4-H Dairy Record
Keep this record up to date. That will make this form easier to complete.
Give this record (completed) to your club leader at the close of the project year to receive credit.
(Please print)
Name Age
Parent’s name Address
Name of clubCounty
Club year 20 to 20 Years in club work (including this year)
Date you started keeping this record Date closed
Is 4-H dairy stock grade or purebred?
Dairy Stock Registration Record
(Complete this section if your animals are purebred)
Name of Animal / Birth Date / Tattoo Eartag / Registration orEar Tag Numbers / REGISTRATION or EAR TAG NOS.
Sire / Dam
Feed Bought
Enter each lot of feed as is purchased or received.
Leave a line between each month’s entries so you can total the value of feed for that month.
“Kind” means corn, oats, barley, alfalfa hay, etc. “Amount” means the number of pounds (lbs), bushels (bu)
or hundredweights (cwt). “Price” means cost per bushel or hundredweight. “Value” means amount times price.
Date / Kind of Feed / Amount / Price / ValueMonth / Day
If more space is needed, make your own lined sheet and include it with this record.
Dairy Project Expenses
Expenses:Include all money spent on projects except feed. Include animals bought during year, insurance, interest, marketing charges, trucking, etc., and any cash outlay for labor.
Date / Items / ExpensesTotal of Receipts / $
Dairy Project Receipts
Receipts:Include all income received from sales and cash awards.
Estimate value of meat, milk and cream used at home.
Date / Items / ReceiptsTotal of Receipts / $
Dairy Project Business Summary
Complete this page before submitting your record book to your club leader at the close of the club year.
This is your financial statement for the year and is a simple type of business statement you should complete.
No. Ribbons Received
Where No. of Exhibits Blue Red White
In case of any livestock on hand at close of club year, estimate its value and record as “Inventory” under “Receipts.”
1. Inventory value of any unsold dairy animals on hand at close of this year’s work $
2. Value of any feed left on hand for which you have paid
3. Present cash value of any equipment (bunks, halters, etc.)
4. Receipts from dairy stock sold
5. Receipts from milk and cream sold (from income on dairy cow production record)
Total receipts and cash value of investment expenses $
1. Inventory value of dairy animals on hand at beginning of this year’s work $
2. Total value of all (from Feed Record)
3. Estimate of pasture charge, if any
4. All other expenses (from Dairy Project Expenses)$
Return to labor and management $
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County Commissions, NDSU and U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating.
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