Table S1.- Main demographic and clinical variables of the patients with community acquired pneumonia stratified by IL6 SNPs and haplotypes.

-174G/C / 1753C/G / 2954G/C / Haplotypesa
N=130 / GC
N=516 / GG
N=581 / CC
N=329 / GC
N=312 / GG
N=109 / CC
N=3 / GC
N=50 / GG
N=792 / CCG
N=408 / GCC
N=40 / GCG
N=462 / GGG
Ageb / 62.7
(17.5) / 63.8
(17.6) / 64.2
(19.7) / 61.1
(18.3) / 63.7
(17.5) / 62.1
(19.0) / 57
(16.9) / 62.3
(18.7) / 62.6
(18.4) / 63.4
(18.7) / 61.8
(18.1) / 63.2
(17.7) / 62.8
Male gender / 93
(71.5) / 349
(67.6) / 366
(63.0) / 229
(69.6) / 198
(63.5) / 68
(62.4) / 1
(33.3) / 35
(70.0) / 523
(66.0) / 119
(29.2) / 14
(35.0) / 162
(35.1) / 176
Smoking / 50
(38.5) / 187
(36.9) / 223
(38.8) / 135
(41.7) / 114
(36.9) / 45
(41.3) / 2
(66.7) / 18
(36.7) / 308
(39.3) / 162
(39.9) / 15
(38.5) / 172
(38.1) / 188
Alcohol / 10
(8.0) / 62
(12.7) / 64
(11.6) / 47
(15.1) / 32
(10.9) / 10
(9.6) / 0
(0) / 8
(16.3) / 84
(11.2) / 43
(11.1) / 6
(15.4) / 64
(14.7) / 47
COPD / 34
(26.2) / 150
(29.1) / 171
(29.4) / 94
(28.6) / 102
(32.7) / 32
(29.4) / 0
(0) / 17
(34.0) / 245
(30.9) / 128
(31.4) / 10
(25.0) / 137
(29.7) / 157
Asthma / 3(2.3) / 28
(5.4) / 30
(5.2) / 17
(5.2) / 15
(4.8) / 3
(2.8) / 0
(0) / 2
(4.0) / 37
(4.7) / 17
(4.2) / 1
(2.5) / 26
(5.6) / 21
Neoplasy / 20
(15.4) / 58
(11.2) / 50
(8.6) / 37
(11.2) / 38
(12.2) / 9
(8.3) / 0
(0) / 8
(16.0) / 95
(12.0) / 52
(12.7) / 5
(12.5) / 53
(11.5) / 50
Ischemic cardiopathy / 10
(7.7) / 61
(11.8) / 58
(10.0) / 33
(10.0) / 33
(10.6) / 15
(13.8) / 0
(0) / 4
(8.0) / 84
(10.6) / 45
(11.0) / 4
(10.0 ) / 44
(9.5) / 56
Diabetes / 34
(26.2) / 118
(22.9) / 130
(22.4) / 64
(19.5) / 72
(23.1) / 20
(18.3) / 0
(0) / 9
(18.0) / 172
(21.7) / 90
(22.1) / 7
(17.5) / 93
(20.1) / 100
Renal insufficiency / 13
(10.0) / 33
(6.4) / 45
(7.7) / 24
(7.3) / 20
(6.4) / 7
(6.4) / 0
(0) / 6
(12.0) / 49
(6.2) / 27
(6.6) / 4
(10.0) / 33
(7.1) / 33
Hepatic insufficiency / 6
(4.6) / 34
(6.6) / 34
(5.9) / 18
(5.5) / 18
(5.8) / 7
(6.4) / 0
(0) / 5
(10.0) / 41
(5.2) / 20
(4.9) / 3
(7.5) / 20
(4.3) / 29
Neurological pathology / 16
(12.3) / 66
(12.8) / 83
(14.3) / 39
(11.9) / 34
(10.9) / 14
(12.8) / 0
(0) / 12
(24.0) / 90
(11.4) / 34
(8.3) / 8
(20.0) / 59
(12.8) / 56
Not known comorbid conditions / 50
(38.5) / 170
(32.9) / 192
(33.0) / 114
(34.7) / 94
(30.1) / 39
(35.8) / 2
(66.7) / 14
(28.0) / 270
(34.1) / 142
(34.8) / 14
(35.0) / 150
(32.5) / 168

Data are number of patients and percentage.

N: number of patients with available data.

SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism.

COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

a Haplotypes resulting from the combination of the IL6 -174 G/C, 1753 C/G and 2954 G/C.

bFor age the value is media ± standard deviation.

Table S2.- Disease severity and outcome of the patients with community acquired pneumonia stratified by IL6 SNPs and haplotypes.

-174G/C / 1753C/G / 2954G/C / Haplotypesa
N=130 / GC
N=516 / GG
N=581 / CC
N=329 / GC
N=312 / GG
N=109 / CC
N=3 / GC
N=50 / GG
N=792 / CCG
N=408 / GCC
N=40 / GCG
N=462 / GGG
Sepsis / 88
(67.7 ) / 366
(70.9 ) / 426
(73.3 ) / 236
(71.7) / 220
(70.5) / 78
(71.6) / 1
(33.3) / 36
(72.0) / 579
(73.1) / 289
(70,8) / 26
(65,0) / 343
(74,2) / 354
Severe Sepsis / 19
(14.6) / 77
(14.9) / 78
(13.4) / 51
(15.5) / 43
(13.8) / 14
(12.8) / 0
(0) / 12
(24.0) / 101
(12.8) / 62
(15,2) / 11
(27,5) / 63
(13,6) / 64
Septic Shock / 23
(17.7) / 73
(14.1) / 77
(13.3) / 42
(12.8) / 49
(15.7) / 17
(15.6) / 2
(66.7) / 2
(4.0) / 112
(14.1) / 57
(14,0) / 3
(7,5) / 56
(12,1) / 72
ARDS / 6
(4.6) / 27
(5.2) / 13
(2.2)b / 12
(3.6) / 16
(5.1) / 2
(1.8) / 0
(0) / 1
(2.0) / 31
(3.9) / 19
(4,7) / 0
(0) / 12
(2,6) / 17
MODS / 17
(13.1) / 63
(12.2) / 66
(11.4) / 42
(12.8) / 35
(11.2) / 15
(13.8) / 2
(66.7) / 7
(14.0) / 88
(11.1) / 48
(11,8) / 4
(10,0) / 55
(11,9) / 70
ICU Admission / 37
(28.5) / 121
(23.4) / 133
(22.9) / 85
(25.8) / 78
(25.0) / 27
(24.8) / 2
(66.7) / 7
(14.0) / 191
(24.1) / 98
(24,0) / 7
(17,5) / 114
(24,7) / 115
Hospital Mortality / 10
(7.7) / 43
(8.3) / 31
(5.3)c / 19
(5.8) / 22
(7.1) / 7
(6.4) / 0
(0) / 1
(2.0) / 50
(6.3) / 30
(7,4) / 0
(0) / 26
(5,6) / 36
28 day mortality / 7
(5.4) / 29
(5.6) / 21
(3.6) / 14
(4.3) / 18
(5.8) / 4
(3.7) / 0
(0) / 1
(2.0) / 38
(4.8) / 24
(5,9) / 0
(0) / 20
(4,3) / 26

Data are number of patients and percentage.

SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism.

ARDS: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

MODS: Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome

ICU: Intensive Care Unit.

a Haplotypes resulting from the combination of the IL6 -174 G/C, 1753 C/G and 2954 G/C.

b-174 GG vs GC + CC (p = 0.008, OR= 0.42, 95% CI 0.21-0.84).

c -174 GG vs GC + CC (p=0.054, OR=0.63, 95% CI 0.38-1.02).