteria and include knowledge and understanding of:
  • Commonwealth, state or territory WHS/OHS legislation and local government regulations including standards and codes of practice relevant to the full range of techniques for undertaking basic scaffolding tasks
  • requirements for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control applicable to basicscaffolding
  • hazards and risk control measures commonly encountered in basic scaffolding
  • the systematic process of eliminating and reducing risk to health and safety through the application of the hierarchy of control to basic scaffolding
  • minimum clearance distance for basic scaffolding work from powerlines and electrical equipment as determined by the relevant state authority or electrical supply authority
  • selection and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) applicable to basic scaffolding
  • safety equipment applicable to basic scaffolding
  • types and functions of basic scaffold, associated equipment and scaffold equipment including selection, inspection, care, handling, application, storage and limitations
  • workplace policies, procedures and practices applicable to basic scaffolding including:
  • erecting, altering and dismantlingbasic scaffolds
  • erectingand stabilising basic cantilever hoists and scaffolds
  • manufacturers’ specifications for basic scaffolding
  • working safely at heights
  • setting up fall arrest systems, including safety nets
  • interpreting basic structural charts and structural plans
  • determining correct application of basic scaffolding equipment
  • making temporary connection of guy ropes and static lines using flexible steel wire rope (FSWR)
  • verifying defects and demonstrating appropriate responses.
  • the application, limitation, operation and safety requirements of:
  • modular and pre-fabricated scaffolds
  • cantilevered materials hoists with a maximum working load of 500 kilograms
  • ropes
  • gin wheels
  • safety nets and static lines
  • bracket scaffolds (tank and formwork)
  • principles of plant and equipment stability applicable to basic scaffolding
  • basic scaffolding erection, alteration and dismantling techniques
  • mathematical procedures for estimating and measuring loads for basic scaffolds
  • load capabilities of different types of basic scaffolding constructions

ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS / Assessments must be conducted by an assessor accredited for the Basic Scaffolding High Risk Work Licence class in the Commonwealth/state/territory where the licence will be obtained (i.e. an assessor authorised by a Commonwealth/state/territory WHS/OHS regulator).
Assessors must satisfy applicable regulatory requirements which must include requirements in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations current at the time of assessment.
Assessment processes and techniques must be appropriate to the language, literacy and numeracy requirements of the work being performed.
Assessment of performance must be undertaken in the workplace or under realistic workplace conditions which reflect:
  • the use of full-scale, industry-standard equipment
  • performing tasks within timelines expected in a workplace
  • standard and authorised work practices, safety requirements and environmental constraints.
Assessment of this unit of competency must include the use of the National Assessment Instruments (NAI) issued by Safe Work Australia. These instruments include the requirement for assessments to be conducted in the English language.
Simulators must not be used in the assessment of this unit of competency.
Assessment must include access to:
  • basic scaffolding and associated scaffolding equipment to meet the basic scaffolding systems specified in the Performance Evidence
  • safety equipment in safe condition
  • personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • communication equipment including fixed-channel two-way radios
  • associated personnel to assist with the erecting and dismantling basic scaffold and scaffold equipment
  • workplace information applicable toerecting, altering and dismantling basic scaffolding including:
  • equipment and maintenance checklists
  • record system where service and maintenance history is kept
  • incident reports
  • workplace procedures, including emergency plan
  • equipment manuals and manufacturers’ specifications
  • risk control measures and equipment.

LINKS / Hyperlink to Companion Volume Implementation Guide