Reading Lesson Plans

January 2, 2013- January

Wednesday – January 2, 2013

Reading – Study Island…..Themes, punctuation, spelling

Go over test on the “Christmas Carol,” and the reading “The Story of Scrooge.”

Go over indirect and direct objects. Practice simple diagramming of sentences.

Thursday- January 3, 2013

Lexia Reading

Alec Math

Friday – January 4, 2013

Reading –review themes of reading, author’s purpose, and main idea

Work on reading passages identifying these parts of a story.

English – Verb Tenses

Monday – January 7, 2012

Library – 8:00-8:20

Spelling –

Reading- Cause and Effect…Add chart to English notes and academic vocabulary for cause and effect. Vocabulary…denotation and connotations…page 824-825.

Introduce the story , “Icarus and Daedalus,” add vocabulary to notebook. Genre…Myths….go over Characteristics of Myths…and Greek Mythology.

English –

Tuesday – January 8, 2013

Library…..Gear Up

Reading – Review the characteristics of myths and what Greek Mythology is…go over vocabulary words…use the Vocab-o-Gram chart for terms and people…Students will read the story silently and pick one part they want to illustrate. The illustration will be due on Friday, Jan. 11, 2013.

English – Main Verb and Helping Verb

Wednesday – January 9, 2013

IMAC – Lexia reading

Reading –Review vocabulary words. Review what makes a myth. Read the story orally. Thinking about the selection questions….1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,10

English – Go over main and helping verbs

Thursday – January 10, 2013

IMAC …..Lexia reading and Alex Math

Friday – January 11, 2013

Reading – Summary of the story…go over questions….students will present their illustrations…quiz on the story…

English – Prefect Tenses: Present and Past

Monday- January 14, 2013

Library …….Gear UP?

Reading – Review characteristics of a myth. Write a short myth that explains a natural phenomenon…due Friday, January 18, 2013

Myth…”Demeter and Persephone” retold by Anne Terry White….go over vocabulary words… background seasonal changes…read the story silently answering reading check questions…

English – Irregular Verbs page 95, 96

Tuesday – January 15, 2013

Reading – Go over vocabulary words….review the background…read orally going over reading check questions…

English- More Irregular Verbs…page 97-100

Wednesday – January 16, 2013

IMAC – Lexia Reading and Study Island

Reading – finish “Demeter and Persephone,” Thinking about Selection questions…1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9….

Thursday – January 17, 2013

IMAC – Lexia Reading and Alex Math

Friday- January 18, 2013

Reading – go over Thinking About Selection questions…students give a summary of the story…turn in myths they wrote…quiz on “Demeter and Persephone.”

English – Review of verbs, nouns, subject and predicates

Monday – January 21, 2013

No School

Tuesday – January 22, 2013

Reading – Building Language Skills page 842, 843… using colons…Cause and Effect…Writing Workshop – Business Letter… Reading Informational Material…Textbooks page 844 – 847…Skim and Scan..

English- Go over quiz from Friday…

Wednesday – January 23, 2013

IMAC – Lexia Reading and Study Island

Reading – Review elements of a short story…go over notes in plot of story and the organizer…Introduce the story “Rikki–tikki-tavi”…..add vocabulary to notebook…meet the author Rudyard Kipling…background on mongooses…do connection to literature together on page 198…

Thursday – January 24, 2013

IMAC – Lexia reading …Alex Math

Friday – January 25, 2013

Reading – Review vocabulary and purpose for reading. Read silently “Rikki-tikki-tavi,” silently…answer reading check questions…

English – Pronouns…add notes to notebook…page 103 -104

Monday – January 27, 2013

Library – Gear Up ?

Reading –Finish Friday’s assignment

English- Pronouns and Antecedents page 105-106…Using Pronouns Correctly …page 107-108

Tuesday – January 28, 2013

Reading – Read orally and go over reading check questions.

English – Pronouns: Possessive and Indefinite page 109-110

Wednesday – January 29, 2013

IMAC – Lexia reading

Reading – finish reading “Rikki-tikki-tavi,” Thinking About Selection questions…2,3,4, 8, 9…

Thursday – January 30, 2013

IMAC – Lexia reading and Alex Math

Friday – January 31, 2013

Reading – go over Thinking about Selection questions…review vocabulary…quiz on story

English – Pronouns: Reflexive and Intensive