Transcript from 5th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held April 3, 2014
(v1 2016-03-05) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)
Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)
Video link:
Rick: Okay! The mike’s on … K… this is the …ahh … fifth KS workshop – let me see I have to change the screen, just hang in with me a second – a lil adjustment there… ahhh … this is the 5th KS workshop with the KS from the SSI , and MK, with… … …Orrr … Jay? … is that the best way to say it??
Jorge: Yes – this is Chor-chay–
Rick: Kor chay?
Jorge: Haha lol I have the same problem – my name is Chor-chay!
Everyone: hahahahaha lol
Rick; can you tell who is in Italy just now?
M: Well the table is not full, Yukako is in Japan, American intelligence is still not here!
Ludmil: Armen is sleeping yeah?
M: Yes – maybe he is at the door? But we don’t have camera so he is waiting there – Dr Yvan is in Belgium – he will be here next week Marek is here, John, Mr Keshe is here, Horhay here – so five of us here at the moment –
To summarize, last week was very busy with the experiment some testing at Fukushima – on live stream – so everybody could check results and we are very proud of Yukako – she did a good job --- Armen is here
Marek: we are doing the videos on youtube as well – good results, our material can be used to eliminate radioactivity in Fukushima! So we did some progress also with reactors, busy with pipes for distribution of gases and vacuum – a lot of reactors and we have to make connections for all of them, reliable piping without leaks – we have to work to seal correctly the pipes - So in fact we set up a new place for all reactors working
Marko: Yes we need to make a special place of testing w different configurations - so we don’t approach near during the test – V IMPORTANT re safety – we should not be near – should be about 3 or 4 meters away – because magrav fields can be harmful to health – so anyone who is doing test – a warning to be careful - Geert is in final stage of testing – and if he needs help he can contact us – but we should be careful
John: – further information re the setup of reactors – each reactor can have 4 gases inserted – 2 pumps, a ruffin pump and turbo molecular pump – also a dumping system should be there- 2 connections – most reactors will be dual core – the system for mirroring of the gas – so all together 11 valves on control board – to control gas going to rotating spheres – so things still to be put together – but we need some more time to continue the puzzle, and we should have something very symmetrical for each reactor – inner outer core – each of us will learn how to control the systems – any questions ?
10m Rick: – opening up the floor for questions – we’re not ready for results of Fukushima testing – lets open it up here …
Geert: no questions but to let you know Saturday our group will be together – safer with a group I think rather than alone to start the reactor
John: – so if you start a system you have to be very careful – we’ll have 2 radio sets a Geiger counter to check no radiation coming from the core – control at a good distance not to interfere with the reactor – careful
Vince: - don’t the Fukushima results point to absorption of radioactivity and not expulsion from the core?
John: well Fukushima results show different aspects – mainly reduction in radioactivity very significant but at certain points we see a reduction and on different levels with isotopes – if there was some uranium or plutonium we could not see them – we have an increase on cesium 137 or 134 from the 137 – but Cs 137 will decay to that – not sure absolutely – but could be decay from plutonium – cesium appears in the decay
Marek: On the experiment in Japan – we have made with food quality assurance company on 29th and 31st – we have been using gamma ray detector – there was contaminated soil from a rice field – the soil was soaked w water from local well, the well water was checked – it did not contain radiation – very low levels natural – soaked the sample – top layer without sediment taken away, then cleared once again because still some sediments at bottom – measured through wire filter - nano coated filter – it was wires made from another power source treated with oxide and hydroxide in GANS state – treated by wire filter and by Gans copper, and afterwards we put them together to make final mix – and more measurements over a period of lets say 6 hrs. The graphs on the charts show us indication of initial decontamination - and after reaching saturation point the radiation decrease stopped at some levels, then there was a relaxing period over 3+ hours – during this period some of the radioactive materials, for example Cesium - its amount was raised - then afterwards decreasing. There is certain capacity of the Gans material or the coated wires which – certain amount of Gans can decontaminate certain amount of radioactive material – transforms it into non-radioactive – but afterwards it is saturated – so you have to add more Gans, or treat the material with clean coated wire again-
After this experiment we moved to Fukushima city, and during March 30 we made experiments at a non profit org there w samples from roof gutter – and radioactive soil – quite high radiation levels – we have measured over 100,000 Becquerel per kg – quite high value even 3 years after the accident – safety standard is 1000 bpk in the US – so high levels – we tested the soil and then tried 3 procedures with the water.
We have used the soil without water first – added copper Gans to sample and measured it during a period of time – radioactivity decreased but it reached saturation point – so radioactivity not fully reduced – to do that you need more Gans material –
After that was testing of radioactive water – we split the water into 3 parts and tried 3 treatments – one nano coated copper, another part w copper Gans, and 3rd part treated with CO2 Gans – results showed us that all 3 procedures reduced radiation, but the wires were less effective than copper Gans material – when we put the Gans material into the water sample we first measured after – then we separated the top layer and measured separated water alone- residual of the Gans material was separate sample – we saw 2 results from this – treating with copper Gans reduced radiation to zero – eliminated! In the Gans residue there was still some radiation in copper Gans.
With the CO2 material the top water without residual CO2 the radiation was also zero, so again elimination – MK said ‘drinking water’ and it was so – but when we checked the CO2 Gans sediment – it showed zero radiation as well !!!! So CO2 Gans was the most effective – better than both copper Gans methods
Vince: –a question – if they were effective for both cesium 137 and 134 –
Marek: – in this sample they measured only 137, and the Gans material totally eliminated the radioactivity of the sample – we will explain the process later, but the results were very impressive!
Vince: - do you have a measure of how much of the material was used to get zero radioactivity?
33m Marek: – wait I will find it – water sample w total radiation elimination – it was – I think we added 21 grams of C… (lost contact)
38m resumed contact – (Rick introduces Armen but again lost contact)
40m resumed contact - John on new topic: – we have a new system that allows very high speed – instant – communications – this is the future of computing – and when we understand what has to be done we will influence the sphere – each KS picks a sphere representing the brain – now half filled with nano – (demonstrating John’s broken ceramic reactor that is coated internally with the bright blue nano coating)
We still need more of the blue coated Gans material – in any case this represents the brain – MRI shows different shapes and densities – brain in Gans state – allows control of the material body and connection with inner soul – so system will be the control system of the space ship for the different reactors – because the start formation has to be controlled in a very high speed way – this is the system that will allow control of the star formation
Vince: – are the layers different types of Gans or single type of layer ??
John: – I will show it on skype download from messages –
Rick: - it will take about 5m
John: - you will see a very nice sphere – ohhh - Armen corrects me – a very nice brain (joke) – it’s a brain construction – Vince could you repeat your question?
Vince: - is this a single Gans with different densities, or a layered Gans?
John: at the moment is one Gans – it deposits on the lower side – its not yet finished
Vince:- right, so the different densities are due to different pressures? –
John: – yes of magrav fields within the system – the different layers are different magnetic and gravitational levels – its all one type of Gans – all blue copper stuff we have been collecting – kind of like the bucket experience – different magrav fields creating the ribbons we saw – right?
0047: MK: Good morning – let me explain the whole structure – due to different layers produced in the sphere you get layering of the same material but due to Gans being independent magrav field you create different layers – the main field strength will sit at the bottom – when it is filled the control moves to the centre – then they get part of a bigger structure in one unity – for the time being the magrav field of the earth effects it – but at certain point when filled the plasma centre moves to the centre of the sphere, and the material radiating outwards –(breaking up and sounding like an ET) – each Gans material is a sphere on its own – the connection is not electronic but magnetic gravitational of same strength – so what happens – a person makes contact with the sphere – copper oxide, and we have copper oxide in our body – this becomes the specific fingerprint of man – also when you touch your sphere you make a connection – so this is how we can have different operators running the system – the reason we used this structure it is a copy of the brain – but in time different parts of the system will accept different jobs – if you cut a brain you see different densities – so this structure of the Gans channels second please…
Because of the weight of our body where the main brain sits – the emotional brain sits in a small part, and the main brain is physical and connected with the physical body – with this system the emotional part will move to the centre and the connection with matter to the outer part - I think you saw pictures in past and you saw channels to the centre , and a hollow magnetic field centre - the magnetic black hole in centre – now the black hole will move to centre of sphere – this is the first wireless computer control system – now in reality it’s a zero time communication system because the body creates magrav field in the same strength – so from now on what you think will be automatically transferred to the reactor with direction of motion – this 3D wireless computer or control system now is a reality – a part of its operation was shown in the Fukushima tests done by Yukako on Saturday – people did not understand it because they don’t understand the totality –
This is a watershed – this is a whole change in the paradigm of nuclear contamination – you have seen the graphs from Marek – very professional job – this is the first time the KF is putting out detailed scientific info thanks to the KSs – in one test we see initial reduction of Caesium137, then with more CO2 we see increased Caesium137 – you cannot produce 137 – that’s fusion – but you can get other material to change to 137 – we see increase in 137 – this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the presence of plutonium in the contamination from reactor Number 1 – this puts this beyond doubt –
Uranium 137, Plutonium 137 is acceptable as a nuclear engineer we understand – we now open a new chapter – why is there such a high level of plutonium in the water from the fire station at Fukushima city? –
This brings a lot of political stuff to the front – all nuclear nations are involved in production of plutonium – any nation that is nuclear is producing plutonium – we cannot crucify one nation now, because all the nuclear nations are producing plutonium
55m This data has been predicted for years – because of the pressures from IMEC we had to keep quiet – now its in public – big question – how can you produce CO2 that makes radioactive materials including plutonium neutralized? No cesium, no gamma radiation source at all! Cs 137 has 30 yr half life, 134 2-3 yrs – so how can in a matter of a few seconds highly radioactive material turn neutral – this goes back to properties of Gans materials – when you convert gas to Gans CO2 – you release energy – that is why the light is running in our experiments, and the material become electromagnetically balanced – at the same time the energy in the water is released in conjunction with H and O in water, plus N crossing the water has produced fat or protein – this protein has now gone for testing and we have seen the results – but what does this mean – is this magic? – no it is the property of the Gans
The energy in the container of the water transforms into gases or energy – so in these waters we have radioactive material which is in balance – now the Gans of cesium in balancing its energy has become non radioactive – so we can carry materials into space in balance and then transform into radioactive materials if we want – so we go back to one thing…